Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

11 Feb

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Feb 11, 18:27 UTC
Completed - Scheduled maintenance is now complete. Patch notes are available, here:

Feb 11, 16:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.

Feb 5, 19:09 UTC
Scheduled - We will be performing scheduled maintenance on February 11 at approximately 8 a.m. PT (16:00 UTC) to deploy the 1.05.00 game update. Maintenance is expected to last approximately 2 hours.

While no downtime is expected, this is a required update. Players who are logged in prior to the start of maintenance will be required to restart their client to download the patch.

Patch notes will be avail...

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It was closed because it was off topic. Posting this under the guise of "well I was playing MTG Arena" is also off topic. Please keep posts on the forums related to the game itself. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oof, we're shipping today so this has definitely missed this release. We'll fix it for the next one though, thanks for posting here too. #wotc_staff


Game Update Highlights

  • Magic World Championship XXVI Showcase
  • Festival of the Gods
  • Theros Beyond Death Nyx Basic Lands and Showcase Card Styles
  • New Events: Workshop Series




  • Cards that self-sacrifice to do a thing you probably want to do (like Dauntless Bodyguard or Evolving Wilds) now use a Food style soft confirm. Just click the card, then click Activate Ability.
  • The hanger for defenders who are allowed to attack as if they didn't have defender now has the correct icon (a crossed out defender icon).
  • We've refactored how we handle cards that allow you to pay mana as if it was any color, and as a result have tweaked how we display modified costs:
    • If a card's co...
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Originally posted by NobleHelium

Why does the server only provide the client with the list of legal choices, when the client needs to see the entire opponent hand to reveal it to the player anyway?

This is a great question! Since people have responded positively to hearing about what makes Arena tick, I figured the answer would also be of interest.

The server is tasked with running an accurate game of Magic as fast as possible, pausing only when it must wait for a player to make a decision. The server has no idea what a game of Magic looks or sounds like; it does not know that a tapped permanent gets turned sideways, or that Gilded Goose honks when it enters the battlefield. Generally, limiting the server's responsibility is good since there are infinite ways that a game of Magic could be actualized, and trying to accommodate all of those possibilities is unfeasible. (As a fun thought experiment, imagine if the server mailed you a packet of postcards each time you needed to make a decision, and you mailed back the postcard representing your choice--a silly but equally valid way that a long-distance game of Magic could be played!)

The Arena client happens to be...

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10 Feb

Originally posted by MKX_PlatinumRarity

My streamer friend has been in email communication with WotC, after only one of the 10 codes they received for the 'stream 20 hours' challenge actually worked. After they messaged why 9/10 of the codes failed to work, they were told they'd reached the 10 code per account limit.

Thats not good, I've sent a request in to take a deeper look at the codes to make sure this is not the case, and if so, to fix! -Mishy

Hello! Mishy here hopping onto the Community Team's Reddit account (I can't believe they let me have access to this!)

Anyway, we have two different types of codes that are being rewarded in the Creator Program. Personal codes and community codes. Personal codes are gem codes, and these are meant to be redeemed on your personal account. A limit of 10 redemption should not be correct, but may have happened on accident. Thanks for reporting that during this beta as we are testing things, we'll get that fixed!

The community codes are ICRs, and those are limited at 10 redemptions per account (we are looking at renewing the 10 redemptions every set release), these are for community giveaway items. So, if you are not giving those away and are redeeming to your own account, you will have a 10 code cap.

Hope this helps, and again, thanks for reporting so that we can work on making this program better every day!

Originally posted by captaintangerine117

Is the current state of the friends list and direct challenge seen as acceptable social functions for a game in 2020? I was hoping they would be updated as the system seems rushed and basic.

Friends list is certainly only a start with friend messaging coming very soon. Direct Challenge keeps evolving as we add more functionality to it...starting tomorrow in fact with some draft-friendly changes.

We're getting to the basics, but we want to take it further through 2020.

- Cao

Originally posted by iknowthenumber

One thing that I think would be pretty cool is if I could buy codes for gems in Arena from my LGS. That way I could sell old cards I have lying around from drafts and use store credit to purchase gems on Arena. My LGS would get extra business, Arena would get extra business, and I'd be able to get more value out of my old cards that I'm not currently using. Win-win-win.

We have been working with our fellow WPN group on a variety of experiments around linking the two aspects together. Recently, we had in-store events that awarded Arena sleeves. We learned from that event and others like it, and we're using those learnings for new experiments in 2020.

- Cao


Originally posted by Vinicipower

What are you currently focused at? I’m kinda worried about the game’s optimization atm

What our devs focus on is very dependent on their job responsibilities. For example, our client health team is very focused on game client health and optimization (special shoutout to u/wotc_beastcode).


Originally posted by WotC_Clarke

There have been so many great questions and we're doing our best to answer as many as possible. We're going to continue answering questions for another 15-20 minutes or so before we get back to shipping tomorrow's game update.

This has been a blast Reddit, thank you so much for all of your questions. We appreciate your dedication to this game we all love, and we will continue to make it the best game it can be. And again, a big thank you to the awesome moderator team here, we couldn't have done it without you.

We want to keep the conversation going, so please continue it here on Reddit, our social channels and our forums. We also asked you some questions, so please answer those as well :) We'll see you in-game tomorrow after the update goes live!

Originally posted by localghost

Thanks for the answer and the follow-up.


Originally posted by 12velos12

This is probably going to get buried but I was wondering if you could explain the feedback buttons that we occasionally get at the end of matches. The ones that ask how you enjoyed the match. What kind of data were you hoping to get from them and what kind of data have you gotten so far?

Yes, by far the #1 correlation with a person saying if they had fun is… if they won :)

More seriously, it let's us look for trends across events and match types. For example, with the perf problems from the summer, correlating the surveys and the frame rates we were seeing let us understand who was experiencing better games as we worked. We can also look at deck match-ups, roping, and other game behaviors that trend based on the survey.

It's a simple question, but it gives us context for other data.

- Cao


Originally posted by irdeaded

As a player with a very limited income who is only able to play via a free to play method can you explain why when in this update when you address the fact that you have removed the free entry for so many events your replacement to address this is 48hr event's on a Monday with the ability to use the precons you let us have

With each monthly update it feels more and more like if player's like me don't want to play standard 24/7 you don't want us playing.

I personally feel that the very first option of these being brawl pre cons when there has been a large vocal push back is insulting to those people

Will you at least let us have "workshop" event's where we can play with our own collection

We find that events where we provide precon decks get much higher player participation than events that require bringing your own deck (like 2x-3x). For now we're thinking of the Workshop events as precon-focused, but that could change.

Overall, we're trying to find the right balance of events with & without entry fees. We're not there yet, but we'll keep experimenting.

Originally posted by mistme13

One of those learnings was that it’s challenging to keep our draft bots performing well when the draft format is always available. When we were using this rotating schedule (pre-M20), we were able to keep the bots in better shape.

So it's not a consumer participation issue, it's a technology issue? If I'm reading it right.

It's actually a bit of both. Better bots means better drafts. At the same time, we saw more engagement with variety of play. Specifically, more folks came back and played regularly when the scheduled was varied.

- Cao


Originally posted by Ray9000

When human drafts will be out, will you only play against the players that drafted with you or other human "drafters" outside of the ones you drafted with?

Will you also be queued against bot drafters?

We're planning for human drafts to work similarly to MTGO leagues, where you'll be playing against other human "drafters" outside of your specific pod.

Bot drafters will play against other bot drafters, human drafters will play against other human drafters. No crossing the streams!