
Mordhau Dev Tracker

18 Sep


Originally posted by Jael89

Frontline/Invasion needs an auto-team balance. Currently, practically 90% of all games are entirely one-sided, with one team stacked and the other getting f**ked into the dirt without any lube.

The game is most fun when both teams are somewhat even. I know that an auto balance based on level isn't a perfect solution, because of smurfs and whatnot, but it would be better than what we have now.

I genuinely believe it would slow the playerbase from bleeding out.

This is something we can look into going forwards, I'll make sure to bring this up.


Originally posted by Jamcakes_

All super exciting stuff!! I heard something about TDM and SKM coming to the matchmaking screen and sharing servers, is that true? if so that sounds like a really good thing.

It's called Brawl, yep!


Originally posted by KingKongBunde

Mod support mod support mod support. If you support your community creators you'll have tons of new reskins and cosmetics made by the community. Giving them an SDK could give them a chance to make you new maps that the community could vote on with a steam workshop. Be like cs go or tf2. Let the community vote of community made submissions and add those things go the game. It's free content

It's coming! We're making really good progress on it, and hopefully we'll get it out in the near future.


Originally posted by gooseppe1

•More patterns (current kite shield has only 2 patterns) for kite shield and a new skin for it.

•More patterns for brigandine.

•nerf messer cocaine accels already, please!

•nerf poleaxe waterfall Mk.III lumpy-wumpy drags already, please!

•stop using "Soon™", so often , especially in weekly feedbacks , as now it sounds more like teasing, considering how long we are waiting for each patch

•maybe new DLC, like the one that you already sell? I'd like to see some exclusive emblems, profile banners and a medallion in it.

We can definitely look into more patterns, and I think there are some good changes to balance coming.

DLC isn't likely at the moment since we're still able to do free updates easily, and the paid element of DLC wouldn't really change anything for you guys except having to pay money for what at the moment we are content developing for free.

As for the soon stuff, the update IS actually really soon, but yeah I will keep that in mind. I don't mean to come off as teasing with it, so apologies for that.


Originally posted by CaucasianGyration

An announcer to yell out stuff like "The village has fallen, retreat to the keep! We make our stand there!" or "The village is torched! Crush their commander, and let us be done with these rabble!" would be great fun. Would be a nice way to add some flavor to the Free Guard and Iron Company without dipping too much into actual lore.

What would make an announcer yelling "Retreat! The gates are lost!" even better is actually getting to retreat instead of just teleporting. Maybe some ambient screams of fear (are music cues too much?) to add to the immersion. Likewise, hearing a triumphant theme and the cries of your fellow mercenaries as you cut down the retreating forces would be lovely.

This is something we'll definitely discuss going forwards, we've talked about it in the past but I'll try to get an official take next week on this.


should be:

  • 2 small maps for ranked
  • ranked teamfight (3v3)
  • lots of cosmetics
  • gameplay / balance changes
  • some minor performance improvements, misc improvements
  • bug fixing
  • falx (new weapon)


15 Sep


Hello everyone!

As usual, we'd love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions. Let us know what you want to see added, improved or changed in the comments below! Please keep things on topic and constructive, and thanks for the feedback - it's instrumental for the development of the game, and we greatly appreciate it.

As for our weekly dev meeting notes, here's a bit of an insight on what's been going on this week!

  • As a general overview, the update is close! We're in the final stages of testing and fixing up some pretty minor bugs. We don't see anything completely broken, but there is still a little bit of tweaking and a lot of testing to make sure the patch deploys smoothly. Soon™
  • We've discussed quite a bit of feedback on engineer gameplay, gameplay cues, objective and gameplay improvements, and more. We also had a chat about increasing readability of perks, and that's something we are looking into (probably for the next update).
  • ...
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Originally posted by -randomguyonreddit-

I meant that Kickstarter helmet. I heard you can still get that through tournaments

Kickstarter helmet can't be obtained - it was only available through the kickstarter.


Originally posted by HFRreddit

The upcoming ranked game mode, is it 3v3?



Originally posted by Sayatov

The game has a lot of European things with an extremely large spread. For example, this screenshot shows an antique weapon and a helmet from the Vendel era. What about more Eastern armor, for example, Russian, Cuman? Arab or Mongol armor and weapons? Will Chinese armor and weapons be added, for example? I would really like to see all this in the game, for more variety.

We'd probably go a bit east with Arab/Russian stuff, however i don't think we'd go as far as asia proper, ie Chinese / Korean / Japanese gear. There wasn't really any armed conflict with medieval Europe, so adding that stuff would make the game look quite a bit more like fantasy a la For Honor, which is something we'd like to avoid.


Originally posted by -randomguyonreddit-

Can you still get the crown helmet through tournaments?

The crowned barbute, yes!

14 Sep


ranked duels was something we did first because it's easier matchmaking wise, and there are tons of people who duel. it kind of worked in that regard, but having duelyard servers can negate ranked to a degree since there is 0 queue time and you spend more time playing than you would in a ranked setting. team ranked should be better since it's much harder to set up a 3v3 match randomly, aside from scrims and events, so hopefully it goes well :)

13 Sep


Originally posted by thatguymanohyeah

I think teammates should not be able to kick engineers off of their own ballista emplacements, and engineers should be able to kick randoms off of ballistas they have built.

Yeah, fighting over vehicles is annoying.


Originally posted by Hardholm

Please please PLEASE fix red parries and instant accels. Its not fun to just guess when the enemy will strike and panic parry to try and avoid it. Comp is dominated by the greatsword, longsword, and poleaxe for this reason!!! Theres issues with the poleaxe alt mode that i saw was getting changed, but still, its not fun to use or fight against unless you'd rather win then have a good time.

Glancing blow is so awkward and only happens in the weirdest of situation too, at least decrease the damage of weapons for hiting an enemy the moment of release or for dragging and hitting at the very last bit of the animations like chiv did... If that's already in place, its mostly unnoticeable so people would just rather do accel attacks and drags at every moment they play then actually do anything else.

In regards to netcode, red parries, instant accels etc. - we're looking into these things. Unfortunately we can't just flip a switch and fix them, as there are a lot of factors leading into this. That being said, this is one of the higher priorities for the team to work on, and we hope we can have some solutions soon.

Balance is always subject to change, and crush has been making some good changes, so we'll see how those turn out. Glancing blow is a bit of a contentious mechanic, but we do need it to limit some weird sh*t people do with swing manipulation. That being said it's always a balance between player freedom and preventing unreadable/strange attacks, but we can find a good middle ground and ideally have mechanics like glancing blow only kick in when they're needed, and not interfere with normal engagements.


Originally posted by mrplayer47

Disable the ability to eat the healing food on feitoria for non noble players.

Make repairing structures cost stamina to prevent engineers holding doorways for eternity.

i like both ideas


Originally posted by KonZehScrub2

hey mister jax man, can we get an eye wear slot for the existing eye pieces, so they don't take the neck slot, and when will your next twitch stream be :(

we're not really able to add more cosmetic slots without impacting performance, unfortunately. Although as for the stream, hopefully soon™ :)


Originally posted by Steele_not_pee

Hundskull plume. Make surcoats and other cloth coverings there own seperate thing

maybe ;) and we're not really looking to add extra cosmetic slots - the ones we have atm are enough, we don't want to mess with performance too much, and cloth coverings would obscure armor tiers quite a bit.


Originally posted by Zachary9944

When the devs inevitably make something unbalanced can y’all Dow f**king hotpatch? Too many times now have we gone months with things being broken

We're not currently set up with version control to be able to easily hotfix, unless it's right after an update. We're looking into some things that might help, but we're having to juggle a few priorities at the moment - spending time to change our workflow and some boring technical stuff will prevent some progress on development until it's sorted, so it's a matter of timing.


Originally posted by gooseppe1

Are devs going to fix some cuts and beards? This post is a great example of how can devs fix beards:

The beards are intended to be this way - they're not actually "broken". The style for the times was more of a groomed look, like what you see on the landsknecht styles. We could look into adding more full beards though in the future.


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

  1. Shield bashes
  2. Allowing kicks regardless of item held
  3. Throwing main weapon should not de-equip shield
  4. Eyepatch compatible with T3 helmets
  5. The trebuchets on Camp usually seem to kill more players on red team than on blue team (when on blue team it is easier to dodge them because you can see the highly visible shots fly through the air before they land). Can their range be increased to make more sense both logically and gameplay-wise?
  6. Historically, the hooks or “beaks” on warhammers were used for grappling. I suggest giving the warhammer and/or polehammer alt mode negative knockback.
  7. AI knocking down players via ladders in Horde is extremely frustrating for players who don’t ladder-camp. Horde mode could use a rework in general.
  8. Flails and/or peasant flails
  9. Customizable peasant weapons
  10. The Baron’s skin for the cleaver is bugged; the option to change the color ...
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Lots of points here, thanks for this comment! I'll try to answer these as best I can:

  1. Would be cool in the future to have
  2. This is something we've discussed, I think it would help with consistency.
  3. This is another consistency based QOL thing that would be nice, we could look into it for the future.
  4. Probably unlikely due to clipping, but we could see if it's viable.
  5. Hmm, interesting point. We can look into that, although this may end up a bit lower on the to-do list.
  6. That's kind of the billhook's gimmick, but we could potentially expand it to other weapons as well.
  7. Horde is something we are looking to improve once some other goals are complete. Last week we talked about why the Horde meta and bot behavior can be a bit stale at times, and while we don't have a date set to start working on it, we want to improve the mode relatively soon™
  8. Flails would be interesting, but there is a LOT of work that would be nee...
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