Read moreFor QoL think we could get a dummy or something to put in PoH that you place Diary gear on that acts as a tele shortcut similar to the jewelry box? Could set it so need a certain Tier minimally or requires Elite Diary for each one you add due to infinite teleport. Point is that it would centralize another teleport option from PoH. Some of the teleports have rather useful destinations as shortcuts but it's just not worth stopping at bank to grab them. "Kandarin Headgear"
Basically you would have to grab another copy of the item after as it would be a permanent change to it but it'd be rather interesting to have. And if it was potentially accessible to those using other people's houses it might serve as an encouragement for some to do diaries for their own.
(Edit) Could potentially locate it as a fourth option to the Display Space in Achievement Gallery. There's already a Cape Hanger option that's interactable by the owner for similar results. If there was diary compl...
This is actually a pretty cool suggestion, I can't imagine it's 'quick' to put together but will raise it, maybe somebody will take it for a Game Jam!