Odd Realm

Odd Realm Dev Tracker

26 Apr

Hey folks!

The Ancients race is now playable alongside the Humes on version

The Ancients - Their gameplay mechanics are quite different from Humans where they rely on finding Void Shards/Crystals to construct most of their rooms. They also don't require food to survive but instead need to rest at the Immortality tomb to replenish energy. When they are out of energy and have no tomb, they will get Void Sickness and slowly die. Additional Ancients can be found by finding Stasis Crystals underground. These crystals hold sleeping Ancients within and can be looted to free them. Ancients can only be one of the four new magic professions, but they can summon minions to do all the most basic tasks while they focus on more important things. >:)

Aside from the big Ancients addition, I've changed up how blueprints are discovered. Before, you would only discover a blueprint if you had the items. Now, basic blueprints that are essential to surviving will be disco... Read more

11 Apr

Hail and well met,

Version is up! It includes changes from Beta:
Version Post

This last week I also added some fun things. Here are the patch notes for this version:
-Fixed a bug where settlers... Read more

05 Apr

Hey folks!

Just uploaded the (v0.7.0.15) overworld migration changes to the BETA branch.

This update fleshes out the UI and functionality for overworld travel. This stuff will be used for raids and trading when I add those.

Here's a breakdown for how travel on the overworld map works:
1. With the overworld map open, click 'migrate'.
2. Select which settlers you'd like to take with you.
3. Select which items you'd like to bring with you. Anything that is not cooked/raw food will be considered a resource.
4. Select a location on the map to migrate to.
5. Click 'start migration'.

As a party moves across the overworld map, they'll use resources and food to survive. Each settler will use 1 food item each tile. If no food is available, they'll start to eat animals. If no animals are available, they will start to starve to death. Additionally, there are events that may occur as the settlers go across the map. These range f... Read more

26 Mar

Hey folks!

Just uploaded a new build to address an issue some people were having where their previous save wouldn't load. The screen would get stuck on 'shining rocks'. Your save should now load properly with this update.

Apologies for this issue. Please email me at [email protected] if you continue to have load problems after getting this update.


(2:24, 26-03-19) EDIT: Some people are still reporting that their file won't load even after the patch. For some, the bug has messed up how files get saved properly (in a very specific edge case). Today's patch will keep future files from having the issue but because some user's files were already so messed up, they've lost their backwards compatibility and there's not really any way for me to fix that... Read more

22 Mar


Aside from the changes that are rolling over from the beta branch ( Changes), this build includes some fixes and QoL stuff. This update is a little lighter than usual as I'm working a ... Read more

15 Mar

Oh heeeey!

Just upload to the beta branch.

Bet you didn't expect a Thursday update from yours truly. I'm going to start doing builds on Thursdays instead of Fridays in order to give me Friday to react to any potential issues users have. Whereas sometimes I'm not available on the weekend.

For today's patch, the main focus is around quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As well, I've changed the duration of the in game minute to be 1 real world second instead of 0.5. My reasoning for doing so is that I want settlers to be able to accomplish more in a day. This will be especially important when I implement settler scheduling so you can divide the day into work chunks. i.e., sleep 12am-8am, work 8am-6pm, other 6pm-12pm. What you may notice as a result is that settlers take much longer to get hungry, food takes way longer to grow, and things seem to slow down. Maybe it's not an issue, but please voice your thoughts. I can easily tune hunger and plan... Read more

08 Mar

Hello, cool cats!

This update includes all the changes from the Beta update:

As well as some fixes and additional content:

Patch notes:
-Added props: Stone Tab... Read more

01 Mar

Hello friends!

I just uploaded the build for v0.7.0.10. As this build has some very large changes, I've decided to first do a week of beta testing to make sure I don't trash the live game. As well, this game has a TON of tuning changes. This will likely mean your previous saves, although playable, will be unbalanced. I'm sorry about that, but I'm still figuring out a way to properly update old saved entity attributes. Something I should really get on. :/

Anyway, going forward, I'm gonna start doing a different upload schedule to get more help finding bugs and getting feedback. (Thank you to those that recommended this! Great idea.) That new schedule will be: 1st week beta build, 2nd week production build, 3rd week beta build, 4th week production build, and so on.

Here's a how-to for getting the beta build:
... Read more