
Mordhau Dev Tracker

26 Sep


Originally posted by theshadowhost

the names are blury on 1440p. used to be fine

Did you change resolution scale or resolution at all? Changing resolution will cause weird effects, and should stay at whatever your monitor is. Res scale is the one you want to change for performance 👍


Originally posted by kewkycs

Minor nitpick but the tab menu ingame is kind of dark and hard to read sometimes

Great patch boys

Can you post a screenshot maybe? Seems fine to me.


Originally posted by Simple-Snow

I wish there was a cool billhook skin :(

Hm, good point. I'll see if we can get one sometime soon :)


Originally posted by Sedge__

Hi devs, thank you for patchie. I’m having a blast with it so far. One thing I’d really love to see is a bit more clarity with the descriptions of some of the perks.

The new Tank perk for example “moves at a fixed speed” - what speed is it, is it slower than a regular character with full heavy? “Takes less damage” - how much less? Is it a flat amount? A percentage? “Healing is reduced” - again, by how much??

Others that come to mind are brawler, dwarf and ranger.

It would make it easier to decide what to pick to build a loadout around your playstyle and most other perk descriptions already give percentages for the values they change.

I'll forward this to the team, I agree. Having some more detail in descriptions and stats is always nice.


Originally posted by dondonna258

More feedback than anything else; really enjoying the renewed emphasis on Brawl-esque game modes and the new 3 v 3 mode. Both have filled a gaping void in the game to provide the potential for a little more strategy and focus on individual skill than the invasion and frontline modes.

Secondly, dwarf and in particular the tank perk seem like a great first step towards the potential for more diverse ‘builds’. Most of the perks are useless but I feel like tank adds a new element to the game and would like to see perks expanded on even more to remove pointless ones and add ones that give more individuality and range for players.

Glad to hear it :) Mordhau is definitely fun in the more chaotic modes, but previously all we had was huge battles and 1v1's, which IMO the combat doesn't shine in as much. The smaller team modes are definitely my favorite. Dwarf/tank are fun as well, and we definitely want to take more of a look at perks since they can be a bit underwhelming at times.


Originally posted by Snaiiks

Hey Jaxx! I was wondering if the team had any plans on adding an option to disable team colors on self. That way, we can see our cool fashions while also being able to figure out who's on our team and who's an enemy.

This could be interesting, but I think at the moment we have other priorities. I'll still bring it up to the team though, as it would be nice to have!


Originally posted by Jigoogly

That was our other theory, that it was the very edge of the active parry box. To that fact, that angle looks like a back/ side parry which were supposed to be eliminated or reduced? I think the general reaction myself included while spectating of shock the attacker I'd say is enough to tell something ain't right here still. The swing was fine Rty should have parried it. The issue is it looking as if he was blocked by a force field on an attack that should have gone through.

Ideally, this swing should've gone through, we definitely agree on that front. However it is still working correctly -- the parry box is very big, but it is only the first filter for deciding a parry, we check for various angles afterwards. This one passed the positioning angle, which we're looking to reduce further. We have already reduced it in this patch, but not enough. It can be a little tricky because it can lead other situations where the attack passes through. But we're now using several more filters to decide a parry, so hopefully these hits should be eliminated in the future.

25 Sep


It's an issue on Steam's end, as there are multiple games (Squad, etc.) that use the same system and are having problems. We're keeping an eye on it, should be fixed relatively soon.


It's an issue on Steam's end, multiple games that use the same system are having issues. We're monitoring the situation, should be fixed soon hopefully.


Originally posted by H8DCarnifEX

Jpeg Accels & Jpeg Ripostes are still crazy af, i was in hope you Guys fix/balance this a bit more.
Could you please look into this again?

This is something we're still looking into and are looking to adjust the riposte animations.


Originally posted by ouji_

Why are updates so slow? For this patch 19 hotfix 2 it is 1.1mb and i finish downloading within a second yet it spends around 5-10 mins doing something. I would assume its writing the update but its 1mb so i very much doubt that is the case. Another thing is why does it reallocate the space of the game every update? My OS is on a ssd and so is mordhau.

We have no control over how Steam decides to handle patching, we're only able to upload the build itself (the full game), after which we're at the mercy of Steam. We're looking into reordering some files that may help with this. All in all it's a pretty annoying issue that we can only try to work around, but can't address directly. Some other games have similarly long update times, but some don't, depending on their file structure and how files are grouped.


Unrelated to spin reductor, he was already in a parry a while before blocking your attack (blocking even the enemy's) which has disabled the spin reduction already.

23 Sep


Sorry about the late post on this one, been a bit busy! 😅

As you may have noticed, an update has come out :) Feel free to discuss it, as we'd really love to know your initial impressions, and suggestions for the future as well. As always, please be considerate and constructive, and we hope you're enjoying patch #19.

As for meeting notes, we had a very short meeting today - mostly talking about some bug fixing and technical details, as we're mostly focused on monitoring this update and addressing any critical issues. The normal meeting notes will resume next week - and also, if you haven't heard, there's a sale - 50% off until the 28th!

Last week's post can be found here:

Read more External link →

22 Sep


We're looking into this, sorry for the inconveniences!
EDIT: Should be back now :)

21 Sep


Originally posted by NormalSpeed943

Wow I'm very disappointed. You hyped the f**k out of this patch and it's the WORST ONE YET. f**k YOU JAX

take me out for dinner first and then I'll consider it


With ranked 3v3's, two new maps, the Brawl game mode, over 60 new cosmetics, the Falx, and more content and feature, patch 19 is finally here!

Make sure to check out the changes below:

And also, make sure to give the trailer a look as well, made by Frost the Canadian :)...

Read more External link →

20 Sep


We're looking into ways to address this - ideally, we'll be able to remove funky looking drags like these while still preserving the skill ceiling in other, more readable ways 👍

18 Sep


Originally posted by WHATTheyPutThanosIn

Please make it so that the defending side doesn't teleport back or die when a new stage is reached in invasion. It would feel much smoother if the defenders were naturally pushed back by closer enemy spawns.

We can look into this, but the issue is rushing attackers. We are thinking about some ideas, but I'll bring this up to the team as well.


Originally posted by Bluellama01

Any chance you can make the savoyard helmet not out of rubber? The way it warps when you move your head is terrible. Could you make it solid and just move with the head?

It's a tech limitation, as far as I'm aware we're unable to do this in a more detailed way.


Originally posted by rektednerd

You guys should make battle royale free. Would bring new players to the game and encourage them to buy the whole package.

We're not really focused on BR to be honest, and making it as a free version like Warzone isn't really something sustainable for a smaller game like us.