f*ck I went like a week without listening to this. Thank you.
f*ck I went like a week without listening to this. Thank you.
Dont tell me this was just now realized????? I came back to play in last September and didnt worked at that time too. (Even reported in game and to the support)
We've been aware of the issues with the stats tab (hence why we've been refactoring it). Just making sure that there aren't any additional issues.
From what we can tell, this is related to the game backlog that has built up in EUW, and was exacerbated a bit by other recent issues. It's in the process of being corrected, but that's taking some time.
You can buy the base little legends from the store, not the recolors. So if you're like me and wanted the spicy chicken, have fun rolling away hundreds of rp because there are 24 different dudes in those eggs. God forbid you want a 3 star
You're kind of both right. You can buy eggs for any species (Any random Shisa for example), or directly purchase specific colors from a rotating selection (ex: Firecracker Shisa).
Assuming this is gonna be the normal version of Malphite's Prestige skin then.
ALSO there's no way in hell these Lux skins weren't worked on by Sirhaian considering they were brought in for the Jax skin too, right?
Edit: Confirmed :DD
Just for full disclosure, I work full-time at Riot now (and have done so for two years now), so there's no need to bring me in anymore hahaha.
(And yes I just HAD to work on those two skins!)
Taric, Twitch, and Talon skins are all so good. I've been fairly consistently unhappy in some capacity every skin batch for the past year or so, but this f**king rules.
I'm normally not a big fan of Dark Star either but these are all really good. Weakest is Malphite, but that's mostly because Malphite is kind of lame in general (even if I enjoy him in ARAM).
The Lux skins are good too, although I am literally never buying another Lux skin since I have the ultimate already.
edit: this does make me wish the older RPG skins were 1350s, cause that is a massive lost opportunity we can't get back. Oh well. At least the skinline is back.
We do hope that bumping the RPG line up to 1350 serves the thematic a bit better. We’re fans of it and hope to see it continue assuming players do too. :)
We'll take a look at this today - we're refactoring a bunch of the backing systems for the Stats tab this year. It seems to be more stable in most regions, but in some places where there are a lot of games to process (such as EUW) it may still be getting backed up. Thanks for the bug report!
I'm excited to hear from Riot August but holy shit that picture.
This is what working on Rengar and Wukong does to you.
Hey all, wanted to clear up any misconception before it starts - this wasn't aimed specifically at Doublelift.
I gave a take earlier on the show that Spring Split does matter & basically it's garbage that so many people are saying it doesn't when if you're a competitor you should be driven to succeed for any number of reasons, career success, achieving playoffs, Finals, MSI, etc etc etc.
This was just a follow up on that. Yes DL said publicly that he doesn't care about Spring but it's generally wide spread sentiment I've been seeing so much of on Twitter & elsewhere in the community.
Why are they using Ember.js and creating hundreds (and maybe even thousands) new instances for simplest stuff while they could use React or Vue both newer, more performant and has a centralized control mechanism (1 instance to rule them all [*1 instance and thousands of components])?
Why hundreds of Ember.js apps?
Shortest answer, we f*****p; really bad, long story.
AnotherJS newer, more performant
Link to benchmarks repository or it didn't happen.
I've wanted this for ages but do you think the new client could have themes? Such as onr looking like the AIR client
That is A LOT of work.
Based on u.gg...
You did not remmeber correctly. About 50.5% jg and 48.9% top in platinum+. All ranks are about the same. Not a Skarner main but damn I haven't seen that dude in awhile. And that's coming from a Wukong main.
wukong is currently one of the best cases for an overpowered champ being played incorrectly and considered underpowered because of it... he's like, 55% winrate in midlane and 46% winrate in jungle.
iirc hes kind already pretty high in winrate, including top lane.
If /u/The_Cactopus replies to me I will 100% believe everything they say about fixing client
if only it were this easy with everyone lol
Please revert Sona to her original kit
That's just too far.
Totally fair. The only thing that should change your mind will be positive, forward progress.
Nah that guy is the WORST.
i think we can both agree that /u/The_Cactopus is worse, though
see you in 2025
i like this meme because it means i'll have a job in five years