New World

New World Dev Tracker

30 Oct


From one software developer to another, hi!

so what’s the solution? the server needs the clients to perform their own calculations, I don’t believe for a second amazon actively simulates every action on their server, and you shouldn’t either.

I believe you are sincere in your understanding that this doesn’t happen…but it actually does. Ok, so let me slightly qualify - there are areas of the world we don’t care about precision in simulation very much, like your house. And generally there are savings present in non combat, non physically interactive areas elsewhere.

But in combat (and almost all situations), you are creating control inputs to a character that is fully simulated on the server. We don’t even take action inputs from clients, we take the intent of action (the “I pressed a button” example).

Even movement is server based, and you might have seen the effects of this - your client can predict where it might go, and sends ...

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Hey everyone,

The team is aware of the Resilient perk not acting as intended and are working to get that resolved.

Stay tuned for more updates when we have them!


This is uncomfortably similar to my watching habits :smiley:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh no I’m so sorry D: I thought I addressed some of these threads but it looks like I missed this one. Yes, we’re working on fixing an issue with the trading post tonight! See the message above for the details, Thanks Praxxus!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is not happening at this time but there is potential for it to happen in the future. This is something that the team will look into.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

There was a recent bug in New World that drove some speculation on how our simulation works. The bug was addressed quickly, but both the speculation and the bug deserve some clarity in explanation.

New World is not client authoritative - from a simulation standpoint New World is entirely server based. At a high level the model is this: clients dispatch controller inputs to the server, and the server then checks that input for limits that might invalidate it, then if accepted uses it as an input to a character (“actor” is our internal name) within server memory. Physics and game rules are then run (entirely server side), and the outcome is sent back to the original client. Clients will then draw the outcome determined by the server.

Take the example of a player swinging an axe to chop a tree. To the player, they hit a button and the axe swings, which might seem very client based. What actually happens is more complex. The player hits a button, a mess...

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29 Oct


This is a weird take. We have released patches each week (sometimes more than once a week, like this week) to address issues and exploits that show up in New World.

I understand that it can be frustrating when the issue you specifically are experience seems to go unnoticed, but I can assure you that we are actively working to resolve bugs and exploits as we receive them. Some issues are harder to nail down and require deeper investigation and testing meaning they take longer to address.

The team is committed to consistently patching and improving New World.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Check out this post :wink:

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Hey everyone,

Apologies, I have been reading a lot today so I may be misunderstanding what the situation is in this thread, but are you not transferring because you are under the impression that transfers are not available or are you experiencing the missing trade contract bug?

Server transfers are available now and only a small number of users are having the contract issue.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, while server transfers have been enabled for everyone, some players may experience an issue transferring servers that involves the trading post. You can read more about that here:

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We just fixed it! Thanks for letting us know!



Server transfer tokens are not available for purchase at this time. If at some point they do become available for purchase, we will be sure to let you know :slight_smile:


We don’t have any new news for you yet, but when we do you certainly will know!