Marvel Strike Force

Marvel Strike Force Dev Tracker

11 May


UPDATE: The issue affecting iOS devices has been resolved. We apologize for the interruption of service and appreciate your patience while we corrected the problem. Compensation for the outage will be sent soon.

ORIGINAL POST: An issue affecting iOS devices is currently causing the game to crash. The dev team is moving quickly to investigate the issue, and we’ll keep you informed of our progress.

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30 Apr


Originally posted by mr_math24

During the most toxic days of this sub you drove me crazy haha but sad to see you go!

i've always been here for you commander ;)

26 Apr


The dev team endeavors to support as many devices and operating systems as possible. With the advancements in game development over the past five years, including the game engine and file density of the app, specific low-memory devices should update their operating systems (OS) if an update is available.

If your device runs Android version 11 (Red Velvet Cake) or 12 (Snow Cone), you may be able to upgrade the operating system to Android 13 (Upside Down Cake) to optimize your gaming experience. Some Android devices may not have an update available, as each manufacturer (Xiomi, Motorola, etc…) selects which devices to release the version update. Some low-performance devices will be capped at Android 11 or 12 to optimize memory performance. Check the Settings menu to see if you have an Android version update available that will benefit your device.

Steps to Update Your Android Version:

  • Link your Marvel Strike Force account to your Scopely Account - ensur...
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24 Apr


There are several changes to the Blitz schedule over the next two weeks to align properly with events.

  • There will be two Orb Blitzes in a row this week and next week.
  • The Blitzes for Morbius and Dagger will each be delayed by one day and have their durations reduced by one day.

With this updated schedule, there is the potential to earn an additional ~8 Red Star Orbs, ~6 Premium Orbs, and 500k Gold. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy the extra rewards!

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22 Apr


As long as you have apoc you can one shot room 5 folks.


There was an issue yesterday that caused Green Guardian Orb fragments and the Iso-8 campaign energy refill to not appear in Daily Objectives as intended.

Separately, the alliance donation was designed for only the first four boxes to give out the Green Guardian Orb fragments. However, it could be interpreted that the fifth chest rewards the fragments. Additional Green Guardian Orbs will be sent to address any confusion regarding the contents of the fifth chest. For the duration of the event, only the first four chests will have fragments.

Compensation for the above issues will be delivered before the event ends, with enough fragments to acquire two Green Guardian Orbs and 60 Iso-8 campaign energy refills.

Next, the Web Milestone, Radioactive Run, was incorrectly giving players 1 point per Iso-8 campaign energy spent yesterday instead of 10 points. Compensation of 10,000 milestone points will be sent to all players, level 25 and up, this weekend. We appreci...

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19 Apr


Originally posted by Poollboy

How many shots of whiskey should we buy to get Agatha and Ikaris farmable?

Congrats commander! It’s farmable with new Ultracores!!!!

18 Apr


Originally posted by HorrorObjective2224

I panicked and finished my dailies immediately. W Shortly, what does that mean?

We will Never.



Originally posted by Shnurple

Why is kang yet to make it into premium,mega, and basic orbs?

$$$$$ or gross negligence

You decide commander


Originally posted by Aselith

Who the f**k is Kestrel?

It’s interesting question commander. Kestrel was the brain child of a product “manager” and an actuary. The goal was to create an overpowered character that was “new” to the marvel universe and scopely had full control so it would be needed to release overpowered fan favorites.

All in all it was a great success for scopely. Still waiting for the kestrel #1 comic with a hood chrome cover to be released. I’ll be signing copies for all my favorite commanders.


Ask me anything commander. The mic is yours!

17 Apr


Originally posted by thejimbo56

Fruit punch, I’m pretty basic.

It’s not that basic commander. Fruit punch really get be varied based on the percentage of cranberry or grape in each concoction.


Originally posted by thejimbo56

I know better than to expect a response from actual Scopely representatives. u/CM_DrunkenCereBRO or u/CM_AcheyAnus can one of y'all weigh in here?

Sure. What’s your favorite flavor for a slushie commander?

16 Apr


Say it with me commander.
Trait locking
Mode locking
Killed the game.

14 Apr


Due to technical issues, the Incursion: Invaders event initially scheduled for today must be delayed. The new date is set for May 5th at 2:00 PM (PDT), and we’ll include a reminder in the weekly blog before the event starts. We greatly appreciate your patience in the interim.

External link →

13 Apr


Today, Chapter 7 of the Villains United Difficulty: Hard went live but has several issues. First, the Story scenes are active but not intended to be. Second, the enemy characters are equipped with a lower gear level than intended. Third, some of the node preview rewards are not accurate. These issues will be corrected as early as tomorrow, Thursday, but it could take a bit longer due to the review process.

Enjoy earning all the new rewards in Chapter 7 for the Heroes and Villains Hard Campaigns!

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12 Apr


Last night at 2:00AM (PDT), the Quarter Blitz did not activate as intended for this time zone. To compensate, the Quarter Blitz will instead be activated tonight, April 13th, at 2:00AM (PDT). Thank you for reporting the issue so we could address it quickly.

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10 Apr


Originally posted by ColArdenti

Yes, it's a major problem that /u/CM_Cerebro and /u/CM_Archangel could approve and publish something on a Friday that doesn't come close to matching what was launched on Sunday. Especially because it comes after the thousandth time they promised to be better about that stuff.

But we need to view it in a new light. Was the event description free of any potentially racist phrasings? Yes! That's progress.

Hah they really are an embarrassment