
Mordhau Dev Tracker

10 Feb


Originally posted by xXblackmustardXx

Not a server full of the best duelists in the game. A level 13 will have 0 understanding of what is even happening. He probably doesn't even know how to riposte yet. He should learn the basics first. It's like fighting in MMA as a newbie against people like Khabib or Mc Gregor going all in while you can barely throw a punch, good luck learning anything.

IMO depends on whether or not the person you're dueling is okay with training you - if they're going 100% effort against you, you're probably not going to learn. But fighting a better player who just uses ripostes or some basic attacks and still kills you (going easy on you) will teach you a lot better than some guy who has no idea what he's doing


Super cool! Glad to see RP starting to expand and get more popular :)


The thing is we have to make the ripostes go from the parry animation, and so we have two distinct (left/right) parry animations. Adding random animations to parries might negatively affect the gameplay, by reducing readability.


Looks cool! For the people asking for this to be in game, it's a little out of the focus of what we're going for. Limited vision is more in line with a more realistic/sim style game (ie Kingdom Come) whereas we aim for a more fast paced/arcade feeling.


there's a profanity filter for a reason, folks

07 Feb


Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon

Last time I checked we're not really interested in radial wheels for emotes, but that was a while ago

So the team has seen this, and we're considering it :)


Originally posted by ToastyTerrorist

Paging u/Spook-, u/Dominator86

What do you think of this? Could we get a dev response?

Last time I checked we're not really interested in radial wheels for emotes, but that was a while ago

06 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


just a well made video :)


Originally posted by _herecuzimbored_

I lile it, only thing is that ur host is so trash and im chilling at 80ms ping with fiber internet and exitlag activated

We display latency as raw ping+server delay - this number is more accurate than just raw ping, but it shows a little higher. For example, if you have a 60hz server 'tickrate' that automatically adds 16.6 ms to latency since the server can only refresh so fast.

We also have a few routing issues that have been persistent, but we're still looking to improve latency as much as we can. :)


Originally posted by RagingStallion

Mordhau is one of the best games I've ever played. And the voice acting and voice lines are second to none, and don't get enough praise. You and the team that built it should definitely not take up farming.

I thank thee, sir!


Originally posted by GGsnackz

Do you have a twitch handle? Played someone with a name similar to yours yesterday

JaxPC :)


Originally posted by Th00nk

I am, i still get the laugh out of the smallest things i did when i got the game first. And is that community server reward bug being fixed next patch?

Soon™ :)

05 Feb


Originally posted by derp_shrek_9

If they did something similar to how the second zweihander skin works that would be cool. A second skin that has its own collection of parts. So at least people can still play barbie doll with their other weapon skin.

They basically just have to do what they did for the zweihander for the other weapons that need love, like the bardiche etc

Yeah I think we can do that, not 100% sure at the moment though


reason why this isn't as possible is that the default weapon uses a texture atlas, which can't be expanded on.

from my limited understanding - a texture atlas is a big ol picture with all the weapon parts' textures on it, and the game reads this one file per weapon. this helps a ton with performance, but you can't just take that atlas and add more stuff to it, since there's no more room.

This is why we make more skins - but I'll ask the team if we can get some new skins with some parts for customization :)

02 Feb


Originally posted by IIMrFirefox

The 17 year old Ploomer: He goes into the character selection screen to make a new character with a weapon he just bought. He looks at the Head tab on his character loadout, beckoning him to click, irresistably empty, waiting to be filled with his ploomed helmet. He clicks and desperately scrolls down past the filthy unploomed helmets, tier 2 unvisored peasant plumes and unploomed armets

He finds himself in a familiar place, he is finally at the bottom. The ploomer gently places the cursor on the bottom most helmet, yes, the newest ploomed helmet to grace the shop. He can only imagine what this will look like with a black armour tint, a painted maximillian cuirass, his majestic shield pauldrons and all the other benefits of playing on Frontline servers for nearly 2K hours since release.


He furiously clicks to deject his hard earned gold in exchange for the newest Tier 3 plumed helmet. He rotates ...

Read more

truly touching and enlightening

01 Feb


Originally posted by thomthom44

I´m creating just that :) Look here!

Also have a WIP video but its rendered very dark. This is absolutly not the final lighting style! Gateway map WIP video

yo thats dope can i share this on twitter or smth


Originally posted by Redbeardt

Sure would make archery harder.. Depending how the "darkness" is implemented. I.e. is it darkness you can overcome just by pumping up the gamma, or is it "true darkness" where we're literally drawing black pixels.

in b4 archers with huge gamma settings

If it's not cloudy out and the moon is pretty full, nighttime isn't that dark. Usually people live inside with lights on in their house, walk outside at night and can't see a thing because their eyes aren't adjusted to it.

When i was in the Marines doing field exercises in the outback in the middle of the night, even without NVG's I could see pretty damn well (provided the moon was out). after an hour or so your eyes are completely adjusted and it's not that dark, it's just harder to make out details on things.

When it comes to Mordhau, if we added a night map it would definitely be adjusted for gameplay, we don't want people stumbling around in the dark and falling off towers :D


Originally posted by Daric_Leland

and the actual dev told me that if I want him to fix a bug (glitch with weapon) I have to tell him how to do it

...cause if the devs can't recreate the bug happening, they can't see the part that's broken? It's basic debugging. There's thousands of lines of code and one line is causing the problem, literally finding a needle in a haystack without information to go on. That's why it's so important to include steps to reproduce the bug, because seeing what goes wrong gives the devs an idea of where to look and they also probably have tools to see what code is getting executed when the bug happens.

I can understand someone with no programming experience not knowing this, but what the dev asked was perfectly reasonable and necessary to fix the issue.

yea if we don't know why something happens, how do we fix it


Originally posted by Broly2022

I don't even understand why, they already have the game mode ready and the matchmaking system in place. I really wish they finally pushed the button on this

more due to player counts but also we're looking into making team ranked that has objective play, and something that could be used by the comp scene as well.