
Mordhau Dev Tracker

03 Oct


Originally posted by pog13959392

Loudouts* let it be known that this is the expansion we need

i prefer folders for quietouts


The organization of individuals responsible for the creation, implementation, and execution of new additions and features to the interactive audiovisual medium known by the title of "Mordhau" are cognisant of the collective individuals requesting the creation, implementation, and execution of a system whereby users of this interactive audiovisual medium may organize user-created interactive characters based on personal preferences into a structured hierarchy for ease of use.

This collective group of individuals has made note of these requests and will conduct a cost/time-benefit analysis to determine the viability of potential implementation.

01 Oct


that's a sick loadout ngl


Originally posted by bruh__bot

bruh πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ˜«πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

good bot


Originally posted by IvoryHairedExile

I sincerely hope you are banned one day.

all it takes is evidence and a link to a steam profile 😎


We marketed those things as Kickstarter exclusive, so we won't be making the available to release players. It's not fair to the backers who funded the creation of our game if we were to open these items up to be used by anyone.

30 Sep


Originally posted by Galxey_1

Once again, this is why this is the best game ever. Want me to mod the club and stone into a baseball and baseball bat for ya?


28 Sep


it existed at one point but was super broken since you could still throw it really far, it might get added back in the future. no guarantees tho

26 Sep


Originally posted by Flagshipson

Are the Catholics crusading while the Nazis are invading?

that sounds like a line from a sabaton song tbh


oh i thought the only good way was to throw it off the map :^)


Originally posted by KG_Jedi

Alrighty, can i summon dev here instead? I don't have discord account as of yet. Lemme try /u/Jaaxxxxon

hi we're taking a look now, but we do need the steamid / steam profile


Originally posted by bear_bear_bear_bear

geach3d the lad still somehow managed to make the stone look somewhat alright in THESE GRAPHICS

the graphics haven't really changed much at all, this is just pepega computer settings


Originally posted by DDDDax

I feel like the devs should pick one map every like 4 months to add to the base game from the modding community. that would give us quiet the variety

would be cool, but first we should probably get the SDK out properly.


Originally posted by Pringleson

Yes I’m on the development team with titernion. You can just cashapp me. Feel free to DM



VAC check timeout =/= VAC ban, if that's what you're getting. Look on our discord, the tech support section has multiple fixes.

25 Sep


soonβ„’ indeed


I'd go with veteran's chest, rough the armor a bit, and I think you'd be set .πŸ‘


I remember playing on that map, it was a lot of fun!

21 Sep


Originally posted by Warriorgrunt

I'm pretty sure this is implemented in a small way, glancing hits, but as I recall, they only come to play at the end of the swing.

The change to the start of the swing I would want; Reduced damage, but the player hit is moved a small path along the swing. This would make it so mauls wouldn't insta-gib at the start of the swing, but rather it hits, deals a bit of damage, and at the middle of the swing the enemy is kind of 'released' at the peak momentum of the swing. I wouldn't mind if the enemy would be ragdolled, but that might be a bit too strong.

This swing-start implementation would reflect momentum of the weapon. At the start there isn't enough momentum to cut, but enough to drag the opponent slightly along the swing. Blunt weapons would have a larger push-back while bladed wouldn't.

We do glancing hits and 'early release' (phases through and cannot damage but can be parried), because we generally prefer more deterministic damage states rather than a smooth curve. The biggest issue with further reducing the viability of early/late attacks is that it effectively cuts down on the ability to get around blocks, and that it would still lead to these moves being used, just to lesser effect (which won't make them any less infuriating on the receiving end)