
Mordhau Dev Tracker

21 Sep


Originally posted by TimboQ

Have you guys considered a momental damage system like warband? where in this case his swing at the very beginning of his pull would cause little damage compared to in the center of his swing? It makes sense because you have to build the force with the swing, and obviously a swing shouldn't have much force at the beginning or very near the end. I'd like to see a spectrum of damage based on when the weapon hits: less if it was dragged and more if it was accelled, or something along those lines. I think this would naturally make the combat more believable. (I am very much an average noob in this game though)

Keep in mind that momentum is not what is usually desired here. Momentum means that spinning will do more damage, as it would in real life, because more momentum is obtained that way. The reason spinning isn't prevalent in real fights is because you'd get shanked or otherwise grappled, something that's impossible with the game's rules and initiative system, hence why we have to use different conditions/rules.


Please keep posting these, it helps us give an idea of what players don't want to see, and fosters some discussion to this extent inside the dev team as well. We've recently included a glance calculation for this specific case, but it seems we didn't quite nail it since it's obviously still possible. It's always a battle between not intruding into the combat freedom and making sure really weird stuff is weeded out.

Another thing we're looking at is the speed of idle turning/looking animations, which many people are finding jarring despite it not being possible during an attack itself. We've specifically made the look/aim animations very snappy to aid in reading during attacks, but there's no reason why they should be so in idle, so it's definitely something we can improve in the future.

Sometimes players mention spazzing out and dancing, but we're not sure what specifically they mean, so having it pointed out specifically in video and saying "this and that" makes it...

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Originally posted by SourmanTheWise

Which is a very reasonable complaint, considering they have outright refused to expand their team, and the current speed is therefore unlikely to increase.

This is an honest question, what example game would you give that you feel meets the expected speed of updates?

I don't think you'll find that our team is much smaller than what might be expected. We're about say, half the size of some normal indie studio, but unlike them we have no other projects in the pipeline. Usually, if you had a team of 20, you might leave a skeleton crew behind to work on updates, while the rest begins work on the followup title, which might release anywhere 3-4 years from now.


We're working on a fix.

19 Sep


agent 4'7" at it again

18 Sep


Originally posted by legenduu

why dis stickied tho

i thought it was funny and didn't want to type anything


We're aware of the current issues with connectivity, inventory etc. - these unfortunately seem to be tied to Steam's latest update, and has appeared to have broken our backend systems. We're currently assessing the situation and are hoping to get a fix out very shortly. Thanks for your patience, and sorry for the inconvenience!

External link β†’

Steam update screwed up our backend, they did some maintenance and we're looking into the issue now.

17 Sep


We're looking into it, thanks for the heads up πŸ‘

14 Sep


Originally posted by lehan112

to add on to this, speaking from personal experience, US west and US east is quite populated and very easy to find a game, but South America does not have dedicated ranked servers and is generally less populated. So the answer to your question is... depends on where you are

South America has ranked servers since the last update

12 Sep


what brand abacus you have for storage?


Originally posted by ADragonuFear

Tear them asun-BOOOOIS!!!

... tear the boiz asunder? kappapride


Originally posted by PyrohawkZ

I believe you hold it differently to make up for the difference, same for other weapons like the bardiche and axes

This, the bit shaved off is at the bottom


Originally posted by VictorPumpenstein

I imagine the primary issue is getting the voice actors in the studio. After auditions I imagine it would take quite some time.

Haha you think we have a studio

No but voice actors (actresses?) will be super important for the overall feel/art style, and also lots of work on making sure they work with the existing armor, as all armor will most likely be unisex

10 Sep


It was close, but we needed to polish a few more things.

07 Sep


We're looking into it, we currently prevent spinning in the other direction, but this is a different case.

04 Sep


We're not sure. It is a trend that has been going since release, the only way the game's escaped it is during the summer sale when people were incentivized to review games (whether bad or good revies), that's when the review scores shot back up to 95% recent reviews.

We've gone through the reviews, and it's understandable people have issues with the game, and we'll be working towards fixing those. However, I don't think the reviews will change much, despite any changes we introduce, since the score (50% and trending towards lower) seems disproportionate compared to other games, indicating some deeper issues.

02 Sep


Originally posted by excited_by_typos

Maybe just link to the server rules in the sidebar, so it's not always taking up a slot

Hmm yeah that's a good idea


i can only sticky 2 things for some reason idk why


movespeed penalty is if a shield is equipped, not just having one on your back