Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

04 Dec


Originally posted by shitkickertenmillion

Holy shit that's a big poll! I like many newer players have never been to Castle Wars for any reason other than the bank, and will be skipping all of those as a result. The new player stuff looks cool, and the prayer drain info in particular will be awesome even for more experienced players I think

Absolutely don't think that CWars will suddenly become something everybody's doing all the time, but we had a bunch of suggestions sent over after Poll 82 and figured improving things to make it feel less like just a time and money sink might make it fun to just send a couple of games with pals here and there!


Originally posted by OldManBearPig


This is long overdue. You're making a lot of irons happy. Ingots have always been an anti-spoon mechanic to the vestige's anti-dry mechanic, and was really annoying.

Glad you're happy! I'm also glad that Mod Rice cooked up something more exciting than the quick-fix GP option we'd initially opted for, pretty elegant solution and still feels thematically appropriate!


Originally posted by Exact_Baby7340

You completely ruined Soul Wars with the green portal only. It will not fix Castle Wars. It's dead content and it will stay dead content. Use your resources for other projects.

Think one of the major learnings we're taking from that is still letting people organise their own games on non-themed Worlds, but we could explore alternatives like capping the 'difference' so small groups of pals can still commit to the same team.

D'you have any more context on what exactly you think contributed to the Soul Wars stuff?


Originally posted by IronFixed

Much love! <3 While ur at it, double check Araxyte aswell? xD

yep deployed a fix for both now, made them available but didn't update one of the other many things that denotes quantity, silly mistake.


Originally posted by The_Original_Quazzz

Echo virtus is 10k points per piece? Ouch

It would get you the entire outfit, same with ahrims, same with shattered relics void


Any other quests that people think are particularly grating to auto complete next league would be good to know too. I think we got most of them but there's always some that fall through the cracks, it is subjective after all.

03 Dec


Should be fixed tomorrow, salamanders are a hell of a spaghetti.


Originally posted by Saymite

All good now!

Great, thanks for letting me know and appreciate your time filling it out!


Originally posted by Saymite

Link for the survey is broken

Does it work for you now or is it still not loading?


Originally posted by Shawken

Survey link is not working for me

Sorry about that! Can you please try now and let me know if you're still having issues?


Honestly I've been having a blast with TR and every time I find a cool way to use it and share it I just get silence in discord from all the BNers, this image is how I imagine them hearing me.

02 Dec


Appreciate this :) It's nice to hear, we have definitely been grinding behind the scenes to hopefully keep everyone having fun over the launch period!


Appreciate the kind words, we hope to continue to make leagues better each time.

Big props to u/jagexhalo and u/jagexrice !!!

29 Nov