
Mordhau Dev Tracker

24 Mar


Originally posted by Assassin4nolan

What if player objective kills shortened the timer? Maybe 3-10 secs per kill? It would encourage aggressive play by player objectives while not buffing their survivability.

this is something we've considered, we're adding HP on kill in the upcoming patch and then we're looking into more options after that :)


Originally posted by Assassin4nolan

This is bad game design. You can't tie fun to not playing the objective

we're adding hp on kill to some boss characters this patch, and seeing how it goes. if it's good, we'll look at adding it to all of them, and tweaking values etc

20 Mar


Originally posted by TheLamey

Patch 12. You actually had to look at ripostes in the direction they were coming, Chambers were challenging, shields weren't insanely op and you could stab around the face.

I personally think the game was better then, but they were going for mass appeal before the holiday sale.

Oh, and needs cried about nakeds "insiding" or hard forcing their riposte directions.

issue with this would be that in a 1vX / normal teamfight you would never be able to parry incoming attacks. If we slowed the game down by 50% or so, we could make the parry less forgiving, but it wouldn't be nearly as fun.


Please always mention which server, time, or at least region. It is helpful to know if other people on the server are experiencing the same issue as well. It is not an easy problem to track down if everything works fine for (mostly) everyone else. The more people with the problem, the easier to track down as it is likely something on the servers side.

Most issues seem concentrated on NA servers, which we already switched providers for at one point several months ago, that helped a bit. But some new issue with routing in NA popped up the past week or two, which caused a lot of posts on reddit to show up as well. That issue was supposedly resolved, and the complaints seem to have gone down, although it might not have gone away for sure.


Originally posted by TraurigerUntermensch

Honestly, this concerns me as well. I hope Triternion will be more reasonable with prices this time. Paying 50–80k for a single skin again would be ridiculous.

These skins aren't super expensive, for the most part.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I know as much as the other devs do. I have full access to everything, I see every change that is done to the game, and I'm there at our weekly meetings listening to the progress everyone has made from the previous week. We just can't give super accurate estimates, because game dev isn't a super precise line of work. Sometimes a bug pops up and sets us back a few days, sometimes a dev might have to rework balance etc. and a lot of these things you can't set a progress bar on. They are ready when they are ready, and so that's why we don't have a ton of clarity when it comes to when things will be ready.


Originally posted by [deleted]


'patchie' is just a thing that caught on, I'm not going to always be Mr. Businessman in the discord when I'm talking to people.


Originally posted by Icy_Concern

It'll always be this slow and the communication will always be this awful, I'd say I hope the incoming competition will motivate change but I doubt it will

Still, must be pretty nice having a job that consists of just saying Soon on repeat

I would rather be able to give you actual timelines and dates, but we're not in a position to be able to do that. Really, I'd love to be able to say the day the patch is coming out, sit back and just let things happen. In that case, if there was a delay it wouldn't even be on me, it would be on whoever came up with that estimate.

The reality of the situation is that without a physical office and project managers, HR people etc. our work environment is a lot less structured, and we can't give out solid estimates. We all work remotely, and communicate online, so it's just not feasible.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Reason why we won't do that, is because we already have a pretty small playerbase, and adding a PTR would then further split the playerbase. In games like Vermintide, it's a coop game so it doesn't matter as much, Overwatch has a ton of players, etc. It's not a feasible option for us, and it would add extra time onto development.

17 Mar


This is a little teaser video of the upcoming patch #17, one of the biggest updates yet!

It will feature our latest map "Castello", where you will plunder and raid a secluded island fortress. Furthermore, we have expanded the existing map "Mountain Peak", allowing you to finally proceed beyond the castle gates in our Invasion gamemode.

In addition, we're adding a nice variety of new weapon and armor cosmetics to cover all your fashion needs.

Last not but least, there will also be numerous bugfixes and gameplay tweaks for an even better Mordhau experience.

See you soon!

External link →

16 Mar


This is not something that is 100% on our end, and it definitely doesn't happen to everyone - as far as we can tell, these issues are ISP-related. Our server guy is still working to improve things, but we can't pin down any specific issues, as we're unable to reproduce them.

Devs told me it was my internet. Which was bullsh*t, because a patch fixed it after the game was unplayable for weeks.

An update might have helped, for some it can, for others it does nothing. If you tried to troubleshoot via the discord with a moderator, dev etc. and you couldn't get it fixed, we're sorry, but like I said we don't know 100% why these issues happen to begin with, so it's hard for us to give people a fix that is guaranteed to work.

Basically everyone deals with really bad ping spikes when they play this game

A small percentage do, but the vast majority of players don't have issues. Those with issues, as I've sa...

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Originally posted by UberDude21

but they said that last week

we said mid march :)

09 Mar


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

This is probably something that will end up happening in some form or another once the Official SDK is out. But, to answer your question about it not happening already:

  • While some GREAT maps exist, I can only think of 1 or 2 Frontline/Invasion maps. And those are riddled with various problems.
  • Optimization on modded maps isn't something most modders are capable of solving on their own. And the Devs can't exactly ship unpolished/buggy/low fps maps to the base game.
  • And while some members of our community are long-time modders, anything they made that was deemed "worthy" of being put into the game would still need plenty of hours of work by the Devs to make "game ready"
  • As well as a host of other issues relating to the non-Mordhau Assets that modders use. Like, when someone gives their stuff away for Non-profit use. The Devs adding them directly into the game could bring about legal trouble.

All in all, I think the Auto-Download...

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pretty much this completely


Originally posted by DolanOfSkalitz

Not yet just the padded arming jacket

3/1/1, bold armor choice

05 Mar

04 Mar


Originally posted by NotDoritoMan

That’s strange, I had heard that multiple times.

Also the tracers are colored to indicate sweet spots, and even have descriptors of those sweet spots in the options.

Edit: Double-checked. Yeah, in the settings where you can enable tracers, it pretty explicitly states green tracers as “additional damage tracers” which is obviously not currently in the game.

Additional damage tracers are simply extra tracers that some protruding weapons have on top of the straight tracer, like the axe. They exist to improve the collision accuracy by making the head connect before the shaft in some cases, but were never used or intended as sweet spot tracers.

03 Mar


Some commands are just holdovers from default unreal engine, a lot don't do anything. What are you trying to do?


we just have a weekly meeting at this time :)


We're aiming for mid march at the moment, we're pretty confident on this estimate as well.
Thanks for being patient and not rioting too much :)


Originally posted by sorewamoji

patch wont come out devs just confirmed they died

yeah we're super dead rn