League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Originally posted by Leyrann_is_taken

Would love to see a song or two in the cheesy power metal style like Gloryhammer or Powerwolf.

Also perhaps one with heavy vocal work like Blind Guardian is well known for?

Yeah totally !!! I love that genre so much right now. I used to think it’s cheesy but now I just love it, I don’t know why.


Originally posted by notFREEfood

If we could get some hurdy gurdy that would be great :p

Damn yeah we haven’t done Celtic or folk metal yet. Maybe it’s time!!!


Originally posted by boolwillToLivefalse

What about the style of tool?

Certainly possible!! Though it’s so unique, It can easily sound like we’re ripping them off.


Originally posted by Zlatanski

Any chances of a symphonic death metal song or two? Something à la Imperial Circus Dead Decadence or Fleshgod Apocalypse? I've always been a fan of the way the growls juxtapose with the music and clean vocals and the only thing lacking from the Pentakill discography are some nice growls :)

I would love to explore that but my worry is always that it might scare some peeps off.

You know, there of been so many people that approached me and said that they never listen to any metal, but they really love pentakill, and suddenly they are on a metal deep dive. I think that’s so wonderful because metal needs the love. I like pentakill as a gateway into metal for a broader audience.

Are there any growly songs or bands that you think may not be as jarring for nonmetal peeps?


Originally posted by Xtr0

I would love to hear some symphonic metal. Definitely one of the most melodic sub genres. And it is bad-ass for music videos.

Yah I’ve been listening to Kamelot a ton. I suppose that’s more power metal, but some of their songs branch into symphonic and man I love it.


Originally posted by Maultaschtyrann

Progressive metal would be a super nice way to go, since it can be super melodical and accessible too. The most inspiring band that would fit the theme and is crazy enough to be into it would definitely be Devin Townsend Project!


Man I love Devin Townsend! That last album had so many good songs. Insane. Rare that I like so many songs of an album


Originally posted by Nymaera_

I think Periphery’s last album was super interesting to listen to as it took things in a more prog direction, particularly because it showed that “prog” can incorporate plenty more stylistic origins into itself than you might assume at first listen. Satellites and Garden In The Bones are particular standouts in that regard!

Yeah they have been always pushing themselves to venture out which I admire. Though I will say that they kind of lost me 1-2 albums ago when they stopped embracing their melodic talent and focused more on crazy syncopation and nothing but screams and growls, which just isn’t my thing. But it definitely seems like their fan base loves it.


Originally posted by DarthVeigar_

Right now, I'm listening to TesseracT. Sonder is one of my favourite albums of theirs just behind Altered State. The way that their songs are mixed and are melodically focused around the bass just reels me in.

Aside from that, I do enjoy more aggressive and heavier bands like SikTh, Vildhjarta and Meshuggah, instrumental bands like Animals as Leaders and even some progressive metalcore bands like Erra, Shokran or Invent, Animate.

I honestly love how diverse the genre is. There is quite literally something for everyone.

I'm still waiting for Animals as Leaders' next album. So I feel you there.

Tesseract is amazing. Every album so far. Probably best production these days, totally agree with you.

Yeah there’s a lot to explore in this genre. I gotta think about that some more. But agree with you on how diverse and open for innovation it is


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Don't forget to consider the best drummer material you could have for Pentakill 3. The infamours Zaunite crabman: Urgot. 6 legs surely can rival Olaf's skills.

You know I never thought of that... blast beats at an entirely new level!


Dominion is my favorite game mode ever. Mostly because Rammus is bae. Rammus+Dominion gave me so much joy.

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Originally posted by lp_phnx327

Correction: Ewing was drafted #1 in '85. The Jordan draft was '84 where Olajuwon (and the great Sam Bowie) were drafted ahead of MJ.

Link for the SGA hoodie. I'm glad he's doing well as people were hyping him up to be when he was on the Clippers (not as a superstar, but a guy with a lot of potential). Having CP3 as your (motivated) point guard certainly helps. He tends to unlock his teammates.

Even as a Lakers fan, Im with Kien on that Giannis is the undisputed MVP. When you can put up MVP numbers and dominate games to the point you get "load management" because you don't even need to play the 4th quarter, that's extremely telling. However, I've been very biased towards Giannis early on. I think he should've won most improved player 2 years in a row even though that will never happen.

I hate Houston's small ball but even more that it's working. I feel conflicted because I love that it un...

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Originally posted by OhItsPreston

Here's some feedback if you're interested.

My issue with Eternals right now is that when you achieve a milestone for Eternals, it doesn't always correlate with having a big moment in game, and I think that's a major failure of the system.

Here's an example-- Braum has an Eternal that measures how much damage you have blocked with his E. I don't think this is a good Eternal because I don't care how much damage that my support Braum has blocked with his E over the course of his lifetime playing Braum.

If you told me that my ally Braum has blocked 400,000 damage with his E, I wouldn't know what that meant because there isn't any context as to how many games he has played with Braum. If he's played 400,000 games of Braum then I would be very concerned about his gameplay, and if he has played 1 game of Braum I'd think he was the best player ever.

I think this is the crux of the issue with Eternals. Because I don't care about my teammate's E...

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Hit milestone 5 my man and you'll unlock Personal Bests. Personal Bests are the highest time you've ever done a feature and are already included within the product.

Thanks for the report, sorry for the bug. will get a fix out for this tomorrow probably


Originally posted by SedOfAstora

To be fair I thought of these in 10sec while typing out a Reddit comment. And its enough to prove every idiot can atleast improve on Riots Eternals, not to mention how much better they would be if they were actually good. No hate on the second Varus Eternal though :P That one would be great.

These were all things we actually considered. The problem is a lot of events that you think would be common in League actually aren't all that common when you take a look at the data.

We're trying to balance out game warping, achievability, and an interesting experience. You also have to factor how many types of players play League of Legends and how their actions differ. For instance, high ELO players generally have far fewer increments of any stat vs. lower ELO players. Champions are also played in different roles and using different builds which changes what stats are currently relevant and how we would expect them to develop over time.

That being said this is our first swing. Really loving the feedback - will incorporate it as we the build different Series in the future.


Originally posted by Shaka3v3

But will we have to purchase the pass every season or is the "for all current and future champions" truly forever?

Truly forever for all Series 1 Eternals. When Series 2 rolls around there will be another pass.


Originally posted by LeNarWhalrus

Dont forget Sabaton's History Lesson genre!

Hahaha yes. Man it’s a brilliant concept.


Originally posted by DarthVeigar_

More progressive metal uwu

I wouldn't mind the female vocalist on Tear of the Goddess being brought back to voice Kayle. Her voice is godly.

Yeah she’s fantastic. Saw her life a few months ago. So solid. Prog metal is in an interesting space these days, cos it can go in super melodic directions or go in a much more aggressive direction. What’s your favorite prog metal bands these days ? Or even songs? I’ve been waiting for a new Symphony X album for such a long time, agh.


Originally posted by DefinitelyNotAGrill_

Show me some 80's style pentakill ala black sabbath or maiden

You know, that would certainly be fun. You could argue that parts of lightbringer are in that realm, but we could certainly go further and embrace the “riffiness” (good god is that a word) a bit more.

04 Mar


Originally posted by BionicCloud

That's great news! Anything else you can say about the upcoming album?

So far it’s just a thought. :) I think we’ll wanna make sure we capture the essence of Pentakill and keep things melodic and accessible, that was always the goal. At the same time, add something new to it. I think on this next one we would likely try to add some new talent to the group. The most important thing is the passion. Metalheads are a certain breed. :)

Usually we come up with a list of metal sub genres that we want to make sure we cover. Like on the first one, we knew we wanted to have something kind of classic and anthemic (lightbringer), something fast and fun (deathfire), something djenty (ohmwrecker), etc— so we gotta find what’s “next” for us to explore. Strong melodies is always at the core. Too much metal is just a bunch of effing distorted noise these days.


Originally posted by BionicCloud

hol'up. Is this you confirming?

I meaaan yeah we are definitely gonna do another album of sorts. Question is when. Everyone’s excited about getting back into it though.