I'm sorry what, how many of you understand Chinese?
I can understand around half of it
I'm sorry what, how many of you understand Chinese?
I can understand around half of it
people still think Ludens is good lmao
They just stayin' fit while WFH
Hey all,
Thanks for your continued support as we get online for our show. Unfortunately we hit a technical snag in this production relating to our internet connections, which resulted in us having to cancel the originally recorded webcam feeds this time around.
We continue to work behind the scenes from our homes, so you will be able to have content to watch from yours. :)
Hoping everyone is feeling fine as we get through this together!
Amount of times I have seen jungler go gank bot Ezreal/Yuumi vs Varus/TK while top lane is Renekton vs Irelia. Moment I see even one jungler go bot I know jungle diff is on other side.
Personally I feel this mid too. I play lot of Malzahar and amount of people that try to gank for me mid pre 6 and then never come back after 6 because I couldnt follow up as level 1-5 Malzahar.
I play champs with insane setup and my junglers never come :(
For the last f**king time....hashinshin plays any bruiser that is good....he doesnt care if its OP....
He does care, he doesn't like playing OP champs lol
EUNE is still located in Germany, Frankfurt iirc
No, it’s in Amsterdam.
I need this!
Do we know if tft will still give tokens? Or if its separate now that tft has it's own pass.
TFT still rewards tokens, as does TFT mobile
Read moreFor anyone interested in the technical details, the setup is a NodeMCU paired with a WS2812 LED strip running WLED software, which receives E1.31 (sACN) data over WiFi, sent by my PC with a custom C# program (what a mouthful). As soon as I get some more work done, I'll make a repository.
The program is not even remotely done. The main idea is that it will tap on LoL live client data to figure out which champion is being played, and then set up keyboard macros, so that when you press R, a certain animation plays. So you could have different animation sets for Vel'Koz, Evelynn or Xerath. Only Vel'Koz for now because Vel'Koz mains.
Some people were right in that the animations don't trigger when an enemy is hit, or accounts for channel interruptions, it's just a timer.The next step will be integrating it with more stats, such as Health/Mana, to create interesting effects.
EDIT: I'm absolutely going to create a GitHub repo for this so you can contrib...
This is really awesome work! You should definitely join the 3rd party developer discord @ discord.gg/RiotGamesDevRel
Also please register on Developer.riotgames.com
Again, I really hate how they've made a habbit of releasing teasers after skins are hitting PBE.
Like these are going to be live in a really soon and we've already seen them fully on PBE. Why do they show the teasers now?
This builds no hype because we already know, it's wasted resources.
I love Riot's hype team!(If that even is a thing, I just assume a portion of their marketing goes to a secret hype team lol) They've just had some bad habbits recently.
Perhaps you are a highly engaged player who actively seeks out new information from the PBE. Maybe you have even played her using the skin on PBE. For you, this teaser probably feels redundant.
That doesn't automatically mean it's wasted resources. Marketing initiatives work, and we have evidence to back it up.
That is so damn sick
And ofc the Anivia and Soraka buffs do almost nothing.
Full AD comps are much superior to full AP comps lmao
It is almost like a champion popped up that discouraged Ornn to be played as much... one that has a powerful way to counter his strong engage and turn it against his own team.
"A failed and horrendously bad attempt at counterpicking Ornn" xd
52 bans, 47 picks, LPL spring split only.
He was played a lot at the beginning of the season, yes. But Sylas has only come back into the meta recently and Ornn prio has dropped heavily. So your explanation doesn't hold weight.
Are you trolling? They absolutely do. All the time.
No they don't...
Attempt at counterpicking Ornn. A failed and horrendously bad one, but an attempt.
LPL teams don't play Ornn tho