New World

New World Dev Tracker

07 Oct

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are going to restart the world in ~10 minutes (around 9:50am PT - 6:50pm CEST).



Under the hood, they both do the same thing, there’s just a small display issue with the tooltips that show the whole-number value instead of the percentage for some items. We’ll get that fixed in a future release!


Your Mining Luck and skill level both play a part in whether or not you get gems from an ore vein.

That said, precious metal veins (e.g. silver, gold, platinum) are significantly more likely to result in gems than other veins like iron and starmetal.

Orichalcum veins are the exception here, with a drop rate closer to precious metal veins.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports - looking into it now. Any specific areas where there are issues?

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Einige Boni auf Gegenständen werden mit 0% angezeigt

Das Umstellen des Spieleclienten auf die englische Sprache zeigt die korrekten Werte an. Es handelt sich hier um einen Anzeigefehler. Die Boni sind trotzdem weiter korrekt aktiv.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Danke fürs Melden und sorry für die Verwirrung. Ich werde dies an die entsprechenden Stellen weitergeben, so dass es schnellstmöglich für den deutschsprachigen Clienten korrigiert wird.

Ich habe zudem den Workaround “Umstellen auf English” unserem Beitrag Workarounds für bekannte Probleme hinzugefügt.

06 Oct

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Apart from Deter92, anybody else still stuck?

    Scot on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the passionate feedback on the influence race. We hear you and we are reviewing this mechanic as we speak. This is our first real look at the influence race at scale and we are learning a lot about how it impacts gameplay from multiple perspectives. New World will continue evolving over time. If there are pieces of content or mechanics that we release but are not satisfied with, we will continue listening to you (the players) and work to improve them. In regards to the influence race: we believed it has been functioning as planned but now that we have more data, we will investigate further as it is possible there is a bug causing the numbers to escalate faster than intended. This type of investigation along with your feedback is what will help us improve New World now and in the future.

Thank you for your passion and for helping us identify this point of contention!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, the only information that I know (other than the information that’s already public) is that they’re still working on polishing up the feature for release. But we will share more information when we have it!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heyo! Just wanted to follow up to say that I reached out to the Audio team with this thread and they just wanted to express their deepest thanks for the love.

Definitely made their day :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Gotcha! It does seem that it’s persistent for some other players though :thinking:

When you’re talking about the achievement bug, I do know there is another one that may be experienced where you see a screen that just says “uninitialised”. Are you getting that one as well or just the one in the patch notes?

Also, do you have any screenshots for the other bugs you’re still getting? To be quite frank, I’m surprised that these issues would still persists so I want to make sure I get all of the information I can to send to the team.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks! And sorry for asking but can you also provide a screenshot as well? Anything and everything you can provide about this issue would be fantastic.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey both! I completely hear your frustration. It’s really disappointing when you want to start a new game with friends. We’re working on getting server transfers polished up and released in the coming days so hopefully it won’t be too long before you’re playing together!

We have an article here with the information we have now, but we’ll post more information when we have it!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, thanks for reporting this! I saw someone else had the same issue and have brought it to the attention of the team but do you mind providing me some more information?

Something like character name, world name, what you were doing when you experienced this issue, etc.?

Thank you so much!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, sorry to hear that you’re still seeing that notification. Do you mind sending me screenshots, giving me your character name/world name, etc. so I can send this to our team for further investigation?

Thank you!



All of the servers you posted in your screenshot are showing as either “Open” or “Full.” Which server are you looking at that is still in maintenance?

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I 100% agree. Thank you so much for the feedback and I’ll make sure the team gets this praise! If you haven’t yet, definitely check out that documentary they made about the audio design!

(And if you want the official soundtrack :wink:...

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    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is the issue still happening after the patch?