
Mordhau Dev Tracker

08 May


Originally posted by galaxyvm

Nice. I'd love to see daily or weekly challenges with exp/gold bonus. Like if you get x headshots in a match or x kills with y weapon you get extra gold. Could help give players a reason to try other weapons and experiment with their playstyles.

It's something we've talked about, and would like to do. Making challenges actually relevant and fun is important, and something we haven't quite tackled yet, so we're still working on that :)


Originally posted by seitung

The UX for switching loadouts could be improved. The user shouldn't initially have to switch from default loadouts when they have them hidden. Allowing the user to set a default from the custom list would be smoother. A button to spawn with a random loadout from the custom list would also be a nice addition.

I like this, gonna forward it to the team :)


Originally posted by Shitscrubber64

You make some excellent points but I wouldn't call it favoring realism. Every single map is plagued with a lack thereof, objectives in particular.

Let's all sacrifice our lives to burn random piles of books while we're in the middle of a war instead of doing so afterwards. What's that you say about holding the torch close to the books to ignite them? Screw that, let's throw it like idiots so we have to run back to spawn and grab another torch.

Or how about mountain peak's battering ram objective? Blue team is forced to throw itself at the ram to smash a gate open... and when they finally succeed 90% of players will still use the many side entrances over the gate they fought so hard over, the same side entrances that were already open from the start. But for some reason the captured soldiers that were on the other side couldn't be interacted with at all, now they suddenly can.

He's talking more about.. structural realism/believability in the architecture I'd assume. The objectives are definitely silly, but that's fine as long as they play well.

If you go look at CSGO for example, and pretend that was a real place, very little of it would actually make any sense. Who puts an open-air balcony above a sewage pool? Overpass does, and it plays really well. They also manage to make it seem believable unless you actually think really hard about it, but in the end it doesn't really matter, as long as the map plays properly.


Originally posted by Daric_Leland

I feel like your map design is favoring realism over gameplay flow. There's a lot of both great looking and great designed niches to maps, which then go unused because they're way outside the main lane(s).

For example: the rocks behind Grad's castle letting you scramble up to the ramparts; Feitoria's farms and dungeon; hallways and rooftops in/along the outer walls of Castello; Grad's graveyard.

A decent case study of this is Mountain Peak's new throne room:

There's 2 walkways above and a central lane below, all flowing to the throne itself. But to access the lower central lane, you have to go around the giant stairs which seem like you can't go around. From where blue spawns, looking to the left or right of the stairs shows a recess ending in a wall. You assume it's a deadend without checking it out, missing the tucked away doorway. The result is blue rushes up the big stairs right in front of them and only use the 2 walkways, leaving the bottom lane a...

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Great comment.

Part of the reason this is a thing is because especially with the original and older maps, we started work on them before we actually had a game mode created for Mordhau. As a result, there are a lot of areas that go unused on maps, as without the mode (Frontline/Invasion) it's hard to accurately predict where players will go, and what they will do. A good example of this would be a lot of the towers on Feitoria - they look great but you'll rarely find anyone in those towers, because they just are too far out of the way. On Grad, the breach into the tunnel next to the cliff means a lot of walking and instead you could just go a more direct route, since the Warden is definitely going to be surrounded by his allies and you'd be better off pushing with 10 teammates as opposed to going solo.

As for the newer additions and maps, there are definitely things that could be improved in regards to readability, although there is a line that we have to draw at ...

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Originally posted by the_chaq

Dear Triternion and it's members actively developing the melee slasher game Mordhau,

Good day, I hope everyone here is doing well today. I approach today with an inquiry.

The game of Mordhau is a very innovative and most certainly engaging video game, perhaps my own favorite in recent times. Not only does it have fluid, enthralling, deep, complex, and competitively viable gameplay, but it does so while also in many ways adhering more to reality more than many other competitive fighting games in video game history. Particularly, the idea of your weapon attacks being able to come from any angle, is a brilliant innovation from the slasher genre's typical, more limited setup where slash attack angles are predetermined and assigned to binds on the keyboard and mouse. I am simply in love with this fluid and intuitive approach to combat that gives the player the sort of freedom that helps to immerse them. And it is in this spirit of freedom of approach in one's attack th...

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lol never change chaq

07 May


These are Kickstarter backers' emblems, not us hating archers.

But yes, archers are annoying :)

06 May

05 May


Hey everyone!

We'll be trying out a pinned weekly post to help gather some feedback, as sometimes some great ideas go by unnoticed. Please keep smaller suggestions/feedback here, but feel free to post more elaborate ideas as separate posts if you'd like!

Please keep things on-topic, and be respectful to each other :)

External link →

02 May


Originally posted by PM_YOUR_LOOPS

While you're at it, forward this as well. Manually editing your Horde mercenaries still works. You guys fixed the weapons, but people can still spawn with full 3/3/3 from wave 1.

yep, we're aware of that


it looks pretty sketch - that being said i'm not 100% from that one clip. if you run into him again and grab his steam profile and another clip, please send it to me 👍

edit: since I'm being downvoted, I'll clarify. I'm pretty certain this is a cheat (recovery skip) but from this one clip it's not completely blatant, and I'm not going to take away someone's access to the multiplayer side of the game because "I'm pretty sure". Besides, OP doesn't have their Steam profile anyways so more evidence is needed regardless.

01 May


did you draw this, or did someone draw it for you? either way looks sick!

27 Apr


it's like nuketown all over again

25 Apr


Originally posted by Juulxon

check discord papa

Okeydokey will do


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

Sounds fun, hope Triternion sees this

yep we did :)


I like it, told the team about the idea :)


if you give me a link to your steam profile I can take a look.


kind of a buff and a nerf

it removed the crutch aspect of them, but made them good in 1vX and other areas :)


Originally posted by SS333SS

you know it's actually weird, i have almost 600 hours now and I personally have not encountered a single blatant hacker. why is mordhau so relatively hacker-free?

it's pretty rate in Mordhau, and the cheats out there kinda suck because this isn't an FPS game - autoparry is bad and obvious, aimbots don't really work, etc.

I saw a sick cheat that gave you lockon, removing your ability to drag and accel or land headshots lmao