Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

04 Dec


Originally posted by NoDragonfruit6125

For QoL think we could get a dummy or something to put in PoH that you place Diary gear on that acts as a tele shortcut similar to the jewelry box? Could set it so need a certain Tier minimally or requires Elite Diary for each one you add due to infinite teleport. Point is that it would centralize another teleport option from PoH. Some of the teleports have rather useful destinations as shortcuts but it's just not worth stopping at bank to grab them. "Kandarin Headgear"

Basically you would have to grab another copy of the item after as it would be a permanent change to it but it'd be rather interesting to have. And if it was potentially accessible to those using other people's houses it might serve as an encouragement for some to do diaries for their own.

(Edit) Could potentially locate it as a fourth option to the Display Space in Achievement Gallery. There's already a Cape Hanger option that's interactable by the owner for similar results. If there was diary compl...

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This is actually a pretty cool suggestion, I can't imagine it's 'quick' to put together but will raise it, maybe somebody will take it for a Game Jam!


Originally posted by Traditional-Effort20

Are the blighted supplies usable in castle wars? (If they are i had no idea), if not, don't make them come from there. What. is there not enough other places you can get these supplies?

Not currently, but the aim is for all of CWars supplies to be intrinsic to the minigame (bandages that work, Cwars brews) with minor exceptions for the likes of brews or triple-eats which we're not realistically providing here


Originally posted by Waterfish3333

Super Mario 64 was released closer in time to the original moon landing than today.


Originally posted by WastingEXP

forestry part 5 lets gooooooo

Can't believe it took this long for this comment!


Originally posted by Krwon

The link for the affected NPCs for the last question is missing: "You can find a full list of affected NPCs here." The here isn't a link, I think it should be, right?

Link's been added, apologies!


Originally posted by NomenVanitas

While we're on the subject of the explorer's ring. Can we take a look at increasing the charges and providing a way to recharge the 30 high alchs lasts about 1/6th of a nechryael task

Think this is better-suited to reward space than a QoL poll since it's a pretty hefty buff, perhaps Alch tabs with a significantly higher cost-per-alch would suit, since you'd be saving time or alching stuff you otherwise wouldn't be.


Originally posted by glory_poster

> This means that the Dragon Sword, the Ancient Mace, and the complete Verac’s set can finally actually do what they claim. You can find a full list of affected NPCs here.

There is no link

Link is there now, apologies!


Originally posted by Classic-Author3655

Nahhh with how long poll 82 took I won’t be voting in “random small changes” anymore due to how long it actually takes the team to move it over the line when they could be spending time creating/updating content players want.

Not aiming to repeat Poll 82 in terms of length, the team are cognisant of how long it took to deliver those changes and some of them (particularly the Todt changes) being more significant in scope than we'd initially planned for. Still completely appreciate where you're at and appreciate you voicing your feedback like that!


Originally posted by JayWex

Not to be that guy, genuinely asking - why are blighted rewards even being considered in castle wars crates? I get wanting to sweeten the deal, but I thought blighted items were only meant to be from wilderness content?

Not strictly! We were mostly just looking to avoid alchables or skilling supplies, Blighted supplies felt fitting because CWars is a PvP minigame, perhaps people get a taste and want to move to BH or PvP Worlds or the Wilderness etc., but they're absolutely not locked-in and we're more than open to swapping them out!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Think the change is largely aimed at people who've already hit the 'big ticket drop' and are stuck chasing a tiny component that was sort of supposed to be obtained over the course of the vestige grind (which on average, is still true). Completely appreciate your view though and respect your vote!


Originally posted by bellsprout69

Any updates on fixes to Menu Entry Swapper on mobile? I moved "walk here" one time and now everything is broken. I click players and start following them. Anything that has a "walk here" option is out of order and messed up. Like, disasterously so. Seems like moving any shared option in a menu moves it in all menus, so changing the walk here option (super common use case) ruins every single menu order in the game.

I'm not super clued-in on mobile stuff but I know they're working on improvements to the latest batch of Mobile changes as their highest priority


Originally posted by Krwon

Does question 18 imply that white lilies would be added to tier 3 seed packs or that the tithe farm ones would be different in the way that they include white lily seeds.

If its the former: awesome. If its the later, please no.

The latter, intended to be another target-farmable source rather than something you just accrue passively without thinking about it


Originally posted by FinnishForce

In other Farming news, we’re adding a ‘Last-contract’ option to Guildmaster Jane in the Farming Guild so you can repeat the same tier of Contract you've just turned in.

So instead of complaining about having to click two dialogues, the new complaint will be from players who downgraded from hard to medium or easy and select Last-contract?

I think if this one passes we'd make sure it remembers the last tier you actively selected rather than opted into via downgrades, but that's a very good flag!


Originally posted by Traditional-Effort20

Sees blighted supplies in crate from Cw. instant no. stop shoe horning in PVP shit.

Edit: everything else in the blog is perfectly fine.

We can always adjust what they're offering, we're just not looking to throw in alchable or skilling supplies etc., Blighted supplies felt fitting since it's a PvP minigame, but can absolutely be swapped out!


Originally posted by Rjm0007

Poll something to do with the thousand ancient shards I have. Keep picking these things up thinking one day these will be useful

You could teleport around the Catacombs really quickly for fun in the meantime?


Originally posted by ThisIsWorldOfHurt

Ngl that looks like waaaaaay too much attention paid to CW.

Personally I haven't ever interacted with it, never heard my clanmates talk about it, and the only thing I've read here was that's it's some closed circle thing that only a few people do, and some people dedicate lives to so they can grief others.

Reading about it in this blog seems like a waste of time and instantly seems like it'll just be a skip vote to everything related to it.

Worth pointing out that a lot of these changes are reasonably small or just copying existing code (number changes, copying LMS Rune Pouch etc.) and pulled largely from suggestions we got sent following the minigame focus on Poll 82, coupled with long-term suggestions we've had from the dedicated Castle Wars community.

Completely appreciate where you're at though, I don't think we're suddenly expecting it to be a thing everybody wants to do all of the time, but making it more of an option for something casual and fun to do with friends from time-to-time, which is something I feel we've lost a little!


Originally posted by Kolarino

Where stackable clue scrolls?


Originally posted by Ultrox

Am I the only one who feels saying "on ____ HP" feels grammatically incorrect.

People started using 'on' instead of 'at' quite a bit recently and every time I hear it, it triggers me a little bit. Someone fluent in grammar tell me I'm right or wrong lol

"He's on full HP" "he's on 1 HP"

"He's at full HP" "he's at 1 HP"

Sorry rant over.

Love most of the changes!

I think 'at' is definitely more correct, if we're talking about prescriptive language. But language evolves and if we're talking descriptive language then think it's fine for people to write what's commonly said!

You're not wrong at all though, happens in other games too, interesting observation!


Originally posted by noobcs50

Fun fact: CW is 20 years old next week

Why would you say this? I don't come to the replies to feel old


Originally posted by dexczy

Off topic but any ideas when leagues firsts will be announced by chance

I think they might be due for next week's newspost but I'm not 100% certain!