Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

15 Feb


Originally posted by InvictusSum

Any idea if you can search for cards by the number you have in your collection? IE, I want to see all the cards I have playsets of.

I tried 'number:x', 'num:x' and 'collected:x', but no joy.

Heck yah you can! This is one of my favorite pieces (advanced filters were a weekend project I did for fun).

You can use "owned" or "q" to filter on how many you own

Ravnica Allegiance cards you have a playset of:

e:rna q=4

Ravnica Allegiance card you have less than a playset of:

e:rna q<4

Or let's say you wanted to see what's needed to complete your Common/Uncommon playset of Ravnica Allegience:

e:rna q<4 (r:c or r:u)

I'll post more when I get some time. :D


Originally posted by Flipideedoo

Context because Apparently I formatted this wrong:

I am in a best of three game with my friend through Discord Challenge. We completed game 1 without issue while i am playing simic nexus, which includes 4x Nexus of Fate. During sideboarding, the game will not allow me to submit my deck even if all 4 copies of the card are taken out.

Oof, yeah it should definitely allow you to play with the card in Best of 3 Direct Challenges and Discord Challenges. We will take a look; thank you for the report!

14 Feb


Originally posted by SunCon

Awesome improvements, can't wait to see the deck builder improvements. Hey u/WotC_ChrisClay the target date for the patch is in three days, but a lot of the verbiage says features will be available "next week"? Are those being turned on server side next week or is that maybe an earlier draft's language?

Ya when writing ahead of time mistakes like that get made:)

11 Feb

07 Feb


Originally posted by fx72

the opponent has one creature, that is also their only permanent or highest CMC, and uses hadanas climb on them. dispersal then fizzles on that target, my guess is because it thinks its a land.

Edit: So we consulted with the rules people and this isn't a bug, but rather working as intended.

In order for Dispersal to return a card it has to both be the highest CMC and a non-land permanent. I missed this in my initial reading of the card when reproing the bug. If the creature's CMC is lower than a flipped Hadana's Climb (Winged Temple of Orazca) which is still 3. Then nothing will happen.


Originally posted by fx72

how about fixing the hadana's climb dispersal bug i reported in early closed beta? i just lost to it again.

I'm curious to know what the bug is you're talking about? I need more than just two card names to know what happened. What are the steps to cause the bug, and what result do you expect vs. what happened?


Originally posted by SmokerOnFire

since RNA i have performance problems that go far beyond the memory leak ones. It stutters like crazy from the moment i start the game, no complex game state needed, drawing a card is enough for the game to throw a tantrum. Sometimes it calms down, sometimes it doesn't. My computer is pretty old but i can still play almost any released game, arena has worse performance then battlefield for me. Also the leak is not fixed either, 1 and a half drafts is the maximum playable time, not just for me i notice it from streamers aswell.

If the official stance is, it has been fixed then you have me worried, because this is just bad.

This is something we are aware of, but it is different from the memory leak issues. This isn't a quick fix problem, but we have some work in the pipe that should especially help older systems. It's going to be a bit though.


Originally posted by FormerGameDev

Just so you know, the latest version of Windows has multiple clipboards build in

WHAT!? How did I not know this?

06 Feb


It's okay everyone, I remembered what I googled and found the Stack Overflow page again.


I'm pretty sure the memory leak has been addressed. Last Saturday I had the client up for 5+ hours and was at 1.2gb of memory. In ye olden day I would have been at 2+ by then.

There are many sources of lag, if it's varying from day to day the most likely source is internet lag. Sadly there isn't a ton we can do around this one as the game is server authoritative.

From my experience, I think a likely culprit is the log file being an issue when it gets really large, but we need to investigate the reports more to know for sure. There can also be pauses when a particularly complex game state comes down from the server, both from server processing, internet lag, and client processing.

If you are having issues please submit reports with your log file and dxdiag is a bonus.

04 Feb


It's hard to say without seeing the board, but my guess is at some point your client entered into a bad state for some reason. If you're not getting response windows the best course of action is to exit the client and re-join. This will often fix these issues.

01 Feb


Originally posted by WaffleSandwhiches

Hey while I have you here, why does Bo3 only pay out double? That means that bo1 is still in aggregate a better deal for your time.

EDIT: I was wrong about this.

It's funny, we're actually pretty sure that at +2/-2 Bo3 is better for climbing than Bo1. It's something we'll watch closely.


Originally posted by wujo444

So you actually didn't need 2 weeks to fix this huh?

Ya, most of it was written earlier in the week. With everything else, I missed updating the date to be a shorter timeline. I've already upgraded my software to avoid including dates in the future. Beep Boop.


What you see post-match is accurate for your ranking at that time. Milliseconds later someone could, in theory, knock you down if their match finished right after. The profile page updates on a regular cadence, but on the minute's scale.

This is weird though, I've forwarded it for investigation.

31 Jan


Originally posted by WotC

I'm not actually a WotC employee, but I'm curious if my name tricks it.

Also, WotC, since I know you'll read this...

My name is for sale.



Originally posted by Syelnicar88

I'm the guy from the "Magic Arena saved my marriage" post. Do you have data that could be used to determine normal and abnormal amounts of Nexus of Fate casts per game? Is there a threshold that could be reached that would flag the player for a looping warning, perhaps in the future when the game can be analyzed? This could be a deterrant to ensure that the (evil) deck is played with the goal of reaching a win condition (Teferi mill, Chromium damage, etc).

Plausible for sure.

30 Jan


Originally posted by AnalogDan


Is it true the guy who looped Nexus infinitely against Shahar Shenhar was only banned for 2 hours?

Correct, it was an initial ban with an e-mail sent to them explaining why. Repeat offenses would escalate the time, with the potential of the account being permabanned. The first goal is to educate the player to stop the bad behavior. If they don't respond to that, then we escalate.