
Mordhau Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Originally posted by snackynorph

I don't understand why shield users are treated with universal disdain while quadruple-feint zweimen are not. Total 180° reversal on Chivalry's culture and I just find it jarring

quad feinting zweihander men are burning stam and there are counters to this, as well as the fact that if both people don't have shields you actually have to read the feints or go for chambers. against shields the shield user just negates a lot of the defensive skills for some annoying drawbacks.

shields aren't in a spot where they're massively OP at the moment, but in my (and a lot of other people's opinion) they're just not that fun to fight. we're looking to tweak them in the future but it's a tricky mechanic to balance


Originally posted by Pit7

He have gorge neck not chain hood :)

yeah but the chain is more accurate to the time period so it's an improvement :)


Originally posted by Afro-Horse

Can it be at this level...?

oh no no no


im giggling like an idiot in front of my computer right now.
mind if i post this on our twitter?


Originally posted by Lebowskerino

I e-mailed Triternion with the server name, I'm not sure of who the admin is. I don't use a VPN, and I'm not sure how I would even know that this guy is following up with a threat like this, it's probably just bullshit, but people shouldn't make threats like this. In the interest of everyone's "safety," should I post the server name? I don't want to dox anyone, but people should probably stay away from these idiots.

If the mods have a problem with me posting this info I'll remove it, the server is "Gladiators ~ Duels ~ (NO RDMing Flourish to Duel) 24/7"

i'll take a look, and see what we can do.

06 Oct


Originally posted by FreeWing

This is the worst part. They attempt to fix it and the sweaty elitists are against it or they actively attempt to break them.


No wonder new players leave

the sweatlords have been breaking the animations since the very first alpha build, and then reporting them to us. we had like a year + of people just abusing the f*ck out of the game to get the combat to where it is now, so people actively looking to break things is good (provided they or someone else reports it to us)


Originally posted by St0uty

First 2 are clearly from the alpha lmao

smh my head


Originally posted by spermwhale_man

Zwei Fieri

i lol'd


Originally posted by Miltawne

Downvoted! Jk. Their communication sucks and they don't seem to have any check on things even amongst themselves. Probably partly a result a of working remotely.

What do you want communication wise? We put out snippets of what we're working on, and give some timeframes where possible. Since we all work remotely it's tough to organize things and share everything that we're doing internally, which means it's tough to do inform the players on what/when to expect new things.

That being said, there's definitely room for improvement and I'm all ears on what you and others would like to see.


We would tell you when the patches were dropping if we knew ourselves. Things are done when they are ready, not when we hit specific deadlines.

05 Oct


Originally posted by Afro-Horse

Devs should let us be able to customize our facial structure in-game.

you can, just not to this level lol


Shield hitbox will match what the shield visually looks like.

This is commonly suggested, but does not work. We've experimented with more precise parry throughout the development of Mordhau and even with prototypes before it, the end result feels terrible for the defender. It's super simple to go around the parry, usually you get hit in the legs because someone attacked with an overhead, slightly missed (to the left or right) and it ends up hitting your ankle. It is not hard to do, but is impossible to defend against.

Shields are in a very crappy position right now, and have been since the start. In reality, we should've never gone with the held block shields in the first place, because they are not really compatible with how combat works, and it's not even realistic in the slightest if you know how shields were actually used in combat. But we did, and now we're kind of stuck with them, and if we try to push for the removal of held block, ...

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If you have steps how this is done, please PM


If you guys have clips of ridiculous spinning etc, reply to this comment with some links so we can take a look. thanks


Originally posted by WHATTheyPutThanosIn

It must be so annoying seeing so many morons regularly complain about something they know nothing about, which you guys worked on for literal years to make as good and balanced as possible. Posts like these are always from people who are too thick and/or impatient to understand why they got defeated by something and what's the counter for it - why do that when you can go complain on reddit that the game is broken somehow and when people ask what are you talking about, just say it happens every game and yet somehow never have any proof to show.

Nah, they're not morons. Everyone has a valid opinion, and if we could all snap our fingers and change Mordhau to be exactly how we would want it to be, we'd all end up with different games. The point of my job is to gather a bunch of feedback, present it to the team, and then we try to make a good compromise on everyone's opinions + our internal vision for the game.

04 Oct


Look on MCG, you can find a link on the official Mordhau discord :)


Send your logs to us via email - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

you can find em at: C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Mordhau\Saved\Logs


There is a balance between making everything look like a scripted movie fight with 100% believable animations, and allowing for player freedom. Too much restriction = players will feel 'locked-in' and not have the same sense of creativity. Too much freedom and you get some wonky sh*t going down. This freedom is super important, and it's what makes Mordhau the game it is; otherwise we would have just done a lock-on combat system since it would have been a million times easier to make it not look busted.

Also, we have to ensure that animations are readable, but also make sure that there is enough difficulty in reading animations to keep defense from being trivial - too readable and we would have to rely on timing alone, and as a multiplayer game there's only so far you can lower timings to introduce skill - we're pretty much at the limit for that when you factor in ping/latency, any tighter on the timings and the game would be unplayable online.

So it's really a b...

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