Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

26 May


Originally posted by acquiredtastes_

so how's it hanging? are you gonna implement a fix or not?

It's in tomorrow's release.

25 May

21 May

20 May


These will leave the store on August 12!


Originally posted by quillypen

By the way, any word on Magma Opus freezing the game sometimes? I haven't seen people talking about it lately but I never saw a fix in a patch.

This also has a fix coming next week!

19 May


There is a fix for this issue in the HA5 release. It will be out next week. Sorry for the wait, I know it can be frustrating.

18 May

17 May


Thanks for the report. I've fixed the undo bug; the autotap usage is much more complex. Weighting of mana abilities that have their own mana costs is a really tricky problem that has a lot of confounding factors (e.g. Garenbrig's mana is restricted in its usage). The current prioritization of it is as-designed for the current cardpool. #wotc_staff