Odd Realm

Odd Realm Dev Tracker

26 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you select a settler, does their state show 'idle' or 'relaxing'?

22 Mar


Aside from the changes that are rolling over from the beta branch ( Changes), this build includes some fixes and QoL stuff. This update is a little lighter than usual as I'm working a ... Read more

15 Mar

Oh heeeey!

Just upload to the beta branch.

Bet you didn't expect a Thursday update from yours truly. I'm going to start doing builds on Thursdays instead of Fridays in order to give me Friday to react to any potential issues users have. Whereas sometimes I'm not available on the weekend.

For today's patch, the main focus is around quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As well, I've changed the duration of the in game minute to be 1 real world second instead of 0.5. My reasoning for doing so is that I want settlers to be able to accomplish more in a day. This will be especially important when I implement settler scheduling so you can divide the day into work chunks. i.e., sleep 12am-8am, work 8am-6pm, other 6pm-12pm. What you may notice as a result is that settlers take much longer to get hungry, food takes way longer to grow, and things seem to slow down. Maybe it's not an issue, but please voice your thoughts. I can easily tune hunger and plan... Read more

13 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The next big update we are focused on will be all about the overworld map and stuff like that. :)

08 Mar

Hello, cool cats!

This update includes all the changes from the Beta update:

As well as some fixes and additional content:

Patch notes:
-Added props: Stone Tab... Read more

07 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
K, I'll take a look. Please follow this:


05 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
@hola_soy_luis, thanks for the feedback. Many players really enjoy building underground dwellings, and I think it would be a mistake to punish them for wanting to pursue that type of base. If players want to make a mountain home, that's great and they should have the creative freedom to do so without me trying to force them to make what I want.

I prefer to have pros and cons to the two types of bases that balance out. For example, building on the surface is safer but costs more resources. Building underground, you have the chance to open a hostile dungeon or den but it's easier to get rooms up and running. Both have interesting dynamics, and I think that makes the game fun.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They move faster on ladders. Would have to see your save file to see if there is a bug as I'm not seeing any issue on the current build.

04 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's going to work in such a way that you will send out a party of settlers to go do a task. Tasks include, sieging/raiding other settlements, scouting an area, and trading (caravans). How far the party can go will depend on the supplies you send with them. How successful you are at the task will depend on how well equipped they are. That's a overview at least.

02 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think there is some confusion here. I have yet to add a new font to the game. Above I was stating that I have a plan to implement two font options, one being the default current font, and a second optional higher res one from the settings menu. I have not started this though.

01 Mar

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Now that the beta version is out, I thought I'd write a little tutorial about rooms. I do plan on making a tutorial this next week, but this should be a good start to help you out if you're confused.

Room placement works pretty much how it did before, but now there is some added settler behavior and UI.

Room Size - This will determine how many settlers can be in your room. For every 3 tiles, you can have 1 Settler. A 3x3 Bedroom will house 3 Settlers.

Professions - Workshops will now require the correct profession to be used. No one cooking your food? Does the workshop have a cook? If not, you'll need one. Having the skill toggled on isn't enough.

Room Settings - You can click on a room to open it's settings window. From here, you can change who owns the rooms as well as designate items.

Item Designation - Right now, the Tavern is the only room that uses this. This determines what items you want people to be served at the Tavern... Read more
Hello friends!

I just uploaded the build for v0.7.0.10. As this build has some very large changes, I've decided to first do a week of beta testing to make sure I don't trash the live game. As well, this game has a TON of tuning changes. This will likely mean your previous saves, although playable, will be unbalanced. I'm sorry about that, but I'm still figuring out a way to properly update old saved entity attributes. Something I should really get on. :/

Anyway, going forward, I'm gonna start doing a different upload schedule to get more help finding bugs and getting feedback. (Thank you to those that recommended this! Great idea.) That new schedule will be: 1st week beta build, 2nd week production build, 3rd week beta build, 4th week production build, and so on.

Here's a how-to for getting the beta build:
... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Note: Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed for old saves loading in new beta versions.
1. From the left panel on the Library>Games page in Steam, right-click Odd Realm.
2. From the drop-down menu, select Properties.
3. Select the top tab Betas.
4. From the drop-menu, select beta - Public test branch.
5. You won't need an access code, just close the pop-up window.
6. (Sometimes) You may need to exit and restart Steam.

The client should start downloading the beta branch build.

The beta build on itch is just another file with '_BETA' appended to it. If you want to download that file of the game instead of the regular one, follow these steps.
1. Open the itch app.
2. Select Odd Realm from your library.
3. Click the gear button beside 'launch'.
4. You'll see a list of available files to install. Select the one for your operating system that says, '_BETA'.

26 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not yet, but that's a feature we have planned to work on soon!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could be a bug! I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads up. :)

22 Feb

What's up playas.

Sorry to say, but I'm still working on the rooms update. I got a bit hung up by two big additions, the Barracks and settler happiness. These two required a lot of code changes and work. As a result, I wasn't able to finish up the remaining rooms that I wanted to add for this update.

I HATE to not be able to push out an update for you amazing folks each week. Technically, I could put this update out, but I'm worried it hasn't had enough testing on my part due to the big code changes. I don't want to push this out until it's 100% ready. As well, I really want to get the other remaining rooms into the game first.

Here's a brief on where the new version is at:


GIF: Training[imgur.com]
-Send your warriors and archers here to train in their downtime.... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
@Anastriana Oh, absolutely. What I'll probably end up doing is having two optional fonts. The higher res one would be off by default and you'd have to change to it through the settings window. Though, some languages will likely have it on by default because they naturally require large letters due to accents and complexity.

21 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry the text is so hard to read for you! This is definitely on our list of to-dos. It's a result of having a game with such low resolution graphics. Hope to get something better into the game soon!

18 Feb

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's a bug with the tutorial which can hide buttons. (Working on a fix for this) You can show all the buttons by disabling the tutorial from the settings window. Sorry for the issue!

27 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey folks!

Thanks for all the feedback and info on bugs/crashes/issues. You are all fantastic! :)

If you ever get a serious bug that is generally pretty hard to reproduce, it will help me out a lot if you send your saved game folder to: [email protected]

How to send save files:
Location on Windows: C:\users\you\appdata\locallow\Unknown Origin Games\OddRealm
Location on Mac: ~Library/Application Support/com.Unknown-Origin-Games.OddRealm
Location on Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Unknown Origin Games/OddRealm

Note on Mac: Your Library folder might be hidden by default. Shift+Command+. will show hidden folders in the Finder and should make the Library folder visible if it is hidden.

Inside the OddRealm folder, you'll see folders that are... Read more