I see. But the book still have a lot of words right?
Yes, the book has lots of words.
I see. But the book still have a lot of words right?
Yes, the book has lots of words.
If you want to simply want to read lots of words you might be better checking out the newer RuneScape novels: Gift of Guthix & Fall of Hallowvale.
But, the 20 Years is a fascinating book, lots of very cool behind-the-scenes information from various different J-Mods, some of which I was unaware of until I read it myself!
What if I want to use Jagex Property for commercial purposes? Or something else not allowed by these rules?
Check out section 14, the TLDR is you'll need to get in touch with us and ask us for permission. There's a link to a form which doesn't seem to be working at the moment, I've flagged this, but in the meantime I reckon you could use the [[email protected]](mailto:...
Read moregz and I'm sorry for your future grind that will inevitably be 20x dry because of this.
It transfers points everytime you hit a threshold of 1k or more from last transfer.
EG, you could log in with 10k, get to 11k, and it'd transfer 1k.
Alternatively, you could log in with 10K, get to 10.8K, have no transfer, log in the next day and get to 11.6K, and it would then transfer 1.6K at once as you went past the 1K threshold, and now you have to get +1K from 11.6k for next transfer to happen.
End of league they should lower the threshold so it just transfers for everyone.
can confirm we'll be lowering it this week so it better transfers points across, the threshold is to stop us from ddosing ourselves basically
Wishing you the best of luck, in both your irl and osrs grinds <3
Jokes aside we won't change the scythe. Would be cool to animate the chain one day though.
Besides I couldn't do that to OP
Dang. Right before Jagex announced they’re changing the model of the scythe
Does the thrall upgrade mean master and grandmaster CA havers are punished for having extended thralls?
Replied to a tweet to a similar effect, think we could consider instead having the effect occur at fixed intervals so that no CAs gets two 'returns', master CAs get three and GM gets four, though I don't know if that enters into annoying territory vs. just bumping the damage number up for a longer duration (potentially scaling it a little more, so double duration but 2.5x damage or something)!
I think everything here is quite good except the boots combo, I don't think it's necessary at all to make an all in 1 hybrid BIS boot upgrade as it limits the future upgrades to boots.
We've got the Aranea boots which are 1 defence hybrid boots so maybe a 70 defence equivalent would be better? Idk, I just don't like combining all the boots into one.
The limiting point is an interesting one, I had a chat about this with Mod Rice a little while ago who brought up an interesting point around how reward space can kind of 'expand' and 'contract'. You absolutely can argue that it limits future upgrades, but having a 'tier' of reward that ultimately introduces new BiS by eliminating switches doesn't creep power too much, and then you can follow up by expanding outwards and getting style-specific upgrades again rather than just flat-upgrading a tribrid boot, which brings back another decision for people to make.
Totally appreciate this reaction because my initial one was similar, but I think my thoughts have changed with it being framed that way, I don't think it's a limiter at least!
Note that this isn't a project I'm specifically attached to, but thought that might have been an interesting point to share on this specifically!
EDIT: I remembered Rice's example! Amulets! Start out with basic 'style-specific' am...
Read moreI am confused what the point of this change was for.
If its partially full is there a reason why you would want it to be "Empty" wouldn't you want it to be "Fill", feel like this wasn't thought out well for situations where you need to "Fill" multiple times because you have extra items in your inventory like in GotR.
I think this was primarily a change for mobile users, since the disparity between using pouches on desktop (Runelite in particular) and mobile is pretty large. Broadly the 'partially full' comes up with the Colossal Pouch, which would want a right-click (or RuneLite MES shift-click 'fill' in the bank window) for the second fill, but becomes much easier to empty and craft quickly.
I'd be curious to see what you're running into at GOTR with other pouches that's leading to partial filling, thought most people grouped small/giant and medium/large for two sets of 15, where you'll always have ample space.
Inferno runners pointed out that in content where your energy is drained by outside factors, these changes don't really do all that much. The streamer himself didn't even input, and all I've said is that I'm happy to pass it onto the team for their thoughts. Note that if such a change were made, it would benefit people brand new to the Inferno as well as speedrunners.
Clickbait aside, I don't think there's anything wrong with considering the thoughts of niche communities and actively seeking out opinions that aren't always driven to the top - OSRS is the sum of its parts, and these high-end players are absolutely a part of it. Passing feedback on to the team is never a mandate that it'll absolutely happen, only that it'll be discussed!
Would this mean you can do solo cox without needing a stamina/purple sweets in the olm room?
You'd have to check with your individual setup and Agility level. I think you might be able to get away with it if you're doing 3:0 Mage hand and walking where possible (rather than 12:0/8:1) and walking from pinky to thumb for 4:1, but I'm not sure. Unlucky head phase might also make it tough to do without a stam, but I'd imagine you'd probably get through fewer doses.
I wonder how these changes affect different agility courses. Dorgesh-Kaan was very slow without stams (~40k/h instead of 60 with) but stuff like brimhaven or falador shouldn't be any different.
Also keen to see how Dorg feels with it, underrated course (I'm just a big fan of Dorgesh-Kaan in general, think it's such a neat area for its time and it's a shame that there's not all that much to do there!)
The left-click/tap option on Runecrafting Pouches will now dynamically swap between “Fill” and “Empty”, depending on their status and what you have in your Inventory. If you were using the Menu Entry Swapper for these pouches, you may need to set "Fill" as the left-click option for the dynamic effect to start working.
I've been using the plugin which makes rune pouches left click to fill, except at when next to an altar, when it's left click to empty. Will this new system work like that? The wording is unclear.
If pouch empty, then left-click fill.
If pouch not empty, then left-click empty. Meaning it applies to partially full pouches (largely only an issue with the Colossal pouch) and will still left-click empty on your second use.
is that not a massive nerf for my boy dharok
It's just fixing a bug that popped up with Leagues release!
All my homies hate graceful
Imagine Graceful's passive effect will still make it useful in a bunch of the same places as before, but hopefully fewer people will feel baited into rushing it on an account and realising it's not that great and not worth burning out your new player pals at Canifis rooftops for!
Drain rate is drastically lowered at 99 so you'll still notice a huge impact, keep scrolling!
Thanks for coming to the 10am event, everybody! Sorry it's so short, I really need to drive to my mum's now. But 5pm GMT, and 10pm GMT, we'll go for a bit longer :)
Merry Christmas <3
As a new member of this club, nice work fam ❤️