Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Originally posted by wujo444

So you actually didn't need 2 weeks to fix this huh?

Ya, most of it was written earlier in the week. With everything else, I missed updating the date to be a shorter timeline. I've already upgraded my software to avoid including dates in the future. Beep Boop.


What you see post-match is accurate for your ranking at that time. Milliseconds later someone could, in theory, knock you down if their match finished right after. The profile page updates on a regular cadence, but on the minute's scale.

This is weird though, I've forwarded it for investigation.

31 Jan


Originally posted by WotC

I'm not actually a WotC employee, but I'm curious if my name tricks it.

Also, WotC, since I know you'll read this...

My name is for sale.



Originally posted by Syelnicar88

I'm the guy from the "Magic Arena saved my marriage" post. Do you have data that could be used to determine normal and abnormal amounts of Nexus of Fate casts per game? Is there a threshold that could be reached that would flag the player for a looping warning, perhaps in the future when the game can be analyzed? This could be a deterrant to ensure that the (evil) deck is played with the goal of reaching a win condition (Teferi mill, Chromium damage, etc).

Plausible for sure.

30 Jan


Originally posted by AnalogDan


Is it true the guy who looped Nexus infinitely against Shahar Shenhar was only banned for 2 hours?

Correct, it was an initial ban with an e-mail sent to them explaining why. Repeat offenses would escalate the time, with the potential of the account being permabanned. The first goal is to educate the player to stop the bad behavior. If they don't respond to that, then we escalate.


I bow before our new digital overlords.


Originally posted by RussischerZar

Dublin, Ireland here.

I've noticed that the in-game mouse cursor stays responsive while the rest of the game freezes up. Maybe that'll help to identify the problem?

My GPU is a GTX 1070.

With everyone so far being over the pond, and knowing that the cursor stays responsive my experience say this is an internet issue. We're investigating.


If its happening when you play a card (or when the opponent does) I'd expect it to be an issue with communicating with the servers, or an issue processing the game state from the server and not a video card issue.

Can people having the issue share rough geo-locations?


Originally posted by rocketsp13

It's annoying that you start to time out when your opponent combos off. Timed out because a life gain deck was comboing off, and had about 20 triggers to all manually click resolve on.

Definitely not a feature I like.

Just wanted to pop in to say this is something we're actively working on. Specifically around how to address instances when there's a large stack that needs resolving.

28 Jan


Oh man, what a read to start my Monday morning. So many mixed emotions.

25 Jan


At least you get a nice strong hug before you're smashed into the ground...


We couldn't reproduce this in house. Do you have a twitch clip of the issue or a more complete reproduction of the steps to see the issue?


I forwarded this to our build group, we're investigating.

24 Jan


Originally posted by Rossoneri

I'm not sure what you're referring to,

I'm referring to when I open the game I get a notice telling me I need to run the installer to update.

Are you running MTGA.exe or are you running the MtgaLauncher.exe first? The launcher is located next to MTGA.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Wizards of the Coast\MTGA

If you run MtgaLauncher.exe the game should just update itself.

23 Jan


That was awesome:)

18 Jan


Originally posted by Lejind

Thanks Charlie. I have submitted (ticket ID #543436).

Though when I try to sign into with my user name and password - it says it's incorrect.

I have the same user/pass for the client and So not sure what to do.

It should be okay if you don’t log in, you should have an email and our support folks will chat with you through that thread.