
Mordhau Dev Tracker

09 Apr


Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon

huh, not sure, asking the team rn

it's a bug, it's been fixed internally :)

07 Apr


It's something we had in the early prototype (slasher) but was removed because in most cases it just looked silly. At this point in time it would be more or less impossible to introduce this, since we've already built the gore + armor system, character models etc. around the current level of dismemberment and it would require us to re-do massive amounts of the game to add it.


he'd be proud :')


We're looking into the issue. If you guys have server names + logs, that would help us figure out the problem :)


They're definitely 60 tick. That being said we're working on routing issues that are introducing ping and packet loss into play, so we're trying to get that sorted.

06 Apr


we're looking into this lmao


Originally posted by SpiralHam

Kriegsmessers were often hand and a half sized. More often than longsword, or especially greatsword size from what I've seen.

No pollaxe I've ever seen had a head the size of a maul's head. I'd consider the in game maul to be a fantasy weapon, yeah. The default maul at least is believable as a real life maul, mainly a tool for driving in stakes, but I have heard of them being mentioned being used as weapons in a few cases.

I recently saw a painting(I think it was around 15th century?) that had men in formation with some holding big two handed hammers with essentially squares on the end, but I can't find it right now.

The war axe is the most egriegous example of non-historic weapons though. It's styled like a dane axe, but I've never seen any evidence of a viking style double bitted axe.

Edit: Here's the...

Read more

one of the war axe skins is based on a piece in a museum, the asymmetrical one. can't remember the exact name of it IRL but you could probably find it if you digged around :)


can i share this on twitter? this is perfect

04 Apr


Originally posted by JumpingHippopotamus

I came across someone doing this in my game earlier. They didn't have an icon above their head so I took my maul to em and cronch

Not that hard to see thru this disguise

you're making a bold assumption that people pay attention... to anything


Originally posted by HeyItsShy

Or those annoying people who treat it like an Xbox

"Jax says it's my turn on the ballista!!"

after you eat your vegetables

03 Apr


Bug, will be fixed in next update

02 Apr


Originally posted by JohhnyJ21

can we get dev attention on this dude?

He's on the ban list now. Might take a little bit for the ban to process but he'll be gone :)


We discovered a bug related to the pause menu scoreboard where it wouldn't hide itself properly and continued to update in the background while the menu was closed, impacting performance in high playercount servers. This will be fixed in the next hotfix.

30 Mar


Which servers is this happening on?


Originally posted by [deleted]


funny but def spam

29 Mar


We're addressing fire bombs in general in the next hotfix. You'll only be able to restock up to one at a time from the ammo box (and not say, all 3), and smoke+fire will cancel out entirely since they currently only affect the bits that overlap and the smoke doesn't dissipate, making it a bit useless for this purpose. There may be more tweaks.