Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

03 Aug


Originally posted by ProDier01

Why the hearthstone pfp though

I’ve always identified with nerd dragons. Had it for years.


Originally posted by ThePedroJay

Hi Dan! Yeah especially on mobile it seems reddit could use a more obvious UI indicator. I'll make sure to add a more visual pointer for future seasons in the documentation.

I was just checking out some of your podcast listings, appreciate you stopping by! I imagine draft and LoR in the same sentence raised an eyebrow

Two eyebrows. Excited eyebrows. :)


Just want to let you know that we're aware of this art issue. We're looking into it.


Originally posted by morkypep50

Agreeing with other posters, I think the culmination of all the complaints recently come down to "games are ending too early". Game ending combos going off on turn 5/6 as opposed to 9/10. Compared to other games, I have experienced Aggro metas where games are ending way before mana cap. But Kaisa isn't an aggro face deck. It's midrange/combo. In other games, combo finishers go off at mana cap. In LOR, combo finishers go off at half mana cap, or slightly after.

Edit: I see a lot of people attack spellshield and I think it is misguided. Spellshield is only a problem when a 5 drop becomes unstoppable with it. Spellshield on lategame bombs makes them actually threatening, but when your 5 drop can win the game on her own, spellshield becomes OP. This again feeds into what I said before. Games shouldn't be ending so early. Midrange decks should be closing out at turn 10. A 5 cost champion should not be winning the game in 1 or 2 turns, whether they get spellshield or not.

I think it also feels way more intense in LoR than in some other games, because players get mana and play cards twice as often per chance to attack. If a game is over in 6 turns in MTG for example, the opponent often attacked 5 times. In LoR the opponent may have only attacked 2-3 times. Even more cards are being played in LoR, but compressing that much damage into 2-3 attacks can make the experience feel more "OTK-ish". LoR's unique economy is super interesting to design for.


I love this! Looks amazing!

02 Aug


This is pretty wild. I love it!


So cute!


Originally posted by Randy67572

We kinda had Dovagedys, but I think he moved



Looks amazing!


Thanks, this is really clear feedback. Quick clarification, by turn 7 or 8 do you mean round 7 or 8? I'm trying to get a sense for how long your games are going, and how long you prefer them to go.Do you prefer metas where you reliably hit 10 mana gems each game?

When is the game the most fun for you? I'm not trying to spin this positive, promise, just want to know when you've had the most fun as well - it helps me understand what's working for you and what isn't.


Originally posted by Typhron

Alright now listen


Originally posted by Grimnize

Hey Dan, they're in the album pics: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wdxln0

Ah for some reason i didn’t realize it was an album. :)