
Mordhau Dev Tracker

25 Jan


Hey folks,
Like always, we'd eager to hear what you have in terms of feedback; it's incredibly useful for us to keep in touch with what everybody wants for the game. Please let us know if you've got any comments, concerns, questions, suggestions, etc. - we absolutely appreciate it! This past week's development was mostly focused on Arid and the new armory, but we're also improving in other areas. As for feedback from you all, we're aware of the main issues you all have, such as the new team restrictions and your feedback on the scimitar. Keep 'em coming!

As for this week, here's our meeting notes:

  • Like last week, the new map Arid is our main development priority and has been the bulk of our efforts.
  • We have been working with a voice acting agency a bit; we're getting some new auditions lined up for more voices!
  • Long-term work on console ports is continuing - this might help us find a few little things that can be fixed on the PC version ...
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Originally posted by HumanBeingThatExist

Nerf to scimitar when?

Also plans for any new weapons?

We'll see about both, the team is aware of scimitar stuff. Not sure about weapons currently but that's a longer-term thing. Probably best to balance what we have.


Originally posted by THE_DOW_JONES

PLEASE keep adding stuff to horde, expanded skill trees and infinite mode would be INSANE

I think an infinite mode could be super cool!


Originally posted by DragonHeroBlaze


Skills that are weak/bugged:

  • Sweep: Who aims for leg shots anyway? You're better off increasing damage and outright killing the enemies.

  • Backstab: Enemies are very quick to face you and you don't get much extra damage out of it.

  • Leech: 1% means 1 for every 100 damage. One extra hp per kill? If it always rounds up to 1, then there's not much difference between level 1 and 2 either.

  • Guardian: 7.5% per level IF it hits the shield. Better to just get Toughness, 7.5% per level no matter what.

  • Discipline: 2.5% per level if walking or standing still. That's even worse, again, just get toughness.

  • Counter: Says it prevents ripostes from being flinched, but that's already a mechanic regardless?

  • Taunt: No indication of the range or duration

  • Merchant: Why go for this when you can get toolbox ammo through scavenger and multiply your bear trap uses with ...

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Thanks for the feedback, I'll be sure to forward this to the team.


Originally posted by thisChoiceGood

Radial menu for emotes? Radial menu for emotes! Also I don't understand why there is different layout for different weapons. Why not to omit those whT don't have animation for certain weapon instead. Wave with halbers x3-5 and axe+shield x3-4.

I'll ask the team!


Originally posted by Miltawne

Small thing, but some kind of visual indicator for the cooldown on the spawn flag. Now it's always game of whack a mole trying to get one in time.1

Yeah, this would be cool. I think the team's aware of this!


Originally posted by Balrog229

Boost the gold rates a bit, please?

Been playing since launch and always felt gold rates were a tad slow. They feel much better during double gold events. Doesn’t have to go that far, but even a 20-50% increase would be welcome.

Or, alternatively, give 500-1000 gold every time a person levels up.

We can look into it perhaps, thanks!


Originally posted by Achilles_Rizzuto

I think the community can agree taking away the ability to change teams has made the game feel worse. I think we should be able to choose our team at the beginning and then not allow to switch teams if y'all are dead-set on this new thing that I'm pretty sure no one asked for

I've told the team about this a ton, I don't have any new info yet but we are definitely aware of community opinion.

18 Jan


Hey folks,

As usual, thanks for the feedback you all give - it's essential for us to continue development and we'd love to hear what you have to say. Any comments, concerns, critiques or questions are welcome, although we'd ask that you please remember to keep things on topic and be civil to one another. Thanks a ton!

As for progress notes, here's a few things from this week:

  • We're working on extra mod support and developing a few quality-of-life modding improvements.
  • Planning/experimentation with admin actions and reporting tools is ongoing.
  • We've discussed issues of DDOS, connectivity with our server providers; they're rolling out some new features for us to test on select servers. If this works, it may help with keeping servers smooth and steady (and we'll roll it out to all regions if we can).
  • Work continues on Arid - we've been finalizing some structure work and fine-tuning pathing/positioning of the map.
  • Devel...
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Originally posted by MissingSkype

"For me, however, it doesn't really matter the gender/race of the characters" yeah because you're probably a f**king white dude and you're represented everywhere

And if you're a girl you're already verbally abused for being a girl, moderation needs to be stricter on sexism not holding back on female models becahse it may cause sexism.

It's not about us holding back due to fears of sexism - we've added POC and we haven't seen any uptick in racist behavior. It's more that creating face models/new body proportions for women is a pretty big undertaking, and what we showed off in the Kickstarter video is extremely far from even being workable. We shouldn't have shown that off so early since it wasn't exactly representative of our progress. That being said, the art work required for creating women will be best spent getting the second part of EI done ASAP, so we can then focus on updates after that (and adding women characters). It's mostly just a matter of timing and planning.


Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Please change so the shawm isn't dropped on hit, there's no good reason why it should since the lute doesn't.

I think I brought this up before, I can ask about it again.


Originally posted by heartsnfartstheyfade

Why did the developers implement an auto balance that bars anyone from joining any team? There are multiple games with an auto balance mechanic that switch teams as needed without restricting player choice. The implementation of this feels hamfisted, guys.

We're still looking to improve balancing for teams.


Originally posted by CloudCityFish

New player who joined with a group of friends. They all fell off over the course of a week, I am the last and slowly falling off. Maybe this will be useful.

  1. I think the new player experience of getting destroyed is a bit overhyped. Almost everyone in my group likes competitive games. I myself come from the FGC. Getting destroyed has 0 effect on my choice. Also some of the most popular MP games in the world also destroy you as your a newbie. Important aspect? Sure, but heavily over hyped on this sub.
  2. Having said that, not having an official training mode I can learn what I want to learn is insane to me. I don't understand, how long has this game been out? Even a placeholder would work.
  3. I have no idea why auto balance isn't a feature? I feel like shooters had this in the early 2000's? You know the #1 reason my friends left? We couldn't play on the same team.
  4. I feel like there's not enough feedback to the player for what's going on. I understa...
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Thanks for the feedback - we'll do our best to improve in these areas.


Originally posted by TreesAreFriends

why does scimitar oneshot 0 armor body when billhook, longsword, messer, battle axe(alt/non alt), pole axe, greatsword, spear, polehammer, zwei alt, and estoc stab don't?

why does scimitar oneshot 1tier helm when 2h messer, longsword, greatsword, alt zwei, estoc stab, pole axe, rapier stab, spear stab, halberd stab, and billhook strike don't?

why does scimitar share 3 hits to kill on t3 body with halberd, bardiche(alt/non-alt), zwei, greatsword, longsword, falx, pole axe(alt/non-alt), estoc stab, spear stab, messer, and battle axe? and why does scimitar do only 5 dmg less (does more dmg than zwei if in alt mode) than a zweihander to t3 chest

this isn't to jaxx, fyi

I've brought this up multiple times, we can still look into it.


Originally posted by Sharps__

Some feedback regarding the UI for deployable spawns (when you're on the big map choosing a spawn point):

  • It's not really intuitive when a deployable spawn is "available" vs. "waiting." I think there could be a more obvious difference between the two states.

  • The mechanics of the deployable spawn "availability" is unclear. Is it time-gated? Or limited by proximity of teammates? Proximity of enemies? It would be nice if the "countdown to availability" was visible in the map UI.

  • When a deployable spawn is very close to a traditional spawn, the overlapping icons can be confusing and hard to click on the one you want.

  • It's inconsistent that traditional spawns usually spawn you far away from the icon, while deployable spawns are always pinpointed right on the icon. Ideally, traditional spawns should show you a shaded area where you might spawn, instead of looking like a single point on the map.

Good suggestions, I'll bring them up.

14 Jan


Originally posted by DrunkDwarfUK

This is really interesting. Can you comment on how much more popular the new Horde is compared to the old Horde so far? One of the graphs you shared a long time ago had Horde at around 16%.

Unfortunately, not much changed. Initially it spiked due to it being new, but it's back at around 17% now (it was 15-16% before). We were hoping it would attract more players with the improvements, but we were wrong.

13 Jan


Originally posted by ballpoint169

do you have any thoughts on improving skirmish? (5v5 format, limited/no archers, no toolbox, remove maps like grad and use tweaked designs of maps like tourney and contraband where it's currently easy to avoid fights and force a draw)

The format is generally too competitive for the vast majority of the playerbase, hence why 3v3 and 1v1 combined captures a mere 3% of the audience. It started off really high, as we had around 15% people playing 3v3 initially, but it died off really quick. There is definitely room for improvement, but it won't change the adoption drastically, and I don't see 5v5 holding much interest as a result. Still, we might attempt it eventually as we shuffle things around and try things out. Ultimately we're faced with the reality that 70% of the playerbase is in Frontline and Invasion, so we have to budget our time accordingly.

12 Jan


Originally posted by UrMumGai

u/Jaaxxxxon when will we get folders?

I know some people might have thought people were joking but a big rework of the armory UI would be very nice to have.

Some filters, a search bar, and folders /categories.

Current plan is to ship the armory rework with the 2nd part of Eastern Invasion. It includes folders.


Originally posted by Noob_Wizard

If anybody's curious, I'm asking because Crush said on the Discord that 95% of players play horde, invasion and frontline, and as such doesn't care about skirmish, duel or ranked players. Which is a duel, skirmish and ranked player, annoys me and intrigues me.

It's more like 85%, the remaining 15% goes to brawl (around 12%), duel and tf (together around 3%). However, this is only regarding official servers.

11 Jan


Originally posted by VinylScratch01

Week 4 of asking for an update on female characters

I've answered it quite a few times I believe - they are planned after the second half of Eastern Invasion is released. We'll keep you updated when we have new information.