
Mordhau Dev Tracker

03 Mar


Originally posted by NotDoritoMan

Weapons during development were intended to have sweet spot mechanics. Then it was found that it was far too easy to abuse this and rush in close with small weapons and render weapons with shafts and handles useless.

Gameplay > Realism every time. Leave realism to games that are actually intended to be realistic.

not true, never had sweet spots planned

02 Mar


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

Will these images be in the loading screens ?

They will be used in the matchmaking screen in the grid of game mode "tiles".


Originally posted by I-Plague-I

It was indeed used for jousting, it is (like you mentioned) designed in a way that protects the user of wooden pieces which are from the lances when they impact. The Devs of Mordhau could probably tweak it a bit for better usability/realism. For example removing the plate ( or making it smaller), making the helmet smaller in general.

There are many ways to tweak the model for the Frog-mouth Helmet. And personally I think that it would actually be comepletely fine the way it is, because I suggested it because it just looks very cool ( Iā€™m also a giant fan of the helmet and own one myself).

Maybe there could be something added like jousting helmets and eventually a Perk which adds certain bonuses and lets people use jousting equipment. A gamemode could also be combined with that eventually. But these are only ideas and a little suggestion which I think might look cool when used with the right armors and metal tints and what not.

the thing though - if we tweak it to work within the confines of the game, it might just end up looking like some weird LARP attempt instead of like an actual frogmouth.

it could be cool, but there are a lot of question marks surrounding how we would make it work. no guarantees, but we're aware people want it :)


Originally posted by BurnmaNeeGrow

holy heck the resemblance is uncanny. in which museum did you find this?

We base a lot of cosmetics off real-world examples!


s t r e t c h

at it again


For those who won: please pm me a link to your steam profile, and we'll send over the wagons of gold ;)


Our votes are in, and we've decided the victors for the Community Screenshot Contest! First of all, we'd like to thank everyone who participated. There were tons of fantastic screenshots - but unfortunately we can only pick five! Please join us in congratulating the winners of the contest:

Duel - u/CaucasianGyration


Read more External link ā†’

01 Mar


This has been fixed. :)

28 Feb


Originally posted by Icy_Concern

Getting a bit annoying that their estimates are always just big maybes

that's the definition of an estimate šŸ¤”


Originally posted by Brandell-184

Jax, what about Grad-Blue-Invasion? Will it ever get fixed or removed from the game?

it will be balanced out a bit, no worries

27 Feb


Originally posted by skyburnsred

Not sure how the DM server "No N*ggers Allowed" has managed to still exist for what seems like over 6 months now

Unfortunately we don't the functionality in the game at the moment to remove it, and we can't interrupt the dev cycle of the new update to add this. It will be gone in the next update, but if we wanted to do a hotfix for this right now it would add about 3-4 weeks of work to revert changes and then get all the in development stuff back in.

Tldr - our version control/development pipeline doesn't allow for quick hot fixes unless they happen shortly after a major update.

Were sorry that this has happened - it's a pretty big oversight on our part, but we'll be removing this in the next update.


Thanks to everyone for participating! We're now looking through the entries and deciding which are best - good luck! We'll announce the winners in the next day or so :)

26 Feb


check the snippets too for a shot of the interior of Mountain Peak's castle if you haven't already :) and a baxe skin


I wonder what the movespeed on that loadout is

24 Feb



23 Feb


Originally posted by mikelitis

I'm not really sure I understand your issue with that. You don't get any extra gold or xp for winning. People who earn the right to be nobles by scoring the highest score are free to do as they wish and killing massive amounts of enemies with a huge sword is unsurprisingly quite a lot of fun. Sitting in a corner and hiding while timer runs out is really boring on the other hand.

this is why we're looking into HP on kill for the commander roles - nothing insane, but enough to allow them to go out and fight, instead of having to hide in the back and do nothing.


Originally posted by H8DCarnifEX

lol made my day, but they are underground ^^

start digging


haha, my thoughts when I saw the poster... "that sounds a lot like feitoria doesn't it?"