
Mordhau Dev Tracker

16 Jul


Originally posted by elbudziko

  1. Plz fix axe holster axe head should be up and handle down, irl you would cleave in your leg while running.
  2. How about some holster to few weapons or loops for the belts.
  3. Gladius could be a weapon. Heavy jevelyn.
  4. Fancier versions of chaperone. Over all fancier hood.
  5. Add some peasant stuff.
  6. Short sword is kinda lacking in looks department.
  7. Slavic clothes kinda like witcher settings (like heart of stone). Love the game love the feedback thread great idea keep them coming boys.
  1. It would require a new animation, could be possible but to be honest that's not super high on the priority list at the moment. :(
  2. Performance impact + clipping concerns, same as #1 pretty much.
  3. Gladius is too early for the timeframe of Mordhau - mordy is roughly 1000-1550.
  4. Agreed, we might be working on some things ;)
  5. That'd be great, it's something we could do going forwards, although I think players are more interested in normal gear. Either way we can definitely discuss it. :)
  6. Short sword definitely needs some more skins!
  7. Slavic clothes and armor would be awesome, and definitely would fit into the timeframe and art style of Mordhau!

Originally posted by StronkBokensha

Add a wooden training sword please, and some more customization for the default one, it's been over a year and nothing out for it :D

Also add blacklisted words that would temporarily auto-mute you or you wouldn't be allowed to say them so mods have an easier job instead of manually going after everyone saying this or that with ineffective reports

A wooden training sword could be neat :)

Auto-mute is something we're looking into, although sometimes different languages etc contain parts of naughty words in english but are harmless in said language.

For example, "en retarde" means "I'm late" or something like that in french, but might get flagged in an automute. Same with the color black in spanish.


Originally posted by Icy_Accident_7764

I used to have between 20 and 40 ping living around the Dallas Tx area, now its anywhere from 60 to over 100 on any central server. Please fix the game is unplayable right now and it makes me sad :(

We're aware and looking into server issues atm. Check the tech support section on the discord to see how to send logs to us if you'd like to help out!


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

I am onto Week 3 of asking for Horde on Crossroads.

We know :) It's something we can look into, and I'd guess we'd do that once we double down on some horde improvements in the future.


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

Theres a bug with the painted greathelm, there are two of the patterns which are completely identical, both being full secondary colour when im assuming one is meant to be full primary colour. This makes it impossible to have fully blue or red greathelms in frontline

We'll take a look, should be an easy fix. πŸ‘


Originally posted by Fredmonroe


There's currently a ui/spawning bug in frontline that was just added with the most recent patch. When you are in the spawn screen where you can choose your spawn location, if a spawn location becomes available for spawning (because it was fully captured), you cannot click on that new location until you click on an older location. For example, (1) you are on Iron Company on Camp (2) when you enter the spawn screen your team holds hunting grounds and is in the process of capturing River (3) once River is fully captured, you will not be able to click on it to spawn there until you first click on hunting grounds. This is an annoying bug, is unintuitive for new players, and was just added in the most recent patch.


I still think kick needs to be looked at. I appreciate the changes that were made it to tune it down, but many of the issues with kick that were in that big and popular post were not addressed.

In particular I think being able to ...

Read more

Good write-up. We'll take a look at these things!


Originally posted by MoronDark

Controversial opinion: Nobles should have cleave through teammates. Amount of times i died as a noble while surviving for 15 minutes because teammates bodyblock my swings is ungodly

We've talked about it, we'll see what happens. Teammates shouldn't interfere with your ability to survive.


Originally posted by ___Red-did-it___

A better report system would be great.

This is something we're looking into, absolutely.


Originally posted by smits017

My god please do something to sort out the packet loss, I literally don't want to play the game anymore because of it.

We've been getting a lot of logs from the community on servers, which is helping us diagnose some issues. Check the tech support section on the discord - - if you wanna help out!


Originally posted by DabFlossXd

I think it would be cool to have a top 100 rank duel leaderboard for your own country. I'm really curious how good i am compared to other people in my country.

We're considering region based leaderboards, but it's tough to implement in a way that works well. We'll see though, nothing's set in stone.


Originally posted by fab_one

Could you please create an option to allow a better visualization (maybe a big red ring around the crosshair) if currently all swing, stab, and parry inputs are locked out? Currently you can only see this if the small white dot is not visible. This additional visualization would help a lot, especially as it seems that commands are not buffered and this in turn make it seems that the commands are lost due to packet drops or lag.

Additionally a command buffer would be nice so that you can press a swing for example during the lockout which will be performed as soon as the lockout is over.

Thanks in advance.

This is an interesting idea - I'll bring it up to the team!

15 Jul


Originally posted by MrFluffyNipples

Type: playerlist in the console and take a screenshot of the list of players, also go to Steam>Friends>Recently played - Copy the players steam url. Submit the images and steam url to a moderator on Discord and they will get perma muted, f**k these kind of players.

yeah, but use "playerlist" in the console and screenshot that, since we can then link the account to the person typing. Sorry you had to deal with this :(


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

/u/Jaaxxxxon is this legit?

BIG true :)

14 Jul


Hello again :)

Thanks a ton for all the feedback and suggestions. We'd really love to hear what's on your mind, and especially if you have feedback on the current state of the game, we'd love to hear it. Let us know your thoughts below!

Last week's post can be found here:

External link β†’

u/LibertyG100 this is art, can I share this on our social media?

13 Jul

12 Jul


Originally posted by lambdaximus

Maybe I should upload some in-game footage of it but the german sallet articulates in a really odd way that doesn't look very natural considering it's model, wich is great btw.

Ah yeah, that's probably due to which 'bone' it's skinned on, if I had to guess. We use the same skeleton for all players regardless of what armor they have on, so I think it's just probably a limitation of what we can do on that front. Adding extra bones for animation of specific armor pieces would decrease performance for a very small gain in fidelity, but perhaps it's something we can tweak a bit to get a bit better.


Originally posted by Daric_Leland

I'd like to bring attention to u/ShroomD00M's thread on team color customization.

Letting players pick the clientside colors for each team would kill 3 birds with 1 stone:
Mistaking blood-spattered blue team for red team
Colorblind players
Spy builds

I missed this, thanks for posting it. u/ShroomD00M great idea! I'll talk to the team and see if this is something we can do.


Originally posted by Got_Damn_Nam

This is a repeat, sorry in advance. I think vote to scramble teams and adding community servers to the find game feature could add quite a bit of quality of life to this game.

We can look into this, I think a team autobalance would be cool but we'd need some more functionality for that. As for community servers, we're a bit hesitant to put those into the matchmaking because we can't verify them really, we don't moderate them, and a whole host of other things that could cause an issue.