
Mordhau Dev Tracker

18 Apr


Originally posted by Koilby

Castello is a frame rate nightmare for me and my PC. I understand my PC is aging poorly but no other map puts the strain like castello.

it's because the castle bits are very large objects, which means it's hard to hide them or reduce the level of detail on them - we're working on "chopping up" the castle walls and other objects so they can be hidden or lower quality when you're not looking at them / far away. The look of the map won't change, but the performance should increase :)

17 Apr


Originally posted by -SeriousMike

What's the point of the kicks now that they can be parried?

either kick them or bait a parry out, and hit them


Originally posted by 12am_

u/jaaxxxxon call him a slur



We're going to be reopening some things with read-only access.

To clarify why we did this - the volunteer mods have enough on their plate, and we tend to get more constructive feedback from reddit and discord, they're easier to navigate than the forums, easier as well to moderate, and have more users on them.

This also isn't to say that the feedback on the forums was "bad", but the difficulty of navigating it (threads getting necroed, no way to filter more popular ideas, etc.) as well as the smaller amount of users lead to it just not being as efficient for us to look at for feedback, and your ideas were less likely to be seen over there.

The forums served its purpose in the pre-alpha, alpha and beta stages of the game, but now that the subreddit and discord are very healthy, it's better for us to consolidate the community into less platforms.

EDIT: To clarify, we just hid viewing access - all old posts still exist.

15 Apr


Hey, you're pretty good!
For an archer... :P


we're looking into fixing the spy builds.

14 Apr


Glad you're having fun! <3

Side note, you can always mute the racist idiots or report them to a moderator, we're getting rid of them as fast as we can :)


Can i share this on twitter? :)


Originally posted by Joe1eo

Sure thing lad! It'd be cool to get a credit too if poss as I have a lot more stuff like this on my channel at :D

will do! I watched two of your videos after seeing this :) great stuff


can i share this on our twitter? this is perfect

12 Apr


Originally posted by Prosciutto_Papi

Thank youuu

No problem :)


It just takes your rank away until you play another match currently, and it takes a week to kick in👍

edit: once you play the match it un-hides the rank, so it's not lost forever or anything


Originally posted by slugslams

Nordika muted me for saying the f word

bad player, do not say the word >:(


Eager's HIIIIIIIII! is the best line in the game, don't @ me


Originally posted by racerj2237

Confused Barbarian is my new favorite. Spamming the Sorry and Friendly voicelines back and forth sometimes gets a great “what’s this” and “what’s that” going

confused barbarian is confused because he was the first voice, we bought a voice pack asset to test the functionality and kept him in. he's kind of endearing because 90% of what he says makes no sense :)


not the hero we programmed, but the hero we needed