Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Dec


Sorry about this, it's not so much a typo with the email copy and instead where it's pulling the data from. I'll be giving that feedback internally but I hope it isn't too much of an issue. It looks like Addy players are wrongly reported as Rune too. This was just something small and cool to do with a bit of spare time, it's bummed me out a bit that we made the error. Ah well. It came before the whole year summary ones, so it's a good lesson learnt, just in time! Hopefully you enjoyed the other stats we shared. And we have another stats video going up on our YouTube soon too :)


Originally posted by Kukoshima

I feel with sailing we should be able to get higher quantities of fish, we gotta unlock the fishing level for a certain fish first, then the sailing level. Put together you catch fish at an accelerated rate, no more drop click. You actually get your monk fish and save some GP.

I completely agree!

We have some designs yet to be shared for an activity called Deep Sea Trawling that I expect us to poll and blog in the future.

(We've mentioned previously that secondary activities relating to other skills would require a separate poll)

It just wouldn't be a sea expansion without introducing some new fish. I'll save what those fish do for then but I'm genuinely excited for the acitivty, it's one particularly close to my heart.


Originally posted by benosthegreat

I like what I'm seeing so far, but

Each port has a unique set of five repeatable Tasks for each Task category, but they’ll change every day. If you don’t like the look of them, try another Port, or come back tomorrow!

Please please please don't introduce daily tasks, it's such an annoying feature,

Hi there! I've talked with the team about this and wanna reassure you guys as I've seen this come up from a few people. It's completely valid feedback and definitely something we will continue to look at throughout development.

While port tasks change daily, it's for variety mainly. The same tasks are repeatable each day and we're trying to design away from having "Good days" and "Bad days". It's not daily in the sense of "you can only get X amount of XP a day from each port". It's a shake up of what tasks are offered each day to keep it feeling like a living port. Also, 4/5 tasks will also be shared for all players, as currently implemented, and the last one will be level based. I'm hoping this clears up the concern around Port Tasks, but let me know if you have any further queries, we can also chat about it a little on stream later today.


Originally posted by Lazy_Inferno

Where is the tldr?

Hiya! For a 10-minute summary, check out this video: https://youtu.be/YywpMJlbe-c?si=c3LYNfG8D3IFLozZ

We've also partnered with GentleTractor to create infographics, plus we will have additional shorter versions posted on our socials in the next few days. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1hbqnqr/swipeclick_to_learn_about_sailing_training/

Or, if you prefer seeing the gameplay in action, we'll be playing Sailing on stream later today at 4:30pm GMT. :D

10 Dec


I've just added some. They'll be outside the fence near Falador Park.


Gives hair of the dog a whole new meaning!


Heyo! This is something the team are aware of but we wouldn't be able to fix without a coldfix (which would bring the game down), so we're going to leave it for now as it is minor issue. Thanks for raising fam <3


Heya! I've passed this onto the team and they are looking into it :)

08 Dec

06 Dec


Will be fixed in the new client update coming out next week!

04 Dec


Hold alt, hover over infoboxes, grab left edge and drag it out!


Can chat to the Sage or I think Auto-smash Vials is also included in the Settings menu by default!


Originally posted by woodzopwns

How much of the new player changes were made as a result of I'm Unguided? ;) love them

I think these have been kicking around since before Unguided started, but it's a fantastic series. MadSeasonShow's also run into similar issues with his recent uploads (coming from WoW to OSRS), so good to know we're on the right track!


Originally posted by Strong_Alveoli

When will we get the final GOTR changes? Mod ash and Mod Blossom noted that the team would be fixing the inconsistency of being unable to sell your outfit back to the shop like you can with every other outfit (graceful for a % of marks, prospector for a % of nuggets, etc)

I've not got a firm ETA on that one but will check in with the team and see if it can be included before the holiday season kicks in!


Originally posted by Infinite_Worker_7562

“Unfortunately, we can’t fix your awful RNG as a QoL change, so the Cape’s effect will still never proc on Tasks you actually want. Sorry!“

I feel very called out! Though tbh I would much rather a discussion of better ways to task hunt post 99 slayer than turael skipping. 

Turael skipping has always felt like a bug rather than a feature because of how you give up your streak (something that you build up your accounts whole life) doesn’t actually utilize the points that the slayer system is designed around. I think there should be some way to make hunting for a task comparatively efficient without turael skipping. 

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Agree that despite Slayer's status as a fan favourite, there's a lot that could stand to be improved by way of the 'first timer' experience and post-99 engagement or rewards on that front. Think it's a little beyond a QoL Poll but something that I know there's an appetite for in the team.