
Mordhau Dev Tracker

28 Dec


Originally posted by Crisis007

Horde needs more rounds, maybe implemented by adding difficulties? Adding a endless variant for fun were players can vote to end it

thanks for the feedback - we're definitely aware that the new Horde isn't perfect, and we're looking into some options. :)

22 Dec


Originally posted by v3x_abyss

Status report?

They are in the works.


Originally posted by Toxcito

I haven't played in a while, but they removed team switching? Jesus christ what a horrible idea. I was gonna come back because of the editor, this seems extremely frustrating though. Why not just have it as a variable for hosted servers? Some can allow it and some cant.

This is only on officials.


Originally posted by Houseskillet

Like the patchie, but two critiques:

(1) I wish there were more than 21 rounds in horde mode. It's a lot of fun but seems to end right when it gets good.

(2) Not being able to pick teams is silly. Now the teams get horribly imbalanced and there's nothing the players can do to fix it. I played 5-6 Invasion games where one team had nearly all of the rank 200+, and it was just a steamroll. Pre-this-patch, at least some rank 200s would switch over to balance things out. Can't do that anymore.

This was an initial measure we've taken, now that people aren't free to switch teams we can start to experiment with autobalance stuff :)


Hey all,

We're hope you're enjoying the Eastern Invasion update, and that you're having a happy holiday! Especially this week, we're very interested to hear your thoughts on the update; whether that's praise or (constructive) criticism, questions, feedback, etc. We are aware of a handful of issues such as broken spawns on Noria's horde, among others, so expect a hotfix in the coming days.

Anyways, that's all I've got - have fun and thanks for playing!

If you'd like to read last week's post, click here:

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21 Dec


Originally posted by Jael89

I just came, btw WTF is that goblin thing in the box at the end of the trailer???

it's xqc


Uhhh idk about that

Edit: somewhat out of context/exist was doing a soonTM

We have a few issues we're working on, more details tomorrow

edit 2: we were somewhat on the fence but things ended up being sorted out :)

14 Dec


Originally posted by Redrundas

Could you link the EULA? I can only seem to find one for Unreal Engine itself. Is is bound by the same rules?

Yeah, thats the one. See this bit.

Any public Distribution (i.e., intended for Engine Licensees generally) which includes Engine Tools (including as modified by you under the License) must take place either through the Marketplace (e.g., for distributing a Product’s modding tool or editor to end users) or through a fork of Epic’s GitHub UnrealEngine Network (e.g., for distributing source code).


We're thrilled to finally announce the release of the official MORDHAU Mod Editor!

The MORDHAU Editor is a powerful creation tool that allows for easy map editing, full control over game modes, customization of gameplay and more, allowing for seamless creation of user-generated content. Additionally, there are a few sample maps and game modes to help you get started. We're excited to see what you can make!
The MORDHAU Editor is available for free on the Epic Game Store: ...

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Originally posted by Shift642

From Jax in the Mordhau Discord:


We're thrilled to finally announce the release of the official MORDHAU Mod Editor!

The MORDHAU Editor is a powerful creation tool that allows for easy map editing, full control over game modes, customization of gameplay and more, allowing for seamless creation of user-generated content. Additionally, there are a few sample maps and game modes to help you get started. We're excited to see what you can make!

The MORDHAU Editor is available for free on the Epic Game Store:

Also side note, why god did it have to be on epic gam...

Unreal Engine Editor (which our editor is built on) can only be released on the Epic Game Store as per engine EULA. It is, however, freely available.


Hey all,

As usual, we're always appreciative of your feedback; any comments, concerns or questions are absolutely welcome, and they help to keep us on track with improving the game. Please remember to keep things on-topic, and be civil to others.

As for progress notes this week:

  • Work is ongoing for the Eastern Invasion trailer; we're excited to show something off!
  • Noria is getting its lighting/HLOD built as we speak, which will allow us to do some final tests and ensure everything is running smoothly.
  • We're finalizing updates for our new version of Horde; this is the first iteration of the new gameplay systems, which we're excited to share with you all. It does have some issues we've found in testing, so some fixes are needed here. Hopefully, we'll be able to sort them out quickly.
  • With all of the armor we've been adding for this update we've needed to do quite a bit of testing to ensure everything is up-to-par. We've fixed u...
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Originally posted by Strider2126

Hi jaax

Have you seen all the ddos attack is getting the game? Could you please talk to the devs about it? You must do something or the game will be killed by this ddoser

It's pretty hard to determine whether things are DDOS attacks or issues with server stuff - we've been investigating both and while it's too early to say that we have a solution, we have made some potential progress identifying some problems.


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

I'm just going to repeat what I said last time since it's pretty much the only thing I care about anymore:

Please fix the lag when playing the lute, it keeps skipping notes when playing very fast songs.

We can look into it, thanks for the heads-up.


Originally posted by MedicMuffin

Local controller pleb here. Any word on console progress? Honestly I'm not even sure if that's hard confirmed to be happening but I see people mentioning it in the discord sometimes like it is.

If not console progress specifically, any news about further controller improvements? It feels pretty solid right now with how VO works and general combat but I've been finding the axial deadzone is really frustrating when trying to riposte using 240 rather than keybinds on a controller since it almost always defaults to a left or right side strike/stab. Trying to do something like parry an incoming hit from your left and riposte with a right underhand is damn near impossible because of that axial deadzone. It seems like reducing deadzone generally will shorten it but then it becomes too sensitive for my taste. I'd love to see deadzone separated in the options into axial and radial so I can lower the axial alone without worrying about generally low radial deadzones being se...

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I can't say that much on this front, a lot of the development has been on optimization stuff and getting it running on the devkits we have. Once we have some better info we'll be allowing some people in to test a pre-release build and we'll go from there. At the moment it's just a little too early to give tons of specifics.


Originally posted by Powerful-Payment-699

Hi Jax.
Please answer this message. We are going to conduct a tournament among RU and EU players. Around 100 people signed up for the tournament. Could you please add in-game currency to the prize pool for the first 4 places in the be tournament and, if possible, a unique skin, if you have one?

Hit me up on discord, Jax#0553 :)

09 Dec


I got a chuckle out of the sh*tshow the bot created but I'll be locking the thread due to the whole politics thing

Keep being you, strange and wholesome mordhau people


Originally posted by geach3d

This is a brawl playlist map, so it serves for FFA, TDM, SKM and yes, the ranked modes. As well as duel maps for the community. On top of that, it serves as a small-scale test for future rain maps, which I assume you wouldn't mind. It did not take long, I assure you.

To piggyback off of this - a huge bulk of dev time goes into art stuff (creating assets, ie buildings, props) as well as getting the structure of the map just right for the big modes. With Cortile, Geach already had the assets from Castello, and the structure of the map for Cortile is "rectangle". It took him like two weeks to whip this up, and then he spent a little while longer doing rain stuff (prep for future maps).

The reason it took so long to release isn't because of the actual dev time required, but the timing. It was almost ready for the Halloween patch, but we pushed it back so it wouldnt be rushed or delay the last patch.

Also, dev work on this map started a while back and IIRC Geach switched over to Noria to help out (as well as the whole Castello rework), so the time spent on this wasn't continuous.

Tldr; lil brawl maps like this have virtually no effect on big map progress