New World

New World Dev Tracker

08 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone!

US East servers are still in maintenance due to a services issue. The team is monitoring the situation to ensure that the region can be brought up when it’s safe to do so.

Due to the outage’s impact across all regions, we may need to delay the scheduled world merge for Mardi and Brittia. We will update this channel as soon as we have more information.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware! The corresponding announcement is here: [Notice] Server Issues - #2 by Luxendra

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Known issue! Relevant announcement is here: [Notice] Server Issues - #2 by Luxendra

07 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately it looks like the issue is still ongoing so we will need to cancel the event scheduled for 2021-12-08T00:00:00Z (in your local timezone).

We apologise for the inconvenience and hope you enjoyed playing with some of our devs in the PTR!

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, we have found an issue with how influence contributions were getting counted. We found out that some updates could be lost and not counted at all. That issue was causing some companies to not be eligible for the vanguard, even though they had contributed much more than the required influence. The bug is now resolved. Please let us know if you encounter any further issue with declaring war in this thread and we’ll investigate further. If you do, please provide all the necessary info. We are sorry for the inconvenience that bug could have caused.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

Due to the ongoing issue we’re experiencing at this time, we may need to postpone this event. We’ll have an update latest at 2021-12-07T23:00:00Z (in your local timezone).

Thank you!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct
    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

As an update, this issue is impacting the entire service so players may notice irregularities in login, store items, skins, etc.

This will resolve automatically when the bigger issue is resolved.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hi all,

Due to the current outages we are experiencing (as noted here), we will be moving the Server Merge from 2021-12-08T15:00:00Z to 2021-12-08T17:00:00Z to ensure that these issues do not impact the merge between Mardi and Brittia.

Thank you for your understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are experiencing an issue with a service in US East which is causing some trouble this morning, impacting New World and the Amazon website for some players.

No other regions are impacted at this time. The team is working on it, and expect to have it fixed soon.

We will provide an update once we have more information.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

No need to apologize. I confirmed that the drop rate in game right now is intended. That being said, I have provided the sentiment on this thread, and while I can’t confirm that the rate will change, I can confirm that the information you all provided is under further review.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

We have tested world merges internally as well as in the November PTR. Both have given us good data as well as areas that needed to be addressed before attempting merges in the live game.

All internal testing has been exhausted which means it is time to verify the feature works on a live world.

This week we are testing two scenarios: (1) a single merge, meaning two worlds become one, which has already been announced/scheduled, and barring any surprises, (2) a full set merge where all worlds within a set merge into one world.

Details on the latter (#2 in the list above) are pending, but I hope to have that information out to folks by end of day tomorrow. Keep watch on the Official News section for updates.

Either the Community Managers or myself will update you early next week after we have had time to review/address the results of the completed merges.


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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We will do our best to address our open issues, work with our players to make improvements, and keep at it. Appreciate the feedback.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t have an opinion on your suggestion. I will share your feedback with the team.
There isn’t anything for us to argue about. I hope your evening is great.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will share your feedback with the research team. You would like all players to receive all surveys in order to trust the data being gathered.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nope, you are interpreting what I am saying in bad faith to be sensational.

What I am saying is they often use target sample group criteria for surveying. Again, I am not part of the research team or an expert in data sourcing, but I did not say anything about who receives surveys. You created that to tell a story that bolsters your existing position on the topic.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do surveys often, but they don’t go to all players, so keep your eyes open should you receive one. I am not part of the research team, so I can’t speak in depth about each campaign and who they are targeting but I see and discuss the resulting reports with them, so I can confirm it is happening.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks, Polls aren’t a stand alone source of truth, but we do poll our players, often through in-game surveys but not through the forums because generally a small percentage of our total players visit the forums and they tend to have some shared qualities that skew the data. So if you see a survey pop up please be sure to complete it!
The forums are great for collecting feedback and listening to or participating in discussions on topics to better understand them then pair that with other inputs but no one approach is really a source of truth.