New World

New World Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Got the info to the team, and it should be good to go now

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

La maintenance est terminée. Merci de votre patience !

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Die Wartungsarbeiten wurden abgeschlossen und alle Welten sind wieder verfügbar. Wir bitten, die Verzögerungen zu entschuldigen und danken für eure Geduld.


Alright, hopefully final update:

All worlds, all regions, are now available for play.

Thank you for you patience while we worked through this update.

We’ll see you in Aeternum!


My deepest apologies, that was a communication error between myself and the release team.

I have updated the thread here


There was a communication error between myself and the devs, EU still has a few worlds being worked on.

Apologies for the delay on the correction, I’m struggling with the Forums logging me out just as much as you all are :frowning:

More updates coming when I have them!

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Einige Welten tun sich leider noch etwas schwer - wir sind aber dran, auch diese schnellstmöglich wieder online zu bringen.


Hey everyone,

We know that the situation on the forums is frustrating. I myself have been logged out multiple times just trying to write the most recent update in the Official News section.

Due to the length of the downtime, there has been a MASSIVE crush of users trying to find out information. Unfortunately, the nature of load balancing and scaling of web services, even when automatic, is not something that happens instantaneously. From the time this issue started happening to even now, we have been in contact with our Forums provider to dramatically ramp up our scaling for the forums.

We are working to get ahead of the problem for both today as well as in the future. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we sort through these issues.

Thank you for being part of our awesome community!

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you confirm if you remember that it was raining when that happens? We believe it could be related.


EU is now complete and online, we are now focusing on NA East, West, and South America.

Thank you for your continued patience while we roll this update out.

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Wir bringen die Welten langsam aber sicher wieder online. Habt bitte noch ein klein wenig Geduld.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are slowly bringing worlds back online. Stay tuned and thanks again for your patience!


Malheureusement nous rencontrons des soucis techniques, de ce fait nous allons devoir prolonger la phase de maintenance de deux heures. Toutes nos excuses pour ce contre-temps, un grand merci à tous pour votre patience et votre soutien ! Nous vous tiendrons au courant de l’évolution de la situation dès que nous le pourrons.

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Leider haben wir einige technische Schwierigkeiten und müssen die Wartungsarbeiten um zwei Stunden verlängern. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten und danken euch für eure Geduld und Unterstützung.

Wir werden den Beitrag aktualisieren, sobald es weitere Neuigkeiten gibt.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately, we are having some technical difficulties and need to extend the maintenance for two more hours. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and support!