
Mordhau Dev Tracker

10 Jul


Originally posted by needlzor

You're the best community manager Jax, thanks for the reply!

more map variation is a goal, but we can't really change a ton of map stuff because then we need to rebuild lighting and it's essentially a new map at that point. we're looking into some solutions for separating lighting and the map itself for visual variety, but adding in a ton of new objects isn't always possible

Yeah I knew it was going to be a tough one but it still would be less work than designing a map from scratch I assume, especially considering the amount of work that must have gone in making them. Even if say 10 slight variations (with different artillery or small changes in the buildings) were pre-built and chosen randomly when selecting a specific map it would still reduce repetition to an extent, although having a set of random variables building hundreds of variations would be ideal (but difficult to do).

Aw you're too nice :) And yeah it can be manageable but it can also bloat exponentially because what happens when you have to change the spawn protection or objective placement on not only one variant but all of them - day/night/rainy/sunset castello 1/2/3/4 etc. So we're thinking of ways to make some simple but easy to maintain variety


can i share this on our social media it's hauntingly beautiful


Originally posted by Wandering_Tale

  • Just like the fire arrow pit, it would be nice if the medpack was more than a bag. It's too low to the ground, I wish it was some basket on a stand, at waist level, with bandages and vials. We could interact more easily with it.
  • It would also remove the red cross on it, that didn't exist back then.
  • The limits of the smoke bomb are unclear. Feels as tough your vision becomes clouded well before you're within range.

- i think not being able to see what's going on while healing is a good balance thing imo
- red cross is good because even though it didn't exist, it's a universal symbol nowadays. otherwise you'd just see a leather bag on the ground, so this helps with readability
- agreed, I'll see what the team can do


Originally posted by orangesheepdog

You shouldn’t be able to show your comp rank if you are unranked. Smurfs and level 200s use it to conceal their skill level to annoying effect.

sometimes people wanna play in incognito mode though 🤔


Originally posted by Madtagne

  1. Turn caps need reviewing, they aren't noted as stats on weapons but they matter. I am fairly sure GS and LS have the best (AKA, most not nerfed) turn caps which is probably why you see everyone and their grandma playing it in duel servers - there is a clear disparagement of what is "meta" and what isn't. LS is too strong imo, it should be a jack of all trades weapon but master of none however it is pretty much GREAT at everything.

  2. Large weapon movement speed debuff - this is too much, it either needs to be rolled out to more weapons or removed. It's inconsistent that big boy maul can still be sonic the hedgehog but you're penalised when playing other large weapons. I understand you could argue that all weapons that receive the debuff have large range, however, this is an issue in itself. I've seen people back peddle zwei attacks from close range (remember there was a lunge nerf too) with 1h, counter after the miss and the zwei player cannot move out of rang...

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thanks for the feedback, we'll look into it. balance is always subject to change :)


Originally posted by elbudziko

How about an emote where you throw your gotlet on the ground, symbolizing a challenge. Or let me bitch slap my opponent with it.

not possible, since the way it works your hands and the gauntlet are the same thing. you'd have no hand if you threw down your gauntlet, and we'd have to make a new variation for every existing hand item in the game :(


Originally posted by Donkster

Just asking again because maybe it was overlooked last time.

Could it be possible to get basic filtering or a small update to the server browser?

I wish I was able to sort by players or ping as well as add servers to favorites so I don't have to look them up each time.

server browser definitely needs some love, we'll see what we can do


Originally posted by lambdaximus

The back of the german sallet moves separately from it's front, I reckon that this wasn't intended. It would be cool if it could be fixed.

Other than that I have two cosmetic related simple suggestions :

  • More emblems would be nice.

  • Add an unstrapped variant of the burgonet no buffet or allow facial hair to be visible while wearing it.

Thanks for reading.

- the back of the german sallet is supposed to articulate, if that's what you mean

- more emblems could be nice, we'll see

- doesn't seem too hard, but we have a ton of variants and I'm not sure how much we want to go into variations. either way i'll ask the team about this


Originally posted by needlzor

-1. Very minor stuff, but it would be nice to specify a default mode for the weapons in the loadout, e.g. so I can start with the Messer in one hand mode, or with the spear in short stabby mode. It's very minor but since often the spawn in not isolated from the battle it's good to be ready to go as soon as you appear.

-2. Couching weapon on horse and holding shield should deplete stamina. It makes sense and it balances stuff out.

-3. Big stuff, and just throwing ideas out there: the maps are huge, and they are gorgeous, and they are underutilised. One way to use them more and reduce staleness without extensive level design would be to randomise certain parts of the game. For example:

  • Random set of objectives, placed at different parts of the map, whether it's the same objective at random places (save the peasants in Grad) or different objectives altogether (e.g. grad v1 red: destroy the gates, grad v2 red: place explosive next to a wall of the cas...

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  1. yeah agreed, we can look into this
  2. i agree, good idea
  3. more map variation is a goal, but we can't really change a ton of map stuff because then we need to rebuild lighting and it's essentially a new map at that point. we're looking into some solutions for separating lighting and the map itself for visual variety, but adding in a ton of new objects isn't always possible
  4. done with the polehammer, i thought we had the cleaver at least? not sure, I'll talk to the team about this
  5. would be useful and fun. i'll talk to the team to see what we can do

Originally posted by Daric_Leland

How's the pipeline work going? Y'know, for faster, frequenter, smaller patches without disrupting the bigger quarterly stuff.

not implemented yet, might come later.


Originally posted by TheMordhauBird

Pings seem to have been significantly affected by the latest patch.

The Bird has triple digit pings where he once had 60, and 90 pings where he once had 20. This is not pleasant.

we're looking into it!

08 Jul


Check out the changelog here, or down below!

Patch #18 Hotfix 1 Changelog 08/07/2020


  • Potential fix for suicidal horde bots on Feitoria docks

  • Moved a Horde spawn point on Camp

  • Adjusted first objective spawn protection on INV_Camp_1

  • Tweaked spawn protection of 2nd and 3rd objective on INV_Castello_0

  • Added dinner table to INV_Crossroads_0, food is locked to the noble and is accessible about halfway through the level

  • Fixed lift hole on Grad

  • Added a missing collis...

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07 Jul


Originally posted by RedcoatGaming

Stimpee's Mordhau edits make me laugh to no end. If anyone here doesn't know about him, he's an bloody Aussie ripper that uploads stupid video game shit on YouTube and it's absolutely incredible.

I'd share em on the official twitter but uhh those thumbnails get pretty wild


Originally posted by rein_not_reign

An alternative proposal to loadout folders:

Loadout folders have long been a frequently requested QoL improvement to loadout organization. The concept of loadout folders would be a particular solution to the problem, but it must be highlighted that it is not the only possible solution. We state the loadout organization problem as follows: The customization system offers so much variety that someone who enjoys it cannot avoid making dozens or hundreds of different loadouts; how does one then categorize, sort, or find a specific entry among one's many loadouts?

To solve this problem, we propose a two-stage approach entirely different to loadout folders. The first stage would be intended as a short-term development goal, simpler in concept and presumably much simpler to implement than loadout folders, and it would already offer a significant QoL improvement over the current situation. The second stage would b...

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Searching would absolutely be cool, but honestly folders are a cleaner solution in my opinion when compared to tags. If you have a cosplay loadout you also use in ranked, you could always just duplicate it, too!

In either case, I'll bring up tags and searching to the team, as an armory improvement is something we've been keen on doing for quite a while :)


Originally posted by gooseppe1

Steam sale and new patch barely brought new 100 players to game. Seems like the game is dying

We've been holding a steady average since around August of last year. Plus, we definitely had more than 100 sales during the sale. Can't say how many, but I wouldn't be worried about the playerbase. There's always room for improvement and growth, too!


Originally posted by seitung

I'm sure these are already on your radar. These have been said before previously but I think they're worth mentioning again.

An obvious, intuitive practice mode for new players would help them cope with the steep learning curve of jumping into an Invasion against players with hundreds of levels on them. New players are being disheartened (and refunding if claims are to be believed) because they come into FL/INV and have absolutely no fun against veteran players. Horde mode is currently a confusing mess where building a loadout requires intimate map knowledge and teaches little about the game's PvP combat. And the tutorial, while it does teach the very basics, doesn't really help a new player understand the flow of a fight or XvX at all. Lobbing them directly into combat against us is bad for them and player retention if they do end up refunding.

On the opposite end of the spectrum of players, a ranked mode for teams of small numbers...

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Yep, we're looking into some things for the latter, and a practice mode could be great as well. :) We'd definitely need some time to make both of these though, but imo they'd be worth it.


Originally posted by Sir___LionHeart

Patch 18 broke shields - if you're aiming to keep the competitive scene alive items and weapons should not be banned because they're broken.

Also where is 3v3 ranked?!

We're aware they're overtuned, working on some things to fix em.


Hi everyone!

First off, as always we're eager to hear what you all have to think about the current state of the game, and what you'd like to see going forwards. I'd like to apologize for not responding as much as usual to last week's comments - I took a bit of a vacation and wasn't able to get to everyone's posts. That being said, I always make sure to forward them to the team. Anyways, we'd love to hear what's on your mind!
Last week's post can be found here:

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06 Jul


Originally posted by mootpoint007

I've been having issues selecting a recently-capped front-most spawn. I have to select a backspawn before it will let me click on the further front spawn.

This should be fixed next build.

03 Jul


Locking this as it is getting pretty political. Keep it civil, respect each other, and if you see racists in game report that via discord - - to a moderator.