New World

New World Dev Tracker

10 Dec

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

La maintenance est terminée. Merci de votre patience - a très bientôt sur Aeternum !

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Die Wartungsarbeiten wurden abgeschlossen. Vielen Dank für eure Geduld - wir sehen uns in Aeternum!

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Maintenance has been completed. Thank you for your patience and we’ll see you back in Aeternum!

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Merci pour vos retours concernant l’équipement de cueilleur qui vous a été envoyé. Toutes nos excuses pour la confusion liée à ce que vous avez reçu. Pour aider à clarifier les choses, j’aimerais fournir plus de contexte sur ce qui a été spécifiquement envoyé et sur les critères déterminants les tiers.

Dans notre mise à jour 1.1 de Novembre, nous avons accidentellement supprimé du jeu l’équipement de cueilleur, qui a une chance garantie d’offrir un bonus de % de chance de récolte et un bonus d’attribut INT basé sur le score d’équipement obtenu. Cet ensemble a été remis en jeu lors de notre patch du 24 Novembre. Cependant, “La chance de récolte” est un avantage aléatoire qui peut également apparaître sur d’autres pièces d’armure. Bien que l’équipement de cueilleur ait été supprimé, d’autres armures du jeu de tier 3 et supérieur pouvaient auparavant être utilisées et pouvaient toujours bénéficier de cet avantage. Cette armure n’a pas été retirée du jeu et n’a pas compté dans le...

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    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Chers aventuriers,

Nous effectuerons une maintenance de New World à 2021-12-10T07:00:00Z. La durée prévue est d’environ 3hrs.

  • Implémentation d’un correctif pour régler le problème des compagnies fusionnées qui ne recevaient pas de remboursement pour les territoires perdus
  • Implémentation d’un correctif pour empêcher le dédoublement des quêtes causé par le lag

Merci pour votre patience et votre compréhension !

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hallo zusammen!

Sorry für die verspätete Nachricht. Wir werden heute 2021-12-10T07:00:00Z (lokale Zeitzone) Wartungsarbeiten durchführen, um die folgenden Probleme zu beheben:

  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem Kompanien bei einer Weltzusammenlegung keine Erstattung für verlorene Gebiete erhielten.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei man Quests durch Lag-Verzögerungen verdoppeln konnte.

Die Ausfallzeit wird ca. 3 Stunden (180 Minuten) betragen.

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding a 3 hour (~180 minute) downtime 2021-12-10T07:00:00Z (in your local timezone) to address the following:

  • Implementing a fix for an issue where companies that were merged did not receive reimbursement for lost territories
  • Implementing a fix to prevent duplicate quests caused by lag

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

We have been looking into this issue for a while and think we have discovered a mitigation we can use in the near term. The character mentioned by the OP should be unstuck. Please check.

For anyone stuck in this state, where you have a blank company invite that you cannot reject - please comment with your character name, as well as your region and world name.

While we work on a fix for this situation, our support team has begun manually removing the blank company invites. It’s going to take some time, but we will get you.


09 Dec


Thank you for the feedback on the harvesting gear make good that was delivered to you. Apologies for the confusion related to the grant you received. To help clear things up, I’d like to provide more context around what specifically was delivered and the criteria that was used to deliver tiers to players.

In our Nov 1.1 update, we accidentally removed the Harvester themed gear from the game, which has a guaranteed chance to deliver Harvesting Luck % perk bonus, and an INT attribute bonus based on the rolled gear score. That set was returned to the game on our Nov 24 patch. However, “Harvesting Luck” is a random perk that can also show up on other pieces of armor. Although the Harvesting themed gear was removed, other in-game armor at Tier 3 and above, could previously roll and was still able to roll that perk. That armor was not removed from the game and did not count towards criteria for this make-good. We were unable to replicate exactly what Harvester themed items were los...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to clarify, it says it may fix the issue. But the team is aware and looking into it.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all!

We are bringing Brittia back online! When we brought the world out of maintenance after the merge, the company reimbursement for lost territories caused a crash. While we work on a fix for the crash, we have delayed compensation for companies that lost territories due to the merge. We will update this post with news on the fix and reimbursement while we work on ensuring the crash doesn’t impact future merges.

Here are the issues we are currently aware of.

  • Companies from Mardi that were merged into Brittia did not receive compensation for territories they lost - they will receive compensation in the future

If there are any that are not on this list, please follow the ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware! It’s been posted on our 1.1.2 bug megathread here: [Megathread] New World Update 1.1.2 Bug Reporting

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this report.

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

We have encountered some issues with the world merge and are working through them. We appreciate your patience and will keep you updated here when we know more!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s actually for a different issue. The players on that list were unable to transfer due to active and pending trading post contracts. This appears to be pending company invites. I don’t believe they have a way to manually free players stuck in this state right now.

Update: Looks like they did find a way! See Kay’s response a few comments below.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Known issue and on our bug list! Thanks :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We have merged a few worlds/world sets now and want to see if there were any bugs or issues that arose after these merges occurred.

This thread addresses:

  • Mardi into Brittia 2021-12-09T19:00:00Z (in your local timezone)
  • Ishtakar, Metsola, Glitnir, Kalevala, Zu-Vendis, and Phaeacia will be merging into Caer Sidi on 2021-12-10T22:00:00Z
  • Tuma, Svarga, Rukh and Patala will be merging into Irkalla on 2021-12-10T22:00:00Z

You can find the announcements below:

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