
Minecraft Dev Tracker

20 Jul


We are now releasing pre-release 6 for Minecraft 1.19.1 with some small tweaks to sculk sensors and catalysts as well as bug fixes and improvements to the chat signing system.

This update can also be found on minecraft.net.

Please also check out our Post About the Player Reporting Tool and our ...

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Cute! For some reason the angle of the picture made it look absolutely huge to me at first.

18 Jul


Originally posted by Aosana

Yeah, it's because Microsoft is forcing your hands and you're getting paid too much to admit it.

And then people wonder why we don’t communicate here.

17 Jul


Looks awesome, well done!

15 Jul


Originally posted by Drayko_Sanbar

Thank you for dialoguing with the community at all - I myself am not particularly pleased with the state of these changes, but I'm doing my best to understand the position that individual developers are in and communicate my feelings respectfully.

I've read all of Mojang's official posts on the subject and have been seeking to understand the reality of the changes and not just the outraged consensus around them, but one thing that has not, as far as I can tell, been communicated is why, after over a decade of servers operating relatively independently, service-wide bans are something Mojang feels are necessary now. Is that something you feel you can speak to as an individual developer (recognizing that you don't want to over-represent)? I really would love to understand the motivation and timing behind these changes, as I feel that has not been expressed to the community with any level of detail (beyond a broad category of "safety" - which is legitimate in theory b...

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No, I’m afraid that really isn’t my area to comment on.


Originally posted by JavaElemental

While that is what I already expected to be the case, it is still disappointing to have confirmation that this feature is effectively non-negotiable.

If answering wouldn't be too troublesome, how likely would you say that these changes will be backported to previous versions, or previous versions made unavailable? Before I would have thought it unthinkable for such to happen, but I am not so sure anymore, and if either of those happened it would be catastrophic to the modding community which being a part of has been the main way I've interacted with minecraft for almost a decade now.

We have never made previous versions unavailable before, and the only time changes have been made to existing versions has been to patch a serious security issue. This is simply a new thing being added to the next version, nothing else.


Originally posted by pokepeople01

Let me say that I appreciate that you're here responding at all. It's refreshing, after the wall of silence it feels like we've been receiving after the last few prereleases.

One thing I think may help point community in the direction of meaningful discussion is to hear your personal opinion, given your rather informed perspective as Technical Lead on Java Edition, on whether or not you think that there is any appreciable chance the player chat reporting system may be removed or significantly modified based on the current community feedback prior to the full release of 1.19.1.

In my opinion, as one of those members of the community who has been vehemently against this system, a solid "Yes, I personally think it may appreciably change"/"No, I don't personally think it will appreciably change"/"I don't currently know one way or the other"/"I don't feel I can legally give a straightforward answer to this question" could go a ways towards defus...

Well I mean obviously I’m bound by all kinds of contractual requirements so you’re not going to get an unbiased opinion about the system or anything. I do think we’ve seen quite a few changes to the system since the first snapshot, but from my point of view it’s very unlikely that the whole thing would be removed or changed at its core in a way like many people are asking for.


Originally posted by Magiwarriorx

I understand. I'm sorry.

Honest question for you: if that is not "within the sphere of influence of any single developer you interact with here", what's the point of asking for community feedback on the feature?

Feedback can still be collected and reviewed internally. In fact, feedback is often very useful even if no developer replies in the threads.


Originally posted by taa-001

Do you ever think of WHY your being downvoted so much? Maybe if you just listen to the community and remove the chat reporting system, instead of complaining about how no one is nice to you on reddit anymore, this wouldn't be happening.

Honest question: regardless of who or what their opinion is, do you think it is within the sphere of influence of any single developer you interact with here to make that call?


Originally posted by Dwel111

See this is kinda what I was getting at. Y'all ignore the hard-hitting complaints like the blatant lie we were told a bit ago and the inability to opt-out of it and instead latch on to the easy to reply stuff like me talking about downvotes.

Well like I've said in a different post, I cannot overrepresent. I am one developer with one position - I cannot officially answer everything, and those things I cannot comment on obviously I will not reply to.

So with that being the case, I can either participate to my limited ability or I can not do so. Those are the only options I have.


Originally posted by Dwel111

that's great that you feel that way, but just to be clear, there's only so much outrage because of 2 main things:

It's being forced on everyone, there is no way to opt-out of it besides modding it out (which while an option for us players, is not a valid reason to not include it in the base game)

The mere existence of this is a direct lie based on what we were told when we had the forced migrations a while ago.

And to a lesser extent, the complete unwillingness to talk about it. "but my downvotes to oblivion". Well, that's great, I'm glad people making you lose Reddit points is enough of a reason to not talk about it. Plenty of server owners have come in here with genuine, well-thought-out questions/complaints and are just comepletely ignored.

I don't care about imaginary internet points, but those vote buttons are literally there to tell if content is valued or not.


Originally posted by Klausar

I've had to actively stop myself from posting comments on nice posts in this subreddit lately because I know the answer will be "but chat reports!" regardless of what the post was originally about

People do that because Mojang ignores the fact that noone wants this feature. There is no statement from Mojang about why you care so much about the chat reporting when the game was fine without it for 13 years and the half-assed FAQ that's ignoring the main critique doesn't do it. Saying "we have a team of trained moderators" completely misses the point.

And to make it even worse you try to actively prevent people from using mods to disable the feature by adding indicators and making the mod less attractive.

There is a statement of why. You may not like it or find it sufficient, but it does exist. And that kind of goes to show the whole problem here - it's being expressed as "you aren't listening/communicating", but really what it means is "you aren't obeying".

The indicators in chat are there to let people know who can be trusted to have said what is claimed. If your frame of mind is already set on that everything is done as some form of countermeasure against the community, of course you'll interpret things as such, but they really aren't, they're tools for the player to know what can be trusted.

Let me tell you a small story. During a charity stream a few years ago, someone used a command to impersonate one of the participating developers. The line in chat was innocent enough, but the transgression was very clear - and shown live to who knows how many viewers. The developer in question made it very clear to the event organizers that they'd be leavin...

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Originally posted by EarlyReflex

Man, I sympathize with you having suffered what you suffered. I find it disgusting.

Oh we're still here, we're still reading... but this isn't an environment conductive to discussion, more a "the beatings will continue until morale improves" situation.

Yeah you may be right on this. But also, Mojang has to admit and acknowledge that they've lied to us and that we're angry about it. Please, own that. We do love you, but lies are lies, and they hurt when they come from someone or something you love. I think we're owed some apologies from Mojang for mishandling the whole thing. I do understand the reluctance, though. It's scary.

I guess what I mean to say is the scale of the situation means there isn't an opportunity for individual developers to participate in the way we like to

I understand that. But you did come out and talk. That's already a sign of good faith. And I thank you for it.


I mean I find this post an excellent illustration.

C: "Why don't they speak to us"

S: *replies*

C: *downvotes to oblivion*


Originally posted by EarlyReflex

That FAQ does answer some stuff, and that in itself is perfectly fine. But overall it doesn't do much more than answering yes to "is this black or white?".

There were good times a while ago where the devs and even higher ups would hop on to discuss issues with us. Have they become too important?

P.S. Thank you for participating in the discussion.

There were good times a while ago where the devs and even higher ups would hop on to discuss issues with us. Have they become too important?

Oh we're still here, we're still reading... but this isn't an environment conductive to discussion, more a "the beatings will continue until morale improves" situation.

I truly love this game and I've loved being a part of its community, both before and after I joined the team. I've had to actively stop myself from posting comments on nice posts in this subreddit lately because I know the answer will be "but chat reports!" regardless of what the post was originally about. The combination of abuse and pitchforks on the one hand and "but why don't they talk to us anymore?" is kind of baffling.

I guess what I mean to say is the scale of the situation means there isn't an opportunity for individual developers to participate in the way we like to and are used to being able to, which is why...

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Originally posted by LizardOfOz_

It's unclear from the changelog [and the bugtracker] if the issue of the server being able to tamper player messages and force the client to sign a message (MC-253888) was actually fixed proper, or if this UX/UI change is considered a "fix", and a message still can be tampered if the player doesn't notice.

If the UX/UI changes is the fix, then it's a terrible idea - people do not and will not pay attention to this type of stuff. Even if you do, there's only so much time until you lower your guard down and open yourself for a grief.

People will send messages unchecked, and if there's no core fix to the underlying issue, then this system will make clients accountable for something they did not type.

While I can't say for c...

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No, the UX changes are not the fix for that issue.


We are now releasing pre-release 5 for Minecraft 1.19.1. This pre-release includes the remaining fixes for a known exploit regarding player report context and several improvements to chat preview. It also fixes some other crashes and bugs.

This update can also be found on minecraft.net.

Please also check out our Post About the Player Reporting Tool and our ...

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23 Jun


This update can also be found on minecraft.net.

We're now releasing the first (and hopefully only) release candidate for Minecraft 1.19.1. We have also now created a help article on chat reporting available here.

If there are no major issues following this release, no further changes will be done before the full release on Tuesday.

Happy mining!

If you find any bugs, please report them on the official ...

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21 Jun


This update can also be found on minecraft.net.

The first pre-release for 1.19.1 is now available. This release contains a few bugfixes, an increased cooldown for Allay duplication, and it also contains a new UI if you have been banned for violating the Minecraft Community Standards.

On the topic of community standards and the recent introduction of the chat reporting feature, we’re working on creating a help article that aims to add some context surrounding the functionality.

All of this said, if everything goes as planned, we plan to release the update next Tuesday on June 2...

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07 Jun


Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there! I was too busy inspecting these mangrove tree roots. They’re all tangled up! What do you mean they’re supposed to be? Hey, that’s pretty neat.

While we’re on the topic – have you had a chance to check out all the other spiffy stuff that we added to Minecraft today? Because The Wild Update has officially launched and now the Overworld is full of frogs, allays, wardens (shudder), mud, boats with chests, new music, and much, much more! You can check out the list below for all the details, I’m too busy making heart eyes at these cute propagules to go through them all.

This update can also be found on minecraft.net.


  • Added Mangrove Swamp biome
  • Added Mangrove Trees
  • Added Mangrove Blocks
  • Added Mud and Mud Brick Blocks
  • Added Clay renewability
  • Added Frogs and Tadpoles
  • A...
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03 Jun


We're now releasing a second Release Candidate for Minecraft 1.19 to fix a crash. If no other critical issues are found, no further changes will be done before the full release. Happy mining!

This update can also be found on minecraft.net.

If you find any bugs, please report them on the official ...

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