Read moreHey Scruffy,
I was wondering if anyone at Riot was looking at a big bug on Maokai. I'm not sure of the exact way to trigger it, it's possibly related to using TP, but a lot of times when I return to lane from the base my passive will proc when I am full health. Usually it doesn't matter too much because it seems to mostly happen when no enemy champions are nearby, but I have had a few instances where it negatively affected a trade. I have reported this bug a few times for the past few patches since the Immolate changes have made Maokai feel playable again, but I have seen nothing about it.
I would also ask for a potential minor fix in how the Immolate burst works on a few champs. I have noticed that when Nautilus autos, if the target dies it doesn't trigger the burst, which is helpful when farming. I would also ask that something similar could be done with Maokai's Q. I have had many instances where my Bami's/Sunfire goes on cooldown at a crucial time because I u...
Thanks for these, they both sound like bugs that we should fix.