
Mordhau Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Originally posted by 0xf3e

Do you plan to fix this bug or not? It's rather important and probably easy to fix... destroyed my good mood not just once.

yeah but we don't know why it happens, so having a backup is always a good idea


Originally posted by Aathrael

Thx for the info!! Though it would be convenient if we got a screen for that.

Agreed, I'll add a display for it next patch.

31 Aug


This one slipped past us, we'll be hotfixing it (and the other strange issues!) That's why we put the beta sticker on, because we know there's going to be issues we can only find with large-scale testing.

30 Aug


Originally posted by krujap777

Thank you

no, thank YOU :)


Originally posted by BronyJoe1020

“Just release it lmao” you realize they’re still bugfixing and polishing it as they post these, right? They’re not just teasing us.

this, ranked wouldn't work at all earlier today, then all windows servers just insta-crashed

had to fix those, would look bad if ranked didn't work in the ranked update


Originally posted by arno73

I ran into that issue a couple of weeks ago. Lost a few builds before I figured it out. Haven't made any new ones or any changes since then because I'm afraid of losing them again.

appdata/mordhau, look for game.ini file
make a copy of this as a backup and if u lose characters, just replace the file in appdata with the backup, ezpz


Originally posted by ThexJakester

Greatsword main mode strike headshot damage vs plate armor to 48 (reduced from 50)


T3 helm was not that useful htk wise compared to t2, now it is much mroe viable as some weapons that used to not care about anything above t2 head now are stopped by t3

more of a heavy head buff than a weapon nerf


Originally posted by the_kilted_ninja

Yeah, these all seem like good changes, but that one leaves me scratching my head. I don't think fleshwound has ever really been a major problem

VERY good at the comp level, too good


Originally posted by Antlered-Stag

If you turn too much while attacking (and surpass your weapon's turncap) you do almost no damage

no, turncap is how fast you can rotate when mid-attack


If you're missing items, please restart the game until all unlocked equipment/weapons are unlocked - we changed our inventory system, and it may take multiple tries for the system to "remember" your items.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

External link →

This latest update includes a host of improvements and features to MORDHAU - starting with duels, we’ve now implemented our first iteration of ranked play, a variety of gameplay improvements, map balancing to Crossroads, quality-of-life improvements, new cosmetics and more!

This update is the first of multiple coming to MORDHAU within the coming weeks; we’ve decided to break up our incoming additions into smaller updates to ensure that we can release new content without excessive delays. Expect iterative patches coming in the very near future that will build upon what’s currently available, and stay tuned for even more content and features soon, such as new maps, modding support, more gameplay adjustments and improvements for weapons, shields and archers, the new Invasion game mode, ranked 3v3 mode and more!

If you’d like to read all the changes for this update, check out our changelog on the forums, and see what’s coming in future updates as well!


Read more External link →

Originally posted by A_FitGeek

Maintenance misspelled going to be another day until playable.



Originally posted by Battlekid18

They muted the general channel on their Discord server and they're just shitposting in it at the moment. I have a feeling they're just teasing us at this point.

there are like 900 people posting copypastas atm. servers down for maintenance, update coming in a few minutes ;)


Originally posted by Raimondi06

We need more maps to retain players. Pachie!!!

maps aren't coming with this update, we're rolling out everything we've been working on over a few smaller updates, which will come much quicker than the wait from last update to this one

29 Aug


Originally posted by mnhorst

Isn’t the creep of gold kinda lame for new items like are all the new skins you guys give out gonna cost like 3000000 gold .. what about not fancy cosmetics will they also still keep being inflated in price as well

Not all will be expensive, with this set you can get cheaper variants for example - plume vs non plume, etc


Originally posted by Jaon412

Ballpark on cost of new armour set pls



If you're fine with waiting a day or two, next update will fix the backend (hopefully)


Originally posted by Golden_Toasters

What do you mean 20-30 pieces? Like that many different armor pieces are being added or what?

Around 32 pieces, but a lot of those are variants (e.g. plumed, non-plumed, symmetric/asymmetric pauldrons). Every slot except skirt.


Originally posted by SethMatrix

If it doesn't have new maps and a crossroads balance I'm not even gonna download the patchie

It comes with a crossroads rework, but no other maps yet. This will be the first in a series of patches that will come one after the other, and will clear out a lot of the "backlog" stuff we had in the pipeline being worked on in parallel, all of which is now nearing completion. Some of that includes 2 new maps, invasion/siege, various stages of mod support, etc.