Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Dev Tracker

03 Jan


Originally posted by clockworkpeon

appreciate your taking the time to chat with us degenerates on the reddit.

to help clarify how I think a lot of the community feels about this: regardless of intent, we think that weapon mechanic calibrations should be communicated in the notes. if it's not malicious, as you say (and I hope), then someone is dropping the ball somewhere. obv Ash isn't making the tweaks herself, so is the team not communicating a full list of changes? is she missing notes in the rush to post? there's a disconnect somewhere that needs to be addressed.

personally I'll take the notes a day late if it means they're 100% complete.

Ill pass the feedback along.


Originally posted by juancho393

Hi there!

Sorry to bug you, I’m gonna hijack your comment, but you seem to be the most active member of the team in terms of communication so I wanted to let you know about an issue on the game. I’m sure you’ve already been told about this but I wanted to make sure.

It’s minor but it bugs the heck out of me. The Origin 12 has a missing attachment on level 46 so the green square doesn’t go away.

Again, I know it’s minor but this has happened with other guns before and drove me insane.

Sending to QA. Thank you!


Originally posted by sophiasofar

what happened to patch notes?


Originally posted by Xenon2212

Yet again, commenting on everything BUT the problems this community has addressed at large. This game literally has so much potential.

Yeah, I know what you're saying. I'm doing my best. Like I've said before. There is no benefit to me commenting on details or mechanics that I don't completely understand the inner workings of. If I cant speak to something and be clear with an answer that would just upset people. No one wants to go on that ride.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Sounds like we wont reach an understanding on this one. Answered your questions the best I could. Take care my friend and try to have a good day.


Originally posted by Sabretoothninja

hey is there any fix for the memory leak on Tarvosk? Been happening for a few weeks now and devs dont really talk about PC problems.

I dont know about deeper tech ongoings at the moment. Theres a link somewhere around here that is a bug board. Ill grab the link and post it as a refresher when I get back in the office.


Originally posted by GigaGoob

Hey how about the Nikto bundle please and thanks

Im not sure on Nikto. Thats a rare one. Should be back soon but I dont have an ETA.

02 Jan


Originally posted by iiPro_KilLeRz

Do you know if the missing emblems from season 0 is going to be fixed in the next update or not ? I’ve completed all officers challenges and only received 7/10. Thank you for communicating with us.

Dont know but this looks like a section of the game we should work to improve. In my hitlist to help out when I get back on Monday.


Holy crap this is amazing!


Originally posted by pic2022

Seriously. Please do. I'm trying to give you guys money and you only give me the same 5 bundles in all the sections.

It should be back in rotation in a couple of weeks.


Originally posted by [deleted]


...and theres #4 for 2020.


Originally posted by pic2022

Off topic, but who's dick do I have to suck to get Tactical Human in my store? I have all the same damn shit. I even bought the Nikto bundle.

Im looking into it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I hear you but I disagree. No reason to debate. You and I just see things differently.


Originally posted by SkywalkerGLM

Hijacking this comment to request that the platinum skins for riot shield and knife are made shinier, at least for other people viewing. I spend about 3 hours every day for the past 3 weeks to grind out platinum on melee and am a bit underwhelmed by my ability to flex on other players.

I realize it may not be a big issue to some, but if someone dedicates that amount of effort into grinding out the skins, I really want to be able to show them off and for people to know what it is. Thanks in advance!

I hear you. We at least have stickers in the works for the riot shield. We were working them in right before the break. They will be on the outside of the shield.


Originally posted by 64KiloByte

I think its a misunderstanding that we would try to sneak something into the game that doesn't improve the experience.

You mean some pretty hard SBMM to keep low-skill players coming back?
Your current level of SBMM was "snuck in" for player retention (I've read the AV annual reports), and it's so bad, that I was consistently put on US servers from Europe. I should never, under any circumstances, be put on servers across the Atlantic. That is a broken mechanic.

I've contacted every outlet of AV and IW w/o a single response (you got my oney right?).
In the end I got tired of jumping through hoops just to play on Euro servers (amazing what you can do with iptables), so now I'm playing other games. Jedi Fallen Order is both amazing and fun.

Watch as this reply will be deleted, because IW can't have criticism.

You're free to voice your opinion here dude.


Originally posted by David83IT

u/artpeasant For about 3 weeks the statistics of the game modes (Barracks>Records>Playlist) are no longer monitored, only the general ones work. Game on PS4 Pro (Game version: Digital, PAL Italy). Are you aware of the problem? It's frustrating not being able to monitor the stats...

I've seen this come up. Ill be sure to ask about it when I go back. Adding to my hit list.


Originally posted by [deleted]


In my observation since the projects release, weapon mechanics calibrations are based on several factors. Feedback from the community and hard data from the game out in the wild just to name a couple that I know of. I think its a misunderstanding that we would try to sneak something into the game that doesn't improve the experience.