Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


We are looking at the bug.


Originally posted by sicvillain

Yup. Still waiting.

Ive updated my comment on this. Run a search.


We don't currently support drop zone using ffa (no) team rules.


Originally posted by MrQualtrough

Lol this seems like an unfair advantage for default operators over my permanently sand colored self.

Can you give the other operators skins for different environments too? That'd be pretty cool. And a camo option. I must be at one with my environment m8.

The launch operators have 3 alt colors each. The Battlepass operator skins also have 3 alt colors. They are unlockable.


Originally posted by sebasvargas

I know this is too much to ask for, but will you allow us in the future to be able to change the default operator skins, like having the desert, forest, and urban uniforms be selectable?

Currently its automatic for defaults.


Originally posted by JonnyTwostepz

I know it’s not your specific role there, but we greatly appreciate the acknowledgment. But on that note, can you give us any idea when to expect a patch for this? It started really being abused about 3 weeks ago, now it’s literally in every round of GW I play.

Thanks again for communicating

I dont know what update but are aware and working on it.


There are default bodies for AR, SMG, LMG, Shotgun, and Sniper. The body is determined by what primary weapon you choose. The default operators will also be color matched to whatever environment you jump into. Example. Desert level desert colors on both sides of the default operators.


Originally posted by Sabretoothninja

is the memory leak on Tarvosk for pc players also being looked at?

Sorry. I dont have an answer.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I know youre trying to be funny but I dont appreciate it.


Originally posted by JoveGaming

Any word on the memory error 19 148 crash that usually happens on Tavorsk District? Map glitches + crashing has made Ground War difficult to enjoy.

I dont have any updates but I know people are working on it.

05 Jan


Originally posted by rolandassassin

Thank you, it became ridiculous lately.

Any chance you ever add preview of blueprints in shop?

I would buy so much more if i could preview blueprints with any attachements and camos, so i can see if the core design stays or not.

Without that it feels pointless to buy.

Thats actually an interesting concept. Being able to preview "Gunsmithing" a blueprint before you purchase. Not easy for us to implement but a really good idea. You got my gears turning.


The subject of GW maps. We are aware of the bugs and are chasing them down.


Nothing is simple in game developlment;)....but! Totally agree and we are looking into it. Im a big fan of solids myself.


Originally posted by Vaith94

Hi! Sorry to piggyback but here are my thoughts on variants.

  1. It would be good if you could choose the version of an attachment from any owned blueprint. So like the blue tac laser on the kilo on other variants of the kilo (or even other weapons or weapons in the same class. Another example is the skeleton stock with the ribbon from Farah’s AK on another AK when you equip the skeleton stock. It could ask the player which variant they wanted to equip when selecting the attachment.

  2. It would be cool if rather than buying a weapon that shoots a coloured tracer you just buy the colour and can equip that to whatever weapon you want.

2a. Pink tracers please

  1. If a blueprint has a unique visual element it should be kept when you change the attachments. On the muddy M19 if you change the barrel the pistol is no longer muddy so the variant is ruined, it should have a longer barrel with mud on it. Having bought many blueprints I h...
Read more

Thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by PrOwOfessor_OwOak

Thank you Joel. I would also like to add, the game and skins look beutiful

Thanks! Ill pass that along to the crew.


Originally posted by SurvivorNumber1

Could you maybe try and get some Calling cards & emblems for more Game Mode stuff — like Plant/Defuse 500 Bombs in S&D,

500 confirms/denies in Kill Confirmed Winning 1000 Domination games, etc. Stuff we can show off that we’re good at game modes. I miss this from all the other CODs

Looking in to it. Stuff like this makes sense but I cant make any promises.


Originally posted by PrOwOfessor_OwOak

Hi, I would like to make a small complaint with the MP7 gold camo. I'll make it short.

I'm not a fan of it. I feel like its underwhelming compared to the MP5 and compared to the other gold skins like the M19, m91, GS, Kar98k, etc. Is it possible for it to get a new gold skin?

I guess I'm not satisfied with the grind I did to complete it only for it to have some squiggily lines of gold on it. Im not sating this to be an ass, I just feel like its underwhelming.

Thank you foe your time.

We will take a look.


Originally posted by jayswolo

“Hey Joel”

You have become a meme 😂

All good. Its all love.