Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

28 Nov


Originally posted by Solracdragon

Something that wasn't mentioned as needing fixed. Zeah players are unable to do the task to 'brutal' kill Conrad King. As he is already dead due to Kingdom Divided being auto completed.

My bad for blanking this one! This is in the 'later fixes' section because it's not hotfixable unfortunately.

27 Nov


Think this isn't specific to Leagues but is an unusual behaviour where you can fail if you're stood directly on the trap when a creature enters it. Are you standing on top of your snares when running into failures? Try standing a little bit away and see if you still encounter high fail rates, if so then let me know!


Fix is being worked on for this, this issue was introduced as the result of a fix to a separate issue with the teleports. Hoping to have it resolved ASAP


Originally posted by LuitenantDan

Or what if it was tied to number of clues completed?

Say you start with a stack of 5, and then you get +1 for every 50 clues in a tier, and each tier is tracked separately.

So if you've done 50 beginner, 200 easy, and 49 mediums, your caps for the stacks would be 6, 9, and 5 respectively.

Yeah, it totally could be with clue completion - open to other options really. Just whether people rather it be connected to some wider progression system or simply connected to the clue system itself.


I am keen on this but with a tight limit. A limit that could be increased by some sort of progress.

For example we could use the completion of entire Achievement Diary tiers (all easy, all medium, etc).

IMO if we do this I would want to remove the extended drop timer.


We're prepping a hotfix for this issue! Please don't touch anything, if a single gold bar is missing then the bankers will be fuming.


Originally posted by Bioman312

This is widespread btw, there are a few reported wipes already in the UIM Discord.

Thanks fam! We are aware and have added some more info here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/leagues-v-raging-echoes-out-now?oldschool=1


Heya! This has been raised with the team and will be coldfixed next week. FWIW: this effect is not applied.


Hey all,

We're aware of a number of issues surrounding dropped items both in League Worlds and main-game. We'll be updating the newspost with updates, so please keep an eye there for more information. osrs.game/Leagues-V


Heya fam - sorry this has happened! The team is aware and we've included some more information here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/leagues-v-raging-echoes-out-now?oldschool=1


The team is aware and currently investigating - thanks for raising!


Appreciate you raising fam - we've let the team know and the are investigating :)


Hiya! Thanks for raising, we've let the team know and they are investigating.


Thanks for raising, we're aware of the issue and the team is investigating.


Apologies you've experienced this fam, we've highlighted it as a known issue on the game update newspost: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/leagues-v-raging-echoes-out-now?oldschool=1


I'm pretty sure you can claim one from the Leagues NPC in Lumbridge, but after that you gotta make one.


Heya fam! Could you DM me and pass on your RSN or reply to this comment, whatever is more comfortable for you.


Depends which bosses you want to get hands-on with! Pick stuff you think looks cool in videos you've seen and just pick those regions + have fun! Can't go wrong with Raids regions (Morytania's probably got the coolest offerings on that front with TOB, GGs, Nightmare/PNM, Barrows, Araxxor)


Originally posted by Quangjo

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