Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

27 Mar


Originally posted by Daethir

Auto Tap is now smarter! It will now apply more logic when choosing whether or not to tap a creature for mana (it shouldn't be so fond of an adapted Incubation Druid, for example).

Really hope it'll stop saving [[Unclaimed territory]] for last now.

EDIT : Just played against sparky, I had a spell breaker, a lava coil and 5 land in play and it didn't touch my unclaimed territory to cast the spell breaker.

Sadly, Unclaimed Territory did not get autotap love for this update, but it should be improved for the War of the Spark release. #wotc_staff


Right-Clicking on any card that you don't have 4x copies of will also open up the crafting menu. You can click on the 4th pip below the cards to craft them all in one go.

Definitely hear the feedback that two clicks to get to your uncollected cards is more annoying than one.


Originally posted by Mike83_exe

Hope for an hour, plan for a day

Ain’t that the truth


Hey everyone,

We realized belatedly that we had sent outdated decklists to the good folks at DailyMTG. We pulled the article for now until we can get it updated with the correct information. That's on us, and we apologize for any confusion:

  1. The checklands are still in the dual colored decks; there are no changes to the dual colored decklists with this update, just how you receive them (through the mastery tree and player progression).
  2. There are changes to the monocolored decks because you unlock upgrades with the new progression system, however once those ungrades are unlocked you'll end up with the same deck as would have previously received (pending you haven't made any other changes, of course).

26 Mar


The correct behavior is for [[Mirror Image]] to display the name of the copied creature, thus explaining its susceptibility to the legend rule. We will be fixing this in an upcoming update.

I happened to encounter this issue when trying to use Mirror Image to make copies of [[Helm of the Host]] (turned into a creature thanks to [[Tezzeret, Cruel Machinist]]) but was denied!


Originally posted by very_gay_usd

awesome to hear! I want to also mention, this happens with responding to cards targeting cards in the graveyard.

so for example, if there are two Kitesails in my graveyard, and my opponent goes to reanimate one of these Kitesails, it is impossible to tell which one he is targeting if I want to exile the card in response.

We do have an indicator for this now, but it's obviously not clear enough (since we keep getting this feedback). If you hover over the cards in your graveyard, one of them will have a hanger (the text boxes on the side of the card in mouse-over) that says "Targeted by Eldest Reborn" (or whatever), so you can tell which is which. It's on our list to make this louder/more clear, but at least it is there now.


Originally posted by Mithrandir2k16

How about adding reminder text like "Exiles Cardname"?

There are similar issues with a number of other cards (which one has the enchantment? Which one has the equipment? Which one is protected by Dauntless Bodyguard? etc.) The added text solution only covers some of the cases, so that's why we went the way we did


There’s not really a way to tell in that situation currently. In our next update there are some improvements here, where the order is preserved when you “View Battlefield” from the order blockers screen. So you can note that the cards are under blockers 2&3, slide one of them over in order blockers, hit view battlefield to check, and you’ll see that blocker left-most in the order.

25 Mar


Hi Planeswalkers

I'm Chris, a new member of the Wizards Community team. We couldn't be more excited for the upcoming Mythic Invitational and put together this quick guide for reference.

If you're at the event, keep an eye out for all sorts of fun stuff happening such as trivia and giveaways. If you're following on Twitch and other social channels, we'll have trivia there too!

We look forward to seeing you either at PAX East or online.

External link →

24 Mar

  1. Calling this phenomenon "Gatecrash"... Bravo for that. :D

  2. We fixed it. Should be better in the upcoming release.

  3. Just for fun, some hints about the code branch we missed: If a typical standard deck wants 24 lands and you have 10 non-basics, how many basics should you add to fill out your land count? Okay, now do that math for 25 non-basics. ;) Little bit of a facepalm, but it was easy to fix.

22 Mar


Originally posted by Ykesha

How do the card styles work with things like the alt-art PWs we got for closed beta?

Card styles are based on the card's illustration, and not the card's name. A card with the same name (e.g. Luminous Bonds) but multiple illustrations (Core Set 2019, Guilds of Ravnica) would have separate card styles for each illustration.

So, using the example of the Masterpiece Planeswalkers from Guilds of Ravnica - if we were to make a card style for the ...

Read more

21 Mar


Originally posted by FigBits

Nobody is discussing Sparky!

Do you provide the deck that the AI plays?

Can you give it a deck that you don't own the cards for? (So that I can practice against Teferi control without spending wildcards on Teferi.)

Do the decks have to be Standard legal? (I want to know how a particular card does in a matchup, so I want to be sure I draw it in a practice run ... can I play a deck with 8 copies? If not in my deck, then in the AI deck?)

You can bring any arena standard legal deck to a practice match, and Sparky will join with one of the five monocolor starter decks.

We feel this strikes the right balance between giving new players the ability to learn Magic in a low-stress environment, while providing more veteran players a place to “goldfish” (friendly-glowing-guidefish?) their newer decks before taking them into matches against real players. #wotc_staff

20 Mar


Originally posted by itsjustwhateverman

If I make my opponent aware of this fact will it affect them too and leave us both mana screwed?

If so, all the more reason we need a way to chat with our opponents.

I just checked the source:

if (player.isFirstToBeAwareOfFact(MANA_SCREW)) {
    this.activateManaScrew(player, EXTREME);
} else {


19 Mar


Popping in to give an update. You're right! It is annoying! So we've worked towards addressing it. The fix for this is currently going through internal testing and should reach players soon.

11 Mar


Originally posted by Drasern

Just curious, if it read "create a goblin token with haste that must attack" instead of its current text, would the haste + 'must attack' carry over onto the angel?

No, in that case, neither carry over- however it would probably read something like:

"Create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token with haste and 'this creature must attack each turn if able'". In this case, both haste and the attack requirement are abilities that the goblin has. Legion Warboss just grants [whatever it creates] haste and an attack requirement.



Originally posted by SilverCyclist

The weird thing I think with LWB that needs to be addresses is his interaction with [[Devine Visitation]]. Token is a 4/4 angel but it still has the mandate to attack it's first round in.

Token is a 4/4 angel but it still has the mandate to attack it's first round in.

That's exactly what should happen! Divine Visitation only replaces characteristics of the token itself, not any other effects that apply to it.



Originally posted by Wulibo

Feels like I should be able to say, "I'm an above average player, I should be able to get past gold." Then I remember how many people have played this forever and really know their stuff, and I realized I am certainly below average.

Think I'm fine with gold 3, lol.

If it makes you feel any better, I've been playing for 20 years and still hang out in silver :D


07 Mar


Originally posted by MrCreeperPhil

I'm like 99% sure it's Joanna Louise Wyatt, voice actress for Ciri in The Witcher 3.

Good ear! It is Jo Wyatt.


06 Mar


Originally posted by picklesthecat

You had a roller backpack too didn't you?


05 Mar


Originally posted by foxhound_vp

He has a great video describing the colors, and his blue description is spectacular (7:20 timestamp):

BLUE Description


  • was always early to class
  • pick baltic and mediterranean in Monopoly
  • play blue
