
Mordhau Dev Tracker

28 Jul


Originally posted by BasilevsNihili

My pasta blood boils!

๐Ÿคmama mia


Originally posted by BigNDB

Where is patchie

everyone asks when is patchie, but not how is patchie :(


Originally posted by Alvery_Grissom





Originally posted by alexius339

cheap i hope ๐Ÿ‘€

uhh i think we don't have the price tags on 'em yet so we can test without having to give ourselves tons of gold, but most shouldn't be mega expensive. There might be a few higher-tier ones but for the most part they should probably be relatively affordable. As far as I know the horned greathelm is still the most expensive item, and nothing in this update will be that pricey. disclaimer: since we don't have the prices finalized, I can't confirm this 100% - but none of the dev team have mentioned anything in particular being super-duper expensive


Originally posted by lambdaximus

More snippets soon I hope.



Originally posted by orangesheepdog

More or less than the previous patchie?



Originally posted by gooseppe1

Grator said that this patch will be "the biggest cosmetic drop". Also , 2 new weapons coming (Falx and Corseca, maybe Scimitar), devs promised middle-eastern stuff, some armor from the vendel period, and more

yeah it's dummy thiqq with two q's


Originally posted by ShorohUA

IMO it looks kinda beefy. I never seen an actual Italian armor recreation before but from what I've seen in game I always imagined it as an agile set of armor with freedom of movement. I'm not saying they should change it because of my ignorance, it's just me being slightly disappointed. I hope there will be more stuff in this patch

actually the opposite i believe, iirc italian armor was suited towards the style in.. well, italy, which was primarily of the mounted smacko variety, which is why you see much more asymmetry and big 'ol elbow things (couters?) and pauldrons. with german or especially english armor (english armor is really big on this) you see more of an emphasis on mobility. afaik english knights favored being dismounted because it rains in england all the time and horses + mud don't mix very well


who knows what's in the smoke bomb

27 Jul


Originally posted by tiredofyourshitrdt

Yeah, I'm sure the devs just slapped everything they're working on into one build though, kind of like they do on the loading screens.

That cuirass, as far as I can tell, is just a different flavor of gothic armor, but someone else can correct me.

yeah the italian cuirass is more fitting in a historical context but the new one is new and looks cool

26 Jul


Originally posted by JamieH-UK

Hi All,

Got another suggestion, though I understand you are quite busy.

Would it be possible to get daily challenges introduced into the game with gold payouts?

This doesn't mean that Mordhau needs to become a live service title. An easier method of implementing this would be to have a pool of challenges e.g. behead 10 enemies, shoot 5 enemies in the knees, knock a horse rider off without damaging the horse.

And have them be picked out randomly using random number generation, or alternatively have specific challenges linked to days of the week, like beheading Mondays, horse rider Thursdays and so on.

The challenges don't have to pay out massive amounts of gold even if is just between 20-50 gold per challenge but make them repeatable but not overwhelming difficult like get 2 kills with 1 swipe. The list could go on

Currently completing matches is the only way to obtain gold which can be slow especially in frontlines an duels don't ...

Read more

We've talked about daily challenges, but we kind of stalled on that discussion. The issue is making ones that are replayable and fun, and don't require a lot of backend work. Unfortunately we can't just slap that functionality onto the game currently, so it would require quite a lot of a redesign in the reward system. As of now we're not actively developing this, but it doesn't mean we have ruled out the possibility.


Originally posted by TheMordhauBird

The Bird would like to request a better gold tint for armor. There are numerous photos which have been linked on this subreddit which show that such a concept is within the realm of historical accuracy. The Bird offers a suggestion that such a tint require level 150 or some similarly obscene requirement, lest there be an unrelenting horde of gilded men.

Additionally, it would be nice to receive rough estimates on update releases. Not precise dates, but "end of August/early September" would be better than "soon." Such communication is acceptable in an early access or beta game, but a game with several thousand daily players? The Bird thinks not. The community is quite understanding if a delay must occur, but at least give a rough estimate that may be subject to change. This would be appreciated.

> the community is quite understanding if a delay must occur, but at least give a rough estimate that may be subject to change. This would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, this isn't the case. Every time we've announced a really rough estimate and have delayed it, people get super upset. :/

as for the gold tint, it's something we could look into, tints aren't as easily added etc. as other things so it may or may not be possible


Originally posted by Nagemasu

Looking for a new game to play with some friends.
Wondering how latency affects this game? Will someone be at a significant disadvantage with 300ping?

Is controller supported and if yes, how do you feel about controller vs K+M for the game?

this game relies on low latency as it's timing based, moreso than shooters in my opinion. high ping (100+) makes attacks very hard to defend against, and it's much better at lower latency


Originally posted by vediaaa

Estoc absolutely doesnโ€™t need a buff at all. As it currently stands it is one of the best weapons in the game

this, estoc is consistently one of the strongest weapons in the game right now. if anything, it needs a nerf


Originally posted by SaStrixS

Unpatch the cata glitch or at least tell me why it was patched. It was completely harmless and impossible to do unless the server was near empty anyway. Besides, if someone wanted to troll and just block up the cata, they can still do that... Meanwhile, the harmless trampoline is now gone...

i think it was related to other bugs that were gameplay affecting. not 100% on that but i can double-check with the team


Originally posted by tribalbaboon

Unranked duels with a big button on the main menu so new players know they have the option to try dueling, as many have no idea it even exists. Preferably using a hidden MMR for unranked dueling, so you still have good matches but without the salt and the pressure.

Also 3v3 or 2v2 ranked & regional ranked leaderboards please.

A lot of the newer players I'm coaching don't want to play ranked because the new held shield mechanics are overused. Why ban health regen and fleshwound if you're not going to ban something that's so good I've never seen a tournament where you're allowed to use it?

- unranked duel matchmaking is not a huge priorty for us, as there are duelyard servers that do the same thing but arguably better. I'd personally like to see an actual duelyard mode that prevents rdm'ing, which could help in this regard.

- team ranked is planned :)

- shields need some balance changes, crush is working on it ๐Ÿ‘


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

So, this might not be possible with the current frameworks you have in place, but bear with me.

I'd like to be able to share Loadouts/Mercs with people in a way that doesn't rely upon a third party site like Mordhau Mercenaries, or having to open a text file and pasting in a Merc.

A (Halo 3-ish) Fileshare system, where you can maybe choose 4-8 Mercs to display on your Profile (which I assume we will eventually have to manage Reporting, should you want to stray from Steam even further), with a button to copy them to your Merc list would be really cool, though entirely Quality of Life.

If there was ever going to be an Armory Rework, I think this would be a great addition to it.

this could be cool, but honestly the current systems (while not perfect) still do the job okay. we don't have infinite dev resources and while something like this might seem like a minor QOL tweak we could develop in a few days, the reality is that it could very well end up taking way longer, so it's a matter of what takes precedence. In any case, I'll talk to the team about it and figure out if it's feasible.


Originally posted by DCamzJogOn

I love the new cosmetics, especially since I finally completed my dream 14th century knight. That being said, theres still a few problems that should be addressed as most have been in the game since day 1.

Leather cosmetics have different shades of the same colour, like splinted legs are lighter than arms. Makes colour coordination in a lot of builds difficult. This also effects brigandine arms, veteran arms, wisby gauntlets, coat of plates set and a few more. Team colour also changes helmet and legs metal highlight for most of the original helmets and gothic legs. Velvet shoulders are also angled wierdly, they add a good 2 inches to your shoulder height, the exaggerated shoulders make it look a bit too fantasy. Would also love to be able to change leather colour on brigandine legs and bishops mantel.

Would love to see a hounskull with a highlight option and some new bascinet variations, and an aventail with highlights would make me orgasm.

Noted, we'll take a look :)