
Mordhau Dev Tracker

13 Sep


Originally posted by share-this-info

In real life you would not walk backwards Into a fire because you would feel the heat

Do you think we could make a little area surrounding the fire pot fire that makes your screen appear that you are on fire but it does not do damage to your health

There is an effect present, we could look into ramping it up a bit :)


Originally posted by DrunkDwarfUK

They're replacing the ranked maps entirely, so Contraband will no longer be used.


12 Sep


EDIT: signups are closed for the event - good luck to those who entered, and make sure to watch this weekend!

08 Sep


Hello all,

As always, let us know your thoughts on the game! We'd love to know what you're interested in seeing come to Mordhau in the future, as well your feedback in general on Mordhau. Please keep things constructive, as well as keeping minor suggestions etc. to this thread.

As for this week, we've knocked out quite a bit of development work in multiple areas, and made headway into others. Some notes from our meeting, in no particular order:

  • We've talked quite a bit about server stability, and some issues going on with them. While we haven't found any specific reasons for instability, we're closely monitoring the situation and looking for improvements in this area.
  • One topic for this week in our meeting was on mods, specifically how we can support content created by the community. In regards to this, we brainstormed some ideas for better visibility of modded servers, and more accessible ways to discover great mods. We also discussed potenti...
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We are taking it out of rotation on official servers / queue next patch, but it will remain in the game otherwise. It is unfortunately the least played mode by far, under 0.28% players on official servers play this mode. Barely anyone. It could perhaps be improved with teams instead of solo, and that is something that we might get to in the future. We will give the spot in the matchmaking screen to a mixture of smaller modes instead.

05 Sep


you go, sir!


Originally posted by RitualMaster

Any chance of having gold given out periodically during a match versus only at the very end only if you complete the match? It sucks to spend 30-45 min playing to get nothing because you had to leave 1 min before the end. There are times where I hope my team loses just so the match ends before I have to sign off for instance.

As far as I understand the gold is given based off time played with a bonus for placement (I'm not sure honestly)? Perhaps the timed gold could just dole out as you play but if you leave you lose the bonus at the end?

Would also alleviate being just short for an item and having to play the whole match through before you have enough.

Really love the game and can't wait to chuck a waraxe at someone! Keep up the good work!

You actually do receive the gold even if you leave the server, once the match on the server ends. It has worked that way for a long time now.


Originally posted by weefatpie

I remember more characters races were hinted at, how will this be implemented? Will it just be as simple as adding a new skin tone or will there be new faces added like plain and rough with more eastern, middle eastern, African features? Also how will players that want to play as for example a more realistic middle eastern merc deal with choosing a voice? Will they have to settle with one of the English accents already in the game or have you’s considered hiring more voice actors?

Sorry if that’s a lot of questions but I’m just really curious as to how the team would tackle this situation. Personally I’m fine with the mainly European theme the game has but I’ve seen a few people ask about things similar.

Thanks for reading

It would be in a way where it's a new face model added - just changing the skin tone would look really weird. Also, we'd need to add extra hair options that kind of complete the look as well, so there's quite a bit of work needed on this front. While I can't say too much, there is some work being done on this front now.


Originally posted by the_user_games

Hey u/Jaaxxxxxon

Would we be able to get an infection type gamemode at some point in the future?

I think this is something best left to the modding scene - there are only so many modes we can realistically support. I think it would be cool in the future to have a playlist of modded modes on a casual games server, maybe!


Originally posted by RitualMaster

Any chance of having gold given out periodically during a match versus only at the very end only if you complete the match? It sucks to spend 30-45 min playing to get nothing because you had to leave 1 min before the end. There are times where I hope my team loses just so the match ends before I have to sign off for instance.

As far as I understand the gold is given based off time played with a bonus for placement (I'm not sure honestly)? Perhaps the timed gold could just dole out as you play but if you leave you lose the bonus at the end?

Would also alleviate being just short for an item and having to play the whole match through before you have enough.

Really love the game and can't wait to chuck a waraxe at someone! Keep up the good work!

That's just kind of the way it works, currently - we could potentially look into changing it, but at the moment it's pretty much hard coded like this.


Originally posted by gooseppe1

What do devs think about adding new colors? I think that we don't really have enough colors for cloth right now and surely not enough for leather.

This would be nice for some point in the future, but we haven't looked into it yet. It's a good idea though, and hopefully it's something we can do sometime relatively soon.


Originally posted by Zachary9944

Is team ranked just 3v3? If so why can’t we have 5v5s given that that’s what practically the entire comp scene plays. Also, is ranked stil ft5 or will it be like skirmish and be ft7

We are going to start with 3v3. 5v5 is great but queue times could exponentially increase, and we need to make sure we're playing it safe in regards to player numbers, etc. Adding both would be the ideal option, but if the player numbers aren't there to support both, they will both take forever to find a match. Starting with 3v3 isa safer bet on ensuring the mode stays populated, and we can go from there.


Originally posted by Gorvin

Are there any plans to change how mod downloads work? Currently when joining a server with mods and custom maps you have to download ALL the modded content that's on the server before you can join. This puts a huge limitation on the number of custom maps that can be installed on a server.

Many custom maps are 500mb+ and you can't put more than a couple maps like that on a server without crippling the server's player count due to people not wanting to wait ages for everything to download.

It should really only force you to download the custom map that is currently running on the server (and any dependencies), and again when the map changes. That's how it worked in Chivalry and it was a much better system for handling mod downloads.

We're looking into some improvements in this regard, but I can't give specifics at the moment.


Originally posted by Clonkex

Please give us better quality servers! The official ones lag like crazy sometimes. You've said something before about it being a "routing problem" or somesuch but I don't get it. It can't be a general internet routing problem unless the data centre the servers are in has a crappy connection to the rest of the internet (in which case, crappy cheap servers, so it's your fault) or some players are being routed over heavily loaded lines within the data centre (in which case, still crappy cheap servers and still your fault). If it were a lack of server processing power we'd see the same lag for every player (and yet again it would be down to cheap servers) but that's not the case, so I don't understand how this problem has existed for so long.

We're still looking into this - network optimizations as well as server related things. Unfortunately it's not as easy as "switch servers" since we're talking about thousands of dollars each month, contracts, game integration, etc. that makes it something we have to take a very deliberate look at.


Originally posted by big_leggy

more perks? they've always been the most interesting part of the game imo. weapons are all just rebalances of the same stats so they only really change range and whether you're mostly swinging or stabbing. perks are what will drastically change your playstyle, and personally I'd like to see a few more of them.

Perks are something we've talked about for a while, but it can be tough to add ones that affect the game in a meaningful way that are also fun and balanced. We're not done with them just yet, though!


Originally posted by twocool_

There are actually more mods in mordhau right now than there ever was in chivalry. The difference is that the majority of them are unknown to the players because there is nothing done to promote them, in game (poor server browser that was never improved, can't sort by anything, can't look for modded gamemodes) or through community management/communication (non existent)

We've held off on promoting mods until we have actual tools out - it looks pretty amateurish to show off mods without having 1st party tools. In any case though, once the SDK comes out officially, I'm really excited to hold mod competitions, feature creations, and help prop up the mod scene in any way I can :)


Originally posted by HotdogNationalism

Steam Workshop Support. Let modders do your work for you. Hold a map contest like chivalry did, winners and possibly honorable mentions get added to the official server rotation. Same can be applied to armory additions.

I don’t see the level of modding chivalry had and I think it is mostly due to lack of workshop compatibility.

We're rolling out an official SDK soon, with powerful tools - it will work via modIO instead of steam workshop, but it will be essentially the same thing.


Originally posted by XSOCommando

Has the team considered adding an official server with multiple modes? I think it will be nice if players could experience 32 player FFA, TDM, SKM, Frontline and Invasion modes on one server as some regions unfortunately don't have the player count to start off servers with larger game modes like frontline and invasion. Perhaps it can lead to a net increase in player count as those regions are only able to play smaller modes, which only happen on 1 server with 1 mode. This can make the experience stale as they're not experiencing the larger modes, which are obviously the best :D

I have already tried this on my server with 24 slots playing INV and FFA, and it really has brought in more players over the past few months. Problem with the current system, is that it is really difficult to start large scaled game modes with so little numbers, we have about 4 empty invasion servers (South Africa), so I thought having a server with different modes will keep the player count steady ...

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We've talked about maybe replacing a playlist with a more casual, fast-paced setting - nothing set in stone on that yet, but we've talked about it!