
Mordhau Dev Tracker

31 Oct


Originally posted by kemotatnew

Is the police cosplayer using some command to stand this way?

0 holsters your weapons in any mode


Originally posted by Traitorous_Nien_Nunb

This is my crutch. I chamber until they really build a defense for it, then I start chamber feinting. Eventually they grow used to chamber feinting, and I fall back onto just chambering. Rinse and repeat, works a lot more often than it should

this can be countered a lot in duels though - if i notice someone chambers a lot i throw out a super simple stab and let them chamber it, and fall back on hard-reading and parrying. do this like 3 times in a row and then you have a huge stamina advantage. 👌

29 Oct


Originally posted by MrZephy

Character scale is taken into account for interaction distance, allowing picking things up etc for bigger characters

Character scale? Is that just how fat/buff you are? If so, that makes very little sense to me. Why would a guy who has wider biceps be able to pick something up from further away?

no it's the big boss guys that are 12 feet tall

28 Oct


Originally posted by I-Am-Dad-Bot

Hi smugly, I'm Dad!

i banned it, sh*t bot

25 Oct


Originally posted by Aardonyx9

Jax I threw a rapier into your face yesterday on Mountain Peak, wish I recorded it, it was beautiful.

ow i remember that


Happy early birthday, and we're glad you've been able to play it (even in potato mode)! ♥♥

24 Oct


Originally posted by Battlefield_Recap

Yeah, I'll just roll with this for now and see how far I can take it, thanks for the input though! (P.S. pls fix max name length)

>(P.S. pls fix max name length)

The text in the UI supports max name length so I'm not sure why it gets cut off


Originally posted by Battlefield_Recap

Figured as much given that the web plugin wouldnt be supported if it didnt already exist natively. Do you have any methods you could share to extract data from the web widget btw, I want to interface with it to create admin tools. My current methods are to use changes in the url to output the new url and to get the title text, doing this we can encode data into the url/title that i can convert into usable parameters in the widget blueprint

Don't know of any methods to extract data from the page itself, the browser widget is fairly limited in what it can do natively, your URL method sounds like a crafty workaround using the title text.


Originally posted by Battlefield_Recap

Works by modifying the Mordhau main menu pawn and telling it to spawn a widget that has a web browser component.

That's pretty much all the news panel on the right side is - web browser widget pointed to a custom page on the Mordhau site which we can update from the site's backend.


Originally posted by JohhnyJ21

holy shit does bbno$ play mordhau?

apparently yeah and he loves it 😍


Originally posted by King_Kodo

'Feitoria soon' for like 2 months now 🤔

but now its soon™

map is p much done, we ran into a few collision issues today which should be fixed without having to alter lighting (which takes 3 days to rebuild) and the other bugs we've found have been resolved for the most part


Originally posted by RaisinsInMyToasts

Yeah I could of sworn we heard feitora soon in august

our frame of reference is the cosmic scale. soon could be 2 minutes or 2 million years don't judge

Serious note though, this is why we don't give deadlines. Game dev isn't easily quantified/predictable, sometimes things just take way longer than expected. We'd rather push a really good map out than release something that just isn't fun.


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

Or add new modes where the graveyard and other side of river are useable. I had no ides the graveyard had full interiors and functional doors until someone had the bright idea of camping there during horde (which was a lot of fun)

We've discussed making alternate FL/INV setups on maps that utilize different sections. That being said we'd need to do some work on the maps to accommodate the players. Like sure there are some buildings and a graveyard on Grad but the map isn't set up for people to fight over there around objectives.

Something we're aware of though, and we may look into it more seriously in the future.


Originally posted by seitung

Hey Jax, any chance the old maps are going to get an optimization pass? only like 10% of Grad is part of the playable area.

Yeah this is something we're looking into. 64p modes are especially hard on the CPU, but atm most of the work is on Feitoria although a few more gameplay related tweaks are in the works for other maps.


Originally posted by payl0ad

If you don't mind me asking, what's taking so long? I remember someone on the dev team saying you're being supported by Epic on this so I originally (like, 3 months ago) thought it can't really take long. I'd completely understand if you simply can't allocate more resources to it, literally just curious.

So mod tools will require a lot of work by marox to do, who's the lead and only game programmer. Dominator is another coder but he handles backend/server stuff. What this means is that he would have to focus on the SDK and we would see a drop in other gameplay-related features that require coding. This is fine, but we need more base content that can keep the game afloat while the SDK is worked on. It makes much more sense to get more content in the game that is sustainable in the short term, and then knock the SDK out. The other way would mean no content and then an SDK, so for example if we'd been working primarily on the SDK we wouldn't have gotten a lot of the improvements recently, invasion, ranked, etc. and we'd be stuck in a major content drought until the SDK was wrapped up.

FWIW, I can't recall any info on Epic supporting our SDK, but I may be off the mark here.


Hey, super sorry about this. Had a guy impersonating people all night :/

PM me a link to your Steam profile and I'll get this reverted 👌

23 Oct


Originally posted by Bruce_VVayne

I hope there will be someone who could help us. If he ever sees, u/Jaaxxxxon maybe

We are looking into it. I keep bugging the team about more server locations. .👍