Odd Realm

Odd Realm Dev Tracker

25 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks. Means a lot. :)

24 May

Originally posted by sc033182

Nice! and thank you for the awesome game.

Thank you! Just wanted to let you know that the 'marking' option (in-game known as prioirty) was uploaded yesterday. You can get that update if you mark Odd Realm on Steam to allow beta builds. Otherwise, I'll be putting out the normal production build next Friday if you'd rather wait. The Beta build is pretty stable, so no worries there.

Originally posted by Smithers_bby

But I don't have an option to make it a room you get what I'm saying like I don't have a beacon room option. I've built it and it still won't give me the room designation

So you don't have this button in your rooms menu:


    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmmm, good point! That makes way more sense. I'll change that asap. Thanks for the feedback.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Capslock will toggle an overlay which shows stack counts. Holding shift toggles between changing camera layer and camera zoom. Also, there seems to be a bug where holding shift and then switching to another application will lock the toggle. Though, I don't think this is the case for you.

23 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you holding shift?
Hey folks!

It's me, I survived my travels and am back to provide you with that sweet, sweet Odd Realm goodness.

This update has a new priority utility option which has been requested for many moons. Here's a rundown of how it works:

-There are four states for a job priority: 0, 1, 2, 3.
-States 1 - 3 simply determine the order in which a job will be completed, where 3 is the most important and 1 is the natural default for all jobs. 0 on the other hand, will never be completed and is useful for planning.
-Job priority setting works in concert with all skills. So, if you set the priority for a mining job to 3, your laborer will focus on that over the harvest job they may have been planning on starting.
-There are two methods of setting priority: through the utility options menu or as you set the job. When placing jobs, you'll notice four colored boxes right above the tool bar. These determine the current priority for the job you are placing. Whereas... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting. What resolution are you running the game? Is it also windowed?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is the furniture in a room? There's a temporary hack for work in rooms where they do the work on the furniture and it damages them to finish off an item they are building.

21 May

Originally posted by Smithers_bby

Will it automatically get marked? Cause there isn't a room option for it so I thought it was something unlockable?

As long as you have an Ancient who owns that room, they will periodically (depending on if they are doing other things) go and activate the room. Activating the room will highlight these void based spots for a duration.

This is coming in this Friday’s update. :)

19 May

Hello! Sorry for the late reply. Just got back from vaca.

To make the Farsight Beacon, you'll need:

1 Void Cell - Requires 3 stone chunk, 1 void crystal

1 Void Stabilizer - Requires 1 iron ingot, 3 void shards

1 Seat - Requires 3 woods logs or 3 stone chunks

Once that's built, it will highlight (when game isn't paused) areas with void based objects with a purple/pink shimmer.

Hope that helps!

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you send me your save file? There's a how-to here:

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks, Bwapple! I'm juuuust about to look into this. Currently finishing up a job priority tool. Will jump onto this bug asap.

Cheers! :)

11 May

03 May

02 May