
Mordhau Dev Tracker

25 Apr


Originally posted by Lk_The_Hero_of_Ages

oh neat, I will DELETE

edit: this person was banned Feb 7th


get me his steam profile and i will

d e l e t

23 Apr


now THIS is art


Interesting read, and I agree with a decent amount of the points you've made (although not all of them).

For us at Triternion, our main priority at this point in time is to try to grow the playerbase, and add reasonable features that can help ease interested players into a competitive scene.

Every major competitive game has a healthy player base which potential competitive players are drawn from - with a 9-10k peak player amount monthly, the amount of current comp teams/players that we have is perfectly normal. Take CSGO, and I would assume that out of their 1M+ player base, there are probably somewhere between 1-10k people who would consider themselves at least amateur competitive players (either playing pugs, queuing into high MMR matches at the top ranks, FACEIT/ESEA, and attending smaller online events) and about 100-200 that are at the highest tier with major orgs going to LAN events (Astralis, 100T, NaVI, fnatic, etc.).

What this means for us and for M...

Read more

22 Apr


we wouldn't do ancient roman stuff, but face masks for eastern stuff would be neat, as well as potentially some european armor as well

this being said we'd probably have to limit it to more simple designs, since really super complex ones might be too much performance wise. not a 3d artist so idk, but i'll bring it up with the team :)


yea not sure what we're going to do about this, but I'll look into it


Originally posted by [deleted]


i have to remove this but uhh a for effort

21 Apr


It shouldn't still be happening, if it is let us know 👍


1h axe = chaotic neutral


Originally posted by dollasign-danny

The devs don’t put that much time into it anymore but the game mechanics are the best they’ve ever been rn. When the game was first released it was really fun but broken as shit.

And tbh the game is well worth the $25. I doubt it’ll go lower for a while

It takes us a while to do things, but we're still actively developing! A smaller team means that progress does take a bit longer, but we're able to support the game and keep development for a very long time; we're still focused on Mordhau and will be for quite a while.


usually we don't go back and edit existing pieces and make new ones instead, but I can ask about this one, since it might not be as much work to alter.

20 Apr


This seems to be a visual bug, but we're not sure. Logs always help so next time this happens, let us know (our discord's bug reporting channel would probably be the best place to post them)


not sure about this - if you don't have any luck finding answers over here, our discord's tech support section might be able to give you a hand :)


Originally posted by chrisiseker

Jax is prob. reading all this but too much of a pussy to answer. Lmao.

lmao gottem


We're aware and it's been fixed internally as far as I know. Should be okay in the next update.


Originally posted by mangorain24

Song? :0

i found it it's weird and catchy

19 Apr


It's a visual bug, as you've already found out :)


the best way to counter maul is the s key


I'll remind the team about this, see if we can fix it :)