
Mordhau Dev Tracker

04 Jan


Originally posted by Joeylink

I think the current team stacking measures have gone a bit too far. For me it is a lot more fun to play archer or engineer while defending than attacking. Now i only have a 50/50 shot of getting what i want and that just sucks.

I have even seen some people join ,leave and rejoin until they join the team they wanted to be in. In the end this change is just too drastic and generally is badly recieved by the playerbase as well.

I know team stacking can be a pain but honestly this is not the correct way to prevent it. Maybe just give people that autofill a small gold bonus or something.

Regardless eastern invasion has been an excellent update and I am looking forward to the next update.

( Weather effects in invasion maps when? The new brawl map looks absolutely wonderful )

With team stacking, it's still a work in progress; we're hoping to improve this in the future.

As for weather, Cortile was a testbed for this kind of stuff, so yeah it's planned to expand it to other maps in the future.


Originally posted by Jael89

Hey Jax, I have a few things this week.

  1. The DLC Lion set helmet has a T2 visorless and T2 raised visor. Can we get a T3 visored version? You can tell it would look amazing just by looking at the T2 raised version

  2. New Horde is awesome, and I'm glad you guys are looking for ways to improve it further.

  3. Emblems haven't been worth using since the old fix to prevent spy builds, they just look ugly or you cant even see them. I suggest allowing us to choose colors again (without blue or red options) or forcing a black/yellow default which looks good with almost anything.

  4. Can we have an update on the status of playable women? Have you got voice actresses picked out, are the models done, ect?

Really excited for EI part 2!

  1. ↓ comment below answered that, I'll still ask about it
  2. Thanks! :)
  3. It's not a bad idea at all, I'll bring it up. Might be somewhat low priority,
  4. At the moment, we're focused on the second part of Eastern Invasion - I can't confidently give an update on the status of the female character model.

Originally posted by MastodonBrief

If I was a new player... it'd be nice to have an extended training mode. Not a short tutorial. Like a practice room, with different bots teaching you different in-game mechanics where you can grind for a while and get your skills up. (Like Battlefield practice mode)

For example. One of them doing drags repeatedly, you're supposed to block it or chamber it.

Another one doing accels. Morphs. Basically all of the in-game mechanics taught with possibility to grind them over and over. Practice room should have a slow-mo button as well.

Vanilla tutorial is alright, but it's too short and you can't really grind on your skills with it.

IMO, we need more information and training for new players, ways to increase the skill floor, and a way to allow new players to not have to face top-tier pubbers constantly. Dying 50 times in between kills isn't conducive to retaining players.

We are looking into training stuff as well as exploring ways to give new players a less brutal experience.


Originally posted by whatthefr1ck

Hello jaxx.

I think alot of the new maps lack much of the fun climbability the other maps have. Many invisible walls on noria, the new mountain peak part, and (partially) castello. Much of the fun that mordhau's maps give is the ability to play them however you want. Climb on top of a house and spam xx2? Mordhau's got you. But now it's just not really possible, the farthest you come with climbability on noria is the market stalls on the second point.

Make playing mordhau and doing parkour feel like playing in monty python and the holy grail, climbing on all sorts of stupid stuff. Not playing in a meatgrinding map that's solely based on going to the objective.

On another note, i do really like the effort the mordhau team puts into the maps, they do genuinely feel like they're lived in. The inability to climb on top of alot of things is really the only thing that (in my eyes) is wrong with the maps.

Best regards. Me

I'll forward this on to the team, but I believe it was intentional in some areas.

03 Jan


Stop cluttering the reddit with sh*tposts about this, make a drags discussion thread and keep it there please

02 Jan


gambling is bad, kids

(we're aware of the issue and we're looking into it)

29 Dec


Originally posted by Melon-Dog

Complaints about mods should go to Jax, the community manager of Mordhau. Best way to reach him is dm'ing him on Discord. You should bring some evidence, though, as this story isn't all too trustworthy.

^ what he said. dm me and we can get things sorted


Originally posted by ilily

I'd really like to know how to do this :)

there's stuff in the water causing it


Happy holidays everyone!

We hope you all have been having a great holiday season and that you've been enjoying the new update; and like usual, we'd love to hear your feedback, especially things past your first impressions.

As for development stuff, a lot of folks on the team (myself included) were taking a little bit of a break after releasing the update; that being said we're getting back into things and looking at potential improvements to the Eastern Invasion update. So, without further ado - meeting notes!

  • We've discussed quite a few things regarding team stacking and what we can do to improve it. Prior to this update, criticism of stacks/lack of balance was something that had been at the forefront of community opinion. With our most recent changes team stacking isn't possible, but this brings some other issues. We discussed a bit on whether or not anti-stack measures are needed for Brawl modes, as well as ways to improve the sys...
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28 Dec


Originally posted by SkinMilonov

Much has already been said about the positive aspects of the update, so I will limit myself to controversial ones. And also general questions.
1) I don't see anything wrong with introducing the DLC as such. You need money, and as a fan of the game, I am ready to pay it. But I believe that such DLCs do not fit well with the pre-existing system. Initially, from the player's appearance, from how elaborate his armor, it was possible to understand that he spent a lot of time trying to make money on it. And along with the money, he earned experience. The equipment on the player directly reflected the effort put into the game. If you continue to add such elaborate sets in the DLC format, it will simply devalue the prevailing atmosphere. The only option I see as a player is to release DLC with sets, but keep having to earn money to buy gear.
* Also, I really hope that in a couple of years the game will not turn into some kind of PayDay 2 with their DLC.
2) Can we count on me...

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  1. Can't really comment too much on this, that's a fair viewpoint (although I disagree).
  2. Yes, this is the current plan.
  3. We can definitely look into this. Emblems aren't hard to add, we just have to avoid certain ones due to modern connotations.
  4. We're not sure on this, current plans don't include adding Asian equipment.
  5. I don't think so - at least as of now, we don't have any plans for it.

Originally posted by Crisis007

Great job with the Horde rework!

Would love to have a more varity of bosses with unuique mechanics like patchie and giants. Maybe an enemy that buffs or heals his sourrounding commerades?

Sir Seymour needs some buffs now aswell maybe an aura that lets minions attack faster/ more protection? He dies to fast with all the perks endgame.

Yeah we're looking into giving the enemies some more character, but I'll share this with the team. More input doesn't hurt :)


Originally posted by weefatpie

People have been hyped for EI for years now. But now that it’s here what’s next for the game?

more stuff, EI part two, we'll be putting out some sort of plans as we go this coming year.


Originally posted by GreenLupin

Hey, i play mainly horde so i'm really please by the patch.


Managed to play a few hours so far with my friends and I have a few items of feedback.

  1. Rangers/bows are a bit OP and needed tuned down a bit.
  2. In later rounds the enemy spawn too slowly so we were sat waiting 10+ seconds for the bosses and when we had good weapons we were easily chopping down each group in a few seconds.
  3. Types of enemies spawn together espically archers so it's very easy to rush the small squad and drop them in a swing, I feel cool but it doesn't challange and when we have a varied group it's easy for each person to rush the groups they are best at and not have to change up their play styles much.

A couple of ideas I had while playing.

  1. The ability to buy respecs or buy more perk points with excess gold in later rounds would be amazing.
  2. An infinate round mode with the ability at round 25/30/35 etc to exit fo...
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Thanks for the big write up - I'll be sure to share this with the team.


Originally posted by DrScienceSpaceCat

The Scimitar is WAY too fast for its damage, it's like the 1h ax but with a longer reach, it either needs a speed to nerf or a damage nerf.

We'll be taking a look at the scimitar - usually the first iteration of a weapon is a bit off.


Originally posted by Jael89

Well done on the new horde mode! I absolutely love the changes. I like to think my post was a slight influence on it, but you guys made some incredible improvements I never would have even thought of. If I have one very minor complaint, it's that the bots tend to walk single file until they notice a player. Other than that, well done, seriously! The changes you made were brilliant. A fun, engaging PvE mode will seriously help with the game's numbers in my opinion.

EDIT: After playing more, the new Horde mode would definitely benefit from being a little more challenging. I would love an endless mode too!

Thanks for the post, we'll keep this in mind.


Originally posted by Miltawne

Really only have one concern, which is the removal of team choice. It is a big price to pay for some kind of team balance.

We're looking into this, thanks for your comment!


Originally posted by Daubeny002

I think it’s good EXCEPT two things, the scimitar is too thin and so amazingly quick that it’s the only weapon that can combo after miss and hit, and it does a lot of damage and seems to have ghost range. And the nonteam choice is also bad, as it can create unbalance when people leave, and it just creates unbalance in general

Thanks for the feedback, we'll be addressing both of these.

As for the second, it's just part of our plans to balance teams - we'll probably fix things with it going forward.


Originally posted by Guppys__Tears

Horde is way too easy now

We definitely need to look into some sort of difficulty settings, potentially more enemy scaling based on players. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by RogueOperative_

I appreciate the effort to finally do something about team stacking but not letting people choose the team has got to be the laziest possible solution

It's the first step, now we're looking into auto balance - can't do that if people can swap teams