
Mordhau Dev Tracker

03 Nov


Feitoria takes too long to load on a normal hard drive, so you'll timeout of the server. SSD will fix this but we're looking into improving load times, not sure if our intended method is feasible though. We'll see, no guarantees yet.


big thonker I'll show the team

what was your ping and the other guy's if you can recall?


is that the reconstructed medieval man i see


we ban for the gamer word, as long as you've got their steamid and proof.

gamer word is not okay


Originally posted by Berserker_Mate

What's wrong with the gamer word. If you don't like it then you can turn the chat off. It honestly doesn't bother some people. I'm not saying it doesn't bother everyone but like some don't mind it since we've grown up seeing it used as like an everyday term.

because it's some backwards sh*t, while you might be comfortable with it others probably aren't, and you should respect other people when in a public setting (which online games are)

I'm okay with seeing my own weiner but that doesn't mean I'm gonna walk around the grocery store proudly displaying my babymaker for all to see, because that's inconsiderate to others


Originally posted by EbonyAnimunculi

Is garbage ping just part of the game now? I have a decent internet speed, albeit on wifi, and use to be able to play on my region's servers (east coast) until recently where my ping has started jumping to 150 and beyond frequently, not enjoyable and hardly playable.

This is either a specific server thing or something on your end. If you have normal ping on most servers and then terrible connection on another, please let us know which server it is so we can take a look at it. πŸ‘


Originally posted by AzafTazarden

You can also cancel it by parrying, and if I'm not mistaken (begone bad-dad-bot), by attacking too. The only thing you can't do is walk.

i banned that bot, you're safe now my child

02 Nov


Originally posted by lecram137

i don't mind at all, i would be honored ;)


Originally posted by LastEmotion0

Wow you are alive? Do you still work for triternion?

dead inside but I still come here from time to time 😎


Originally posted by random428

Do the Mordhau devs support people copying the work of Torn Banner so it can be imported into your game? I would be interested to see an official stance about this. Thanks.

Hmm I see you're a Chiv admin πŸ‘Œ

That being said, I wouldn't say this is 'copying'. Copying would imply a direct rip and would be theft of IP, this is just a fan-made map inspired by a Chiv map. As far as I can tell there's no breach of IP going on here, and we're not going to overstep our bounds and pull community content down that isn't in clear violation of IP laws. People recreating LOTR stuff aren't going to get DMCA'd, same with people making lightsaber mods in Chiv.

Keep in mind this is my personal opinion, and at this point there is no official SDK. We allow mods via auto-downloader but that is roughly the extent of our current mod support/endorsement at this point in time.


mind if i put this up on twitter? πŸ‘


Not intentional, will look into it


ol florida pan man

01 Nov


yeah we're looking into feitoria invasion, this is just the first iteration so things can always change


i saw em a couple days ago, hmm


we can look into it, but it would definitely need some balancing to prevent everyone from being ninja warriors


Originally posted by DJspooner

Plus it's not overly enjoyable or engaging for either party to beat some dude laying there helplessly to death..

speak for yourself i love hitting floppy people


wingy boiz would be sick but not sure how we'd implement it.


adorable kitter has great taste in games :)