League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

I think FPX would have lost to any team that has a dominant laner mid and a dominant jungler. Caps and Jankos can't compete with the Chovy's, Rookie's, Tian's, Tarzan's, etc. IG has Rookie which can lane bully doinb but Ning's form last year made him bad vs Tian.

The only team left that has a dominant midlaner and jung duo was SKT. So that is why I think SKT would have won vs FPX. Griffin also maybe since they share the same mid jung prowess.

Faker wasn't dominant at Worlds, he was terrible in knockouts


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Not impressive going deathless in Finals vs a team that underperforms and with teammates that perma camp your lane. LWX has 4 supports around him and went deathless. Not that impressive when everything is revolved around him.

I promise you, put Teddy, Deft, Jackeylove, Uzi, Ruler, Perkz, Rekkles or any quality adc in his position and they would have done the exact same.

Perkz? Rekkles? What a joker you are!


I'll be doing that for next patch. Couldn't get it into the same patch in time, sorry about that!


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

Langx did well though. 2 /3 levels ahead of Gimgoon and flame horizoned him game 1. Game 2 he still played solid and was ahead in CS in laning phase. Only Xiaohu looked lost. He did however troll that fight at Drake by going 1v5 and forcing XLB to ult onto LWX.

Langx was terrible lol


Originally posted by Pathwerk

okay lets start over. what item should poppy build first against a high magic damage enemy who is ahead



Originally posted by BwsKingofADC

Who’s the cute girl on the right?

Gonna feel good and hope you meant me! Thank you! I’m one of the 3 observers, Effiez ☺️


This is super impressive. With all that arm movement, do your arms get tired mid game or are you just hella stronk now?

21 Mar


So we are done for the day! Not gonna lie, we knew we had a lot of support from all you, but is still nothing compared to this.. Really, thanks everyone for your kind words! Today was a much smoother day and I am really proud of the team, hopefully you were all able to enjoy and disconnect for a bit! Now is time for us to get some rest, and then back to work to see how we can continue improving and do even better next week. Thanks everyone, see you next week!!! <3


Holy crap this is awesome. I need to build one for My desk.


This was my first full game cast from home in over 7 years. Last time I did this on broadcast was in 2012! It's insane how different the entire process is not having hand signals, not having a crowd, (Not having stakes too) but also how rusty I am in with at home commentary. GOT A LOT TO PRACTISE. I also need to get a better audio setup for next weeks shows.

Thanks for sticking with us and HMU with any feedback <3


Originally posted by netsuad

You guys probably do already, but maybe communicate some of the issues that arose with the LCS production team so they can avoid similar hiccups.

We're in contact with one another, but each region has it's own challenges so both approaches to the remote shows are not (and cannot be) the same. We appreciate how supportive everyone has been in understanding the issues faced by the broadcast teams, so thank you again. Stay safe, and if you know any broadcast engineers, be extra nice to them around this time because they are working HARD to keep entertainment on the screens for us all to enjoy.


It is very very very very very very very very very good. I love the way it came together.


Hello everyone! Riot Crower here, Head of Live Production in EU.

So, we got the LEC Back! But clearly it was not in the best shape it has been.. We had multiple issues with the show yesterday as I am sure you all noticed, especially with regards to connectivity and audio, that ultimately forced us to deal with a lot of pauses and even broadcast one of our games without any casting audio

The team worked tirelessly to bring the show back this week, and overnight to tackle the issues that we saw yesterday. We have a lot of changes and improvements behind the scenes that will help us deal with as many curve balls as destiny wants to throw at us, and should ultimately give us a better online show today and going forward. Hopefully you will all notice that when tuning in today.

I thought it might be helpful if I explain a bit further exactly what problems we experienced, give you some context about our technical setup and the complexities of operating our show rem...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by GameBoy09

Vedius's Australian is ROUGH.

Crickey mate. We're not here to put shoes on a caterpillar. Bonza.


Originally posted by Monk_Breath

The sexual tension was too much to bear



Originally posted by Yuj808

i think this is super cool but isn't this at risk of a dmca or some sort of cease and desist notice

Hijacking to say please don't do this. We have very simple and easy to read policies around developing products around Riot Games. Please read the Legal Jibber Jabber (yes that's what it's called) and the policies on developer.riotgames.com.

-Riot Gene


Because Diana exists now...


Originally posted by onyxflye

Elise and Karthus are popular junglers rn

Ekko whenever he's not banned

20 Mar


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

His only downfall mid is your teammates probably wont play an AP top or jg. Nothing like playing into a team of full armor.

I get AP junglers on my team more often than AD junglers tbh.